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Everything posted by DanInUticaTampa

  1. I don't know if I would call this best case scenario. We have too many holes to trade up, but I don't think we have so many holes that trading down would be the best. I think best case is jake mathews or Mike Evans falls to us. These guys would instantly make us better. If we get jake mathews in round 1, we take a TE in round 2. If we can get evans, then we take a tackle in round 2. Those scenarios seem more favorable to me since the drop off in talent for top top 6-8 players drops up after that, and it would be nice to get a top talent. But if neither of those guys is there, which is very likely, then trading down seems like a good idea. Manziel might not be the only trade bait. Donald could very well be trade bait as well. Trading to 16 sounds good to me. It seems steep, but this is a deeper class compared to normal years, and I think the talent at 9 will be the same at 16. Unless one of the top players falls to us, in which case you take one of those top players regardless.
  2. Hypothetically, if we add Watkins, that would make our receivers an elite unit. We have Stevie, woods, and mike Williams as very good number 2s and then Watkins who is a legit number 1. With that said, it would kinda suck to lose picks. Would really like to use our 2nd round pick on an RT.
  3. From the broadcast, it was implied the browns would use their 2nd pick on Carr, not the 4th overall. It was just speculation because they liked him. The broadcast they were discussing different scenarios to where the QBs could go. Unless there was another one on at another time I didn't see.
  4. If the bills move up, most realistic spot would be with raiders. Price is more realistic. If a player they want real bad falls to that 5th pick, then I can see them jumping up. I don't think there will be a player like that at 5 unless they want Evans that badly. I like Evans, but not toove up. Rather stay and draft Ebron and keeping our 2nd for a tackle or something
  5. yeah, I believe it is just poor wording and shouldn't read too much into it. He is just vocalizing that he is happy in buffalo. Nothing too cryptic. that is annoying about the Parker thing. He will probably have to restructure and maybe even take a pay cut after next year to stay on the team. Unless he has a super awesome year. He is over paid and he isnt the greatest player, but he is a solid talent and I have grown a sentimental attachment to him, so I hope he stays for awhile longer. After this year is pretty questionable though.
  6. Only thing they have in common is the media likes to talk about them. Otherwise they are polar opposites in pretty much every other measurable.
  7. I don't think you read the interview. He was pretty clear as to why he would sell of his casino shares. From the article: http://www.buffalonews.com/sports/bills-nfl/trump-card-billionaire-declares-interest-in-buying-bills-keeping-them-in-buffalo-20140414 Not sure how you get that he would be selling casinos to pay for the bills. If that is what you get from the quote, we have very different interpetations.
  8. On another note, he wouldn't be an ideal owner to me, but since he said he would keep the team in buffalo, he has my support. Hopefully there is a enough pro buffalo fire power to beat out the canadian groups. If someone makes a good offer and says they would keep the team in buffalo, they really should pay respect to Ralph's legacy and sell the team to them rather than giving the candians any shot.Though it is still their right to get the best offer possible
  9. He only owns a small portion of those casinos now. He would dump them not to fund buying the bills, but to qualify for ownership. Nobody in the NFL, owners, players, coaches, front office, etc can have a gambleing business, even if it is legal and not football related.
  10. no way do the bills trade up to the 3rd over all pick to draft a tackle. If they draft up at all, it would be with the raiders at the earliest. Even then I don't see it being a tackle if they trade up. Far too many tackles in this draft to trade up
  11. Even though I hate to admit it, I enjoy ESPN the day of the draft more. It tends to be more entertaining with some more human interest stories and some better background on the players personal lives. NFL network is far better with analysis, but it can be dry because on almost every pick they give a run down on the players combine stats and compare it to their proday stats, then compare it to player X who is in the nfl. I watch both, but ESPN is a little more entertaining to watch. But I always want Mayock's opinion on a lot of the picks, especially bills and afc east teams. They are using Daniel Jereiah a lot lately, I think they move him to the main table this year. I think they have gotten a lot of good feedback about him. But I agree, putting those four together would be pretty wonderful.
