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Everything posted by BarkLessWagMore

  1. Very well said. The incident in question was a year ago which begs the question as to why TG felt the need to run the story again now. If it was worthy of print, run it when it happened and, if he did, why run it again. Tabloid journalism indeed.
  2. That video was followed by lengthy live interviews with Steve Tasker, Bruce Smith and Scott Berchtold, which were also very good and quite moving. I hope they are posted somewhere later.
  3. The $870mm was definitely their guess at fair market value, not book value. You will see the Bills listed in future years at or near the $1.3B sale price, however you will also see a substantial increase in the values of other teams as a result of this sale. Keep in mind that valuing any business is more of an art than it is a science. The Bills sale will raise the value of every NFL team.
  4. Again, that's why they play the games. Recent history is no more an indicator of our chances than 10 years ago. That's the beauty of sport, each season is a clean slate and everyone starts 0-0. Don't kid yourself, we can win that game.
  5. Actually his point is not well taken at all. He said that he could not envision any way the Bills win the opener, for the reason that they have not had a quality road win since 1992. Previous posters totally shot that down. We have had several quality road wins since 1992 (though not nearly enough). And of course there are many ways we could end up winning the Bears game. That's why they play the damn thing. He's just trying to be provocative without any factual basis to back it up.
  6. So, other than those, Schopp was spot on. Way to go Mike! (thanks for the research)
  7. Lucy was a disappointment. Might make for a decent late night insomnia cure in a few years on Fx, but on the big screen was just an 80 minute bore.
  8. Thanks for posting that. The changes look great. Long way to go to be completed on time.
  9. I live off Towers Blvd A quick search shows you are correct. The original proposal many years ago was for Lowe's but apparently that fell through and it will be a Wal-Mart, leaving their current location a mile away at the old Thruway Mall another vacant blight on the landscape. Yay!
  10. Benderson is putting a Lowe's there. The Super Flea is supposed to move to South Cheektowaga at the site of the now totally empty former Garden Village Plaza. The last store (Dollar General) just moved out of there in the last few weeks and it looks like they might finally demolish that eyesore. Not sure if that all can happen so quickly but I sure hope so as the decrepit plaza has been a blight on our neighborhood for years.
  11. the News article today referenced thousands of fans. Looked to be a substantial crowd from the photos I saw. http://www.buffalonews.com/sports/bills-nfl/bills-tribute-to-wilson-draws-thousands-of-grateful-fans-to-field-house-20140405
  12. This is the best news possible. It means that Ralph did exactly what many of us in the estate planning world hoped he would do. He transferred ownership to his much younger and healthier spouse using the unlimited marital transfer provision of the tax code. Essentially, the estate tax issues that have been discussed ad nauseum have now been postponed in full until Mary passes, which is hopefully a long, long time. In addition, unlike executors or trustees, she has no obligation to sell to the highest bidder. The Bills asset can now be transferred as she sees fit. Hopefully she remains the owner or has it in mind to sell to local interests as long as a competitive bid is made. This is important and great news that contradicts directly many things we were told prior to Ralph's passing, namely that no one in the Wilson family had any interest in owning the team. I suspect Ralph and Mary felt it was no one's business that they had made this plan.
  13. Scottrade also. Very happy with the setup and online access. I use the research some too and find it adequate for my needs.
  14. First, great to "see" you Westside. I believe you will have a great time in Boston. Fenway is fun. Last trip there we stayed at the W Hotel in the Theater District and it was great. Centrally located to all transportation and much of the fun stuff is walkable. Ultra modern hipster hotel to be sure, but we enjoyed it anyway. Daughter lives in Portland ME and while it is a tad small and quaint for her tastes, we love visiting her there. Really cool little city right on the ocean with great restaurants. In the summertime it is jammed with people. 4 or 5 cruise ships daily in port. Hotel rooms right downtown can be $400+ a night so plan accordingly. But worth the trip IMO. Also Portsmouth NH is quite nice as well.
  15. The new album is simply amazing. Can't stop listening to it. Thanks for the heads up on Conan.
  16. Outstanding 'Sphere. Thanks for posting. Love the 16 year apart photo of the Corgi.
  17. There is nothing wrong with this kid. My daughter had a very similar reaction to the anesthesia they used when she had her wisdom teeth out. Shocked the wife and I because she was not prone to emotional outbursts but she was crying hysterically and we couldn't calm her down for a long while. The doctor told us it was a quite common reaction (wish we had known that earlier). I just want to know what kind of a parent allows their son to be recorded in that condition and the video posted online. It was obvious she was asking questions to keep the "funny" responses coming. From a parenting standpoint, I found this video pretty disturbing and not funny in any way. JMO.
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