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Everything posted by reddogblitz

  1. I'm wondering if people who think it's no big deal have NFL Sunday Ticket? If you don't, it would change your life in how you watch NFL Football if you did. Then you might know why it's a big deal for those of us who do have it.
  2. I can't of course. But just because we got into the Banana Wars, the Halls of Montezuma, Viet Nam, Iraq I and Iraq II doesn't necessarily mean we gotta get in this one. You know what it means to repeat the same mistakes expecting different results, right?
  3. I don't know, Jihadism hasn't had global reach so far. Eventually ISIS will over extend themselves and thus be less powerful. See the British and Roman empires. Of course I don't think they'll get that far. If we saved all that Money we're wasting over there and used it here to develp and use renewable energy like Brazil and Germany are doing the oil market would be a total non issue for us. This idea that we have to spend massive money and human life because we think someone may do something to us some day is nuts IMHO. That philosophy has greatly contributed to where we are now. I think ISIS doesn't necessarily want to come here to get us, they're itching for us to come over there. If we do, this will be our first ground war against a real army with real weapons and a desire to win at all costs since Viet Nam with similar results I suspect.
  4. I don't know. Please tell me what it looks like. Its a totally different world over there. Its a religeous/tribal war. And its not just 2 groups and they all want to kill each other. We nor anyone else for that matter can make them like each other. If or when we do win, the top will blow off of it when we leave. Just like what is happening now.
  5. I see your point to a degree. How will we know when we have won?
  6. I'll take a pacifist president any day over the war mongering presidents we've had over the last 50 years including Kennedy, LBJ, Nixon, Bush I, Clinton, Bush II, and Obama. None of the countries in any of those wars were any threat to us or our freedom. All we have to show for them is carnage, death, brain scrambled veterans, massive debt, and new enemies. We're making enemies faster than we can kill them.
  7. If I misrepresented I apologize. I was going by what you had said: "Chafee's speech condemning going to war included language about how it was sad that we would go to war again so soon after leaving Vietnam. Seriously." From that I figured he was using some lessons learned in Viet Nam. My bad. He's a pacifist. Cool. I'm good with that.too. I stand by my original stance that he made the right decision for whatever reason. He made the right decision. I applaud him for that.
  8. You missed my second question: "Can you explain to someone who is not smart enough to know that "sometimes process is more important than outcome" why that is so and point to a case which illustrates that please?" Care to share your wisdom on this one with me? Also explain how is "process" was bad? I wish more of our "leaders" would use lessons learned from Viet Nam in making decisions on gong to war.
  9. Tell that to the 4500+ moms, dads, brothers, sisters, wives, husbands of Americans that got killed plus the 500,000 Iraqi civilians who were killed. "Hey, at least we got the process right. That's more important than your loved one's life." Can you explain to someone who is not smart enough to know that "sometimes process is more important than outcome" why that is so and point to a case which illustrates that please?
  10. BS and who cares? Why would this matter? He made the right decision. War should only be a last resort. Anyone that doesn't understand this has no place in power IMHO.
  11. I pay for ALL the games on Sunday Ticket. I also pay for TIVO and record all the Bills game and re watch later. I won't be able to do that. I want what I paid for. Too much to ask?
  12. One of the best reasons for a national sales tax or Fair Tax or whatever you want to call it is people will know exactly how much they pay in taxes to the Fed. Now most people don't know. They know their net but not their gross. Once people got wind of it, they may change their tune. Also a good reason why the governing class is so against. it.
  13. Since I don't do hockey, I voted for the Bills. PLAYOFFS BABY !! Go BILLS !!!
  14. Like how McDonalds pays their employees so little that they get welfare and food stamps which is payed for by whom? Whether you think these people should pull themselves up by their bootstraps and get better jobs or not, the fact of the matter is McDonalds pays them below the poverty level, knows it, and helps their employees get more money from the government (us). Corporate and consumer welfare all rolled into one. Exactly what you think they think is happening.
  15. Corporations should pay ZERO income tax. It all gets passed down to the consumer anyway. It's a cost of doing business. When costs go up, prices go up.
  16. Did I say that? Did you not see the part where I stated (and I qoute): "My point is, when you're in a hole, stop digging. All we're doing over there in our "War on ISIS" is arming ISIS to use our own weapons against us and our people over there."
  17. My point is, when you're in a hole, stop digging. All we're doing over there in our "War on ISIS" is arming ISIS to use our own weapons against us and our people over there.
  18. I see, then they still got the 30. Only a matter of time until they blow up in our face too.
  19. Where do you suppose they got the humvees from? One of the 30 left behind by the Iraqi troops last week?
  20. “We’ve said from day one that we take nothing for granted, and two, we’re humble, which is a direction from Hillary herself,” said Matt Paul, Mrs. Clinton’s Iowa director.
  21. Like so many of these things, sounds like 2 dumbasses. The 18 year old for heckling JF. He said no autograph, so buzz off kid. And JF for not signing and for not leaving.
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