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Everything posted by reddogblitz

  1. OK, well what abut when he pancaked Watt. Does that count?
  2. Y'all really need to read Spygate. This was all covered in there along with Brady's mic being left on and this bugging business and other stuff. Even includes analytics.
  3. If yall say so. Just because he's big doesn't mean he's good. He made a couple of nice plays like the Tyrod scaramble/catch and the TD (Boobie couldn't do that?). But most runs he got stuffed. He was 14 for 40 with one a 10 yard run. So outside of that he was 13 carries for 30 yards. Those are Johnny White type numbers. I was underwhelmed. He might turn out to be good, but as of now he'd be a big dropoff from what Fred can do (I understand the age thing). Will be fun to see what he does tonight.
  4. I saw absolutely nothing in the game last week to convince me of that. I know Karlos is the shiny new toy, but to me it looked like he plowed into the pile and moved it a little. If there's a big whole he can run through it. His vision of finding a hole seems to be underdeveloped at this point, whereas with Fred, it's his bread and butter. Big difference. Bryce seems to be a much better runner (if he can hold onto the football). As far as Boobie, I re watched the Packer game last week and Boobie is a BEAST and a monster on kicking teams. I really hope he makes it too.
  5. AND Fred is a GREAT blocker. Surely we haven't forgotten his pancake on Watt.
  6. We had Fitz AND Tarvaris Jackson on the team and under contract. We wisely cut them both in order to sign Kevin "Body Bag" Kolb. Not one of our smarter moments.
  7. Couldn't they find a picture of the teachers having sex in the restroom?
  8. If Brady knew and didn't do anything to stop it he's as guilty as sin. Take your medicine like a big boy Tommy.
  9. Tommy is just fighting this tooth and nail the whole way to save his HOF cred. He doesn't want to be football's version of Barry Bonds, SammySosa, Mark McGwire, or Pete Rose. Guys who would be in but can't get voted in because of the illegal cheating they did while playing.
  10. GOSH I hope not. My father told me to NEVER hit a girl (I was a boy at the time). He was right.
  11. Why not? Goodwin and Graham were the starting WRs for the November 17, 2013 matchup vs the hated Jets at the Ralph. Woods was out. I was at that game. EJ played great and we won 37-14. E. Manuel 20/28 245 8.8 2 0 If EJ can do it, surely the great Tyrod Taylor can as well.
  12. Raise the tax cap from $118,500 to $2,000,000 would go a long way too.
  13. Smart move saving money and not depending solely on social security. Won't be enough anyway. This won't be around business though I seriously doubt. When I was in college and got a summer job, the boss recommended us summer workers to not contribute because SS wouldn't be around for us. That was 1979. It's still here and I could start taking payments in a few years. Didn't believe it then and still don't. Needs to be fixed and it wouldn't be that hard to do. A fix will happen at some point to keep it going I suspect.
  14. If he had caught the one in the EZ from TYrod, he'd be a shoe in. It was a perfectly thrown ball that went through his hands. An out and out drop. He did catch a nice TD pass from EJ, but who cares? EJ sucks. PS maybe?
  15. I wasn't a Bills fan then so I go with Quinn. Marv speaks highly of Quinn in his book. First Bills jerrsey I ever got which I still have and wear. Dude had some serious hands. Funny thing. I was thinking of wearing it to a game thinking no one else would have one. There was a guy in my section wearing a Quinn jersey. Only in Buffalo ...
  16. TYrod hasn't done enough to unseat Trent yet. He's gotta earn it.
  17. No way I could ever cheer for a team wearing those butt ugly suits. That and the 1st game I ever went to at the Ralph was against them and we lost. I hate em.
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