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Stevie Ray

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Everything posted by Stevie Ray

  1. Might as well bring in a brain surgeon who can perform a labotomy on Trent in order for him to make better decisions.
  2. Probably just razzin' his old teammate. He is a girl though!
  3. Tipster, your post and attitude is commendable and as fans, I'm sure alot of us would like to feel the same way. But we've gone through these "rebuildings" and "things will now start to head in the right direction" scenarios long enough, and there's only so much of this BS you can take. From now on, I'll remain skeptical until I see the results. I'll still root for the team, but I wont expect much until there is a complete overhaul, and that means at the very top.
  4. Maybe Dickie caught him snickering about Turk's "Pop Warner" crack.
  5. So they get rid of Chambers, and now Walker? And Bell has been out with an injury the past few weeks? I dont get it!
  6. You are correct. It was Terry Bledsoe who was GM at the time of the Smith pick. And it was him that convinced Ralph to not go after Flutie. In fact, he still felt they could pursue Kelly after Kelly rebuffed the Bills to go to the USFL.
  7. And so continues the abysmal track record of DJ's offensive coordinator hires. Lets hope AVP doesnt continue the trend (albeit not as a hire).
  8. Its sad....I dont really know whether to be ecstatic or concerned?
  9. Imagine Ralph being asked the same question about Dick: "I dont see things in him that other people see".
  10. No doubt Todd haley was going to call his own plays anyway. Nevertheless, the timing is unusual.
  11. Yes, because we will now never achieve 7-9 seasons like we did with him around.
  12. Perhaps what Sellers did wasnt deliberate, although it is still unbelievable that anyone wouldnt know how to treat our flag. YOUR initial response to the thread was totally classless and stupid. Disrespectful to all who have sacrificed for our country.
  13. Agreed. Kelly's Bills defense, Elway's Bronco defense and Marino's Dolphin defense could never compare to the current Steeler or Giants D. And even Banks article states that the Chargers need to strengthen their defense to make a legitamate shot st the championship. The thing about the '83 QBs is that they essentially carried their teams (via the offense) to their respective Super Bowls (but their defenses couldnt seal the deal). While Ben and Eli certainly were instrumental in their teams going to and winning their SBs, they couldnt have done it without those incredible defenses.
  14. Makes you wonder, if the people who are upset at the call would be upset if it were April/DJ who had made the same call.
  15. Thats funny! He's probably boycotting the bathing industry because bathtubs are made in the color white.
  16. Oh for the love of god, its Jolson, not Jarreau!!!! Jarreau was a singer in the 80's (theme from moonlighting). I cant believe so many posts kept referring to the wrong man.
  17. Had to read that twice, for a second I thought you were referring to Rootie!
  18. Ah yes, I remember the press conference where Wade announced the start of the "Wade Phillips/Rob Johnson era". Yeah, that went down well!
  19. Truly a classy guy. Ran into him a few years ago after the Green Bay game at a bar at Buffalo Niagara Int'l. He was with a group, probably family, but he was willing to shake some hands, sign some autographs and exchange greetings with a few fans there. The epitome of what an NFL player should be.
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