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Everything posted by DanInUticaTampa

  1. In hindsight, Arians would have been a great hire over Marrone. Out of all the coaching hires that year, I was thinking Mccoy might come out on top. But Arians is definently one of the best head coaches out there now. If Marrone got rid of hackett and the front office put more effort into the QBs, then Marrone isn't so bad.But I don't see his method working. I see him doing the sames things over and over and it is failing. Im sad, because he was an exciting hire, just because it was nice to hire a coach that wasn't fired in the last 5 years.
  2. Only bring in polian if he doesn't bring in his son. his son screws up. I wouldn't say whaley has done "nothing" I have liked some things he has done. too early to tell. The biggest problem with this team has been the QB postion, and that blame lands on everyone in the front office from nix to whaley and everyone else. They should be drafting a QB every year, even if it is in the 4th round. They should be doing that until we actually have a QB. We almost never draft a QB. Before EJ the last two QBs we drafted were Trent and Brown. If you are looking for a frachise qb, and those are your draft choice, you aren't investing enough into the QB position. Bills need to invest more of the draft into the QB postion. They need to find an answer at QB We also need to improve the two guard postions, but that shouldn't be as hard as getting a franchise QB And Marrone needs to replace Hackett. He wont do it, but he should
  3. There are some times where it seems to be on orton. He holds on to it what seems like all day. Granted, it isn't common with him. Maybe 3 times a game. But it is frustrating when it happens. And the oline is definitely the biggest problem with the offense right now.
  4. taking first team reps isn;t a sure thing he is starting, but it does hint at it
  5. Another thing about benjamin is he has cam newton throwing to him, where as watkins has...you know
  6. I wasnt expecting that. Orton needs more experience with the offense.
  7. I love Stevie, but the carolina catch and yesterdays catch were very different. Stevie was wide open in the carolina catch and watkins was pretty well covered. I love stevie and I miss him, but Watkins is a super rare talent. he could become a top 3 receiver after he gets some experience and better QB play
  8. It would be pretty silly from a job security view for him to say anything else. I don't care what he or anyone says on the radio. What I care about is the bills sucked it up sunday. We talk about teams wins with chicago and detriot, that NE game was a team loss. It is crazy that we are doing better on the road than we are at home. Oh these bills.... but lets talk more about the guys on the radio, cause they are the real problem.
  9. I don't get how 1st down can be so difficult. You can probably use almost any play from the play book. It isn't like it is third and long and you have select plays to choose from. That defense looked bad in the second half, but they looked tired too. After a 1st half where all the Pats points were off of turnovers, that probably killed a lot of their momentum. I think the defense can be cut some slack. They have been very good most of the year, so having one bad game shouldn't make us tear the defense apart But that offense.... we need 2 new guards and a new QB. You put two adequet guards and a top 20 QB on this team and we would dominate the division and could challenge for the top of the afc.
  10. I don't want Holgrem, but Ernie Acrosi would be a nice consultant. I would trust his evaluation on what changes need to be made. Kind of disapointed Polians name didn't come up. I say bring in Wolf, Ernie Acrosi, and polian and get all 3 of their opinions.
  11. He is definently getting more comfortable in front of the camera/public speaking. At first, I questioned his intelligence. Ill never forget the PC call after he was drafted and I couldn't make out a single word he said.
  12. Agreed. If and when Swartz leaves, I think they promote pepper from within.
  13. I say keep him if the price is right. He has had his good games this year, and he came up huge with that kickoff return in the bears game. I say keep him on as long as the price is right. Dont overpay for him.
  14. Ill go with this. Though if we don't make the playoffs, coaching staff will change and EJ will be riding the bench next year
  15. Hate to say it, but this isnt on EJ, oline, Hackett, Refs, or any of those guys. it is all on me.Every year the game before my birthday is always a loss. This is my fault, hands down.
  16. you can pretty much lock our 2nd round pick to be a guard next year. Even if we sign a good one in free agency, we still need a 2nd one.
  17. Even though his accuracy is poor and his throws in general don't have that touch you see the elite QBs have when they throw it, I see improvement from last year by just an eyeball test. Even though we have receivers making tough catches on bad throws now, last year a lot of these throws receivers weren't able to make a play. So yeah, the throwing is nowhere near where it should be, but I think there is still hope his accuracy gets better. I personally am more worried about his ability to read the field. I have seen very little improvement on that part of his game. Hopefully that works itself out, but im concerned
  18. We can never have a normal football season. If it isn't something like this, it is players beating girls, players beating kids, Players killing people, players killing dogs, players putting bounties on other players..... good grief. Not to mention spygate. These stories shadow over any real football stuff, it is a downer every season.
  19. I think it is almost safe to say Bills will beat them at least once this year. Brady is still way better than EJ, but overall we have a more talented roster.beating them at home shouldn't be out of the question. I am not sure if we will end the year with a winning record, but I have a feeling we have a winning record against the division opponents. All the teams in our division are more beatable than they have been. biggest threat is the jets
  20. I think you are getting them confused. I can understand being concerned with pears teaching richardson at guard, but pears teaching henderson to play tackle doesn't seem like a bad thing. Results of hendersons play looks promising, and he is the exact type of player that needs a vet mentor
  21. No way they do that. All that will do is slow down the run game and have the receivers getting single coverage. You can't single cover our receivers and expect that to work. There is no secondary in the nfl that can do that.
  22. EJ definitely looks better than last year. Game is slowing down for him. He has a ways to go if he is going to turn into the player we all hope he will be, but it is looking good for his development. And winning games will help that development. He has to work on his timing and reads more, but he is definently improving. seeing him beat a good team on the road last week really made me think he did take a couple steps forward from last year
  23. If he plays like he did today, making it to the playoffs should be expected. If he improves? who knows, endless possibilities. If he gets worse? I don't want to know
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