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Everything posted by reddogblitz

  1. Several posters on PPP sound a lot like "regular Joe".
  2. Frank Zappa and Phyllis George are among my fellow alums.
  3. I have heard Mikr Singletary describe it as sending more guys at the QB than they have the ability to block.
  4. I voted for EJ. I know its a minority opinion, but I think he's good. He's good in crunch time. He has played well in the 4th quarter resulting in several wins. But really, I just want who plays best and gives us the best chance to win THIS YEAR. When the games begin next week I'll have a lot better of who I want.
  5. LOL I thought the way it worked was if someone spouted an opinion and someone else asked them to clarify, they would post up some explanation or link or something Germaine. Not a link to the Encyclopedia Britanica. Silly me. Sillier even is that you are the decider on who is worthy to discuss things. Have you read the whole Patriot Act like Magox? Impressive that he has.
  6. It's not and I never said it was. Keep your knowledge under your hat. Smart.
  7. I never offered any opinion other than I think it's good Bernie voted against it and I still do. I just asked you to clarify yours which obviously you can't or won't do. If you have to read the whole Patriot Act to discuss it, then you and a few others can discuss it in a telephone booth. Good for you for reading. Would be nice if you could share some of your magnificent insights, but alas, for some reason won't. More name calling. Nice.
  8. I can offer an opinion on whatever I want as can you. It's a free country. Just because I haven't read the whole thing doesn't mean I don't know anything about it. All I did was ask you to explain how 90% of it was on the books already. You couldn't do that. I never said I was an expert on it. I just asked because I was genuinely curious. If you read it and are such an expert it should be easy to answer.
  9. Congrats on reading the whole thing. You're a better man than me. Name calling is always an effective way to make one's point.
  10. You have no idea what I read and what I don't. I read the first page of the link you (or somebody) sent. No, I did not read the whole Patriot Act, did you?
  11. Maybe if Obama does put a cork in it for good, Hillary can tell us what she thinks about it?
  12. iT'S AN OPINION, NOT A FACT FOR CRYIN' OUT LOUD. The fact that you can't see that shows what's wrong with the educational systems wherever YOU came from. The fact that you think your opinion is right and obvious except for people too stupid to agree with it is what makes it all but impossible to rationally discuss anything on PPP. I've heard Bernie talk a lot and I have not once heard him say he wants to hand "the reins to an unaccountable centralized bureaucracy". Where does that come from? I dare you to show me a quote where he says that or anything similar. If it's so obvious and should be common knowledge help me out and explain it. I know I'm stupid, but work with me.
  13. In your beady little mind perhaps, but you haven't explained $hit. And you have no idea on what I have read and what I haven't as I've already demonstrated. Heading page proved my point that new investigative powers have been established. But yeah, trust 'em that they didn't. You deserve Donald Duck as your POTUS.
  14. Stating opinions that you can't even bother to explain is the essence of being a blow hard. If you believe this so strongly I would think putting together a paragraph or two explaining it wouldn't be hard instead of pointing me to read the law. The people who passed it didn't even read it. And you're lieing because I did read the cliff notes version and stated: It's your point. You do it. I'm not your research assistant.
  15. In other words you can't back up your point or choose not to. I'll just go with it's hogwash. Again, its not my job to prove your points. Over and out.
  16. Thanks. Pointing me to the Government site selling the Patriot Act doesn't prove your point. You said 90% of Patriot Act was already legal. I didn't find any info like that. Just reading the firstpage however did highlight new investigative powers. I'm not going to read the whole thing and see if "90%" of it was already on the books. You made the assertion, back it up. So far you've given me a lot of excuses and buried me in virtual paper.
  17. You can run, but you can't hide! No comments on the rest of my post?
  18. You made the point. It's up to you to produce the backup info. I'm not your research assistant. Don't make comments if you can't back 'em up. Besides, in keeping with the spirit of the thread, Google is not my friend. They record everything you do and sell the info to others and turn it over to the Fed when they're subpenaed for it.
  19. I'm not going to do homework to prove your point. If it's such a great point you're making, prove it. Until I see otherwise I'll take it as hogwash.
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