  12. From memory, San Jose Bills fan was a huge supporter, claiming he didn't understand how pundits didn't think EJ would be the clear favorite when he had better stats, won more games, had less talent around him. I remember lots of EJ threads, especially after senior bowl game when he was the only QB the whole game that actually played well. I would have called EJ a 2nd round pick at worst. All these people thinking he would fall to the third are kidding themselves.
  13. This is what I am hoping for. if we needed LT, then I would say go with tackle first. I would love evans, but I don't think he falls to us. Ebron would still be a nice addition. At paper looks like reach, but he would def be a boost to our offense. Getting RT in the 2nd round looks promising. Really hope it is evans though. Adding him would pobably make our receivers and elite unit. He would be our number 1 and we would essentially has 3 numbers 2s,
  14. Cause he played more games and bills suck. but honestly, writing of Geno or EJ at this point is premature. both are talented, but have a lot to learn
  15. He obviously knows talent pretty well, especially from is Washington Days. But rating 7 rookie QBs ahead of EJ is a head scratcher. I can see an argument for 3, maybe even 4. But 7 is a little too much. But to further it, he hasn't been a GM in quite awhile. As a media guy, he watches less tape, doesn't talk with the prospects like he used to, and doesn't have a staff feeding him info. He knows what he is talking about, but I would take it with a grain of salt. Same thing can be said for Polian. With that said, bill did pick a bad year to draft a QB. Pretty much the same when they drafted Trent, horrible year to draft a QB. Not calling EJ a bust, but he has a lot to prove. And saying 7 QBs this year are better than him is ridiculous. I would bet good money that if you put all 7 of those qbs on an nfl team together, and have them compete for the job, EJ would beat out at least 4 of those guys. Barring injury of course.
  16. Agreed, Im not his biggest fan, but his twitter has a lot of entertainment value.
  17. this seems realistic of what will happen, if he stays healthy. Him staying healthy really is the only major concern. But 24 TDs and 10 picks seems about what to expect. They have already added a weapon to receivers, and they should be upgrading a couple spots on the oline in the draft. So he should play better reguardless if he himself improves just because he has more talent around him.
  18. Yeah, they are looking for teams with high profile players.
  19. I think it can go both ways with him, but there is def concern there with his off the field issues. Getting stabbed by your brother? I mean, that isn't that far from missing games had it happen this season.... he got kicked off the team under marrone at syracuse... last year, Dareus, who doesn't seem to have off the field issues, at least no publicly, got benched for 3 quarters last season. It isn't a stretch to say this guy will miss playing time on this team due to being a trouble maker, whether is is something small or big, I don't have much confidence in him as a long term answer. But I think it the short term, he will be a nice shot of fire power the offense needs. So I like the trade, but I don't see the bills passing on evans or watkins unless they REALLY love an OT that falls to them. I guess there is a chance for ebron or a LB, but I don't think they go after ebron except in a trade down like last year, and I think they have too many high draft picks on defense already I think they are investing more on offense now
  20. I still think WR is in the mix for the first two picks if the value is right. William is a nice addition to our receivers, but there is still some risk in there beause of his off the field issues. The bills really shouldnt write off the postion just because they aquired him
  21. Stevie isnt expendable yet, but I do fear this coaching staff doesn't value him very much and his days are numbered after this season. Even though he isn't a true number one, I really do like him a lot. Still one of my favorite players and seems to actually like buffalo and has loyalty. I really hope he has a good season this year and maybe he takes a pay cut/restructures because I would like him to stay longer in buffalo. Bills need to bring in a number one still, but I would like to see stevie stay. Say what you want, but he is a decent player and he loves buffalo. Only excuse people have for hating him is because he is over paid and he likes attention, which is silly compared to the crap other players get away with.
  22. probably going to come out closer to the end of april. I think it was almost draft time when the schedule came out last year.
  23. yeah, the sooner it sells the better. It would look a lot less attractive to people who want to move the team if they are stuck with that clause for the next 5 + years.
  24. I don't know. They both have an uphill battle from where the franchises they are working for. Neither has a top 20 QB (as far as we know), franchieses have historically lost, and their competition still has them beat. I don't like either of their chances really. but only time will tell
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