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Everything posted by reddogblitz

  1. An August 7th Augusta Chronicle poll shows Trump at 31% and Jeb at 14%. He's going up, not down, much to the chagrin of FOX News and the RNC and Bush Family back pocket boys (and girls) everywhere.
  2. If that's what Trump meant, he wouldn't have said "or somewhere", he would have said, it was a dumb question because she was on the rag or called her a fat pig or something. He doesn't couch his insults like that. Really I don't know if he meant what it is widely construed as meaning tor not, but it does seem like an out of character insult in it's delivery if that indeed was his intent.
  3. Normally yes, but Rex has been known to put his starter in in the 4th quarter of pre season games.
  4. Actually, she did. http://twitchy.com/2015/06/23/racist-hillary-clinton-commits-unforgivable-outrage-saying-all-lives-matter-in-a-black-church/
  5. What should Bernie have done? Last time he and Lincoln Charffee tried to talk to them and got tarred and feathered as racists. Perhaps he should have done what Obama does and Rubio is doing next week. http://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/politics/rubio-plans-fundraising-swing-into-bellevue-on-monday/ Fly in, hop in a limousine, and ride to Medina or Bellevue and pick up a satchel of cash while no riff raff (people without 5 or 6 figure "donations") will even be able to see him?
  6. I think you are severely misunderestimating Donald. Which Republican candidate will not be portrayed as carrying out a "War on Women"? Marco "no exception for the life of the mother" Rubio perhaps? Pro Life Jeb? Mike "5th and 14th Ammendment" Huckabee? Donald will not be afraid of Hillary and swing back (figuratively) fiercley. He made a comment about Hillary and Clinton Foundation and fund raising Thursday which was right on the money. More to follow no doubt. He's fearless about that stuff unlike Jeb, Marco, and the rest because they're all doing the same thing. Did you notice his no time for PC probably got the biggest hand of the night? That's his appeal and why he's winning. I'm sick of politics as usual by BOTH SIDES and I'm not alone. You go Donald. It's obvious to anyone paying attention that now the Republican Party is doing its earnest to get him out. This should be fun.
  7. 1 person 1 vote. It's not complicated.
  8. A better comparison would be "Red Eye" on FOX. It stinks, but it's supposed to be funny and about current political stuff.
  9. I didn't watch the Daily Show because I don't like John's style of silliy humor. The Colbert Report on the other I loved. Sorry to see it go. I did get this email from the DCC this morning however: Sign our card thanking Jon Stewart for 16 amazing years >> For years we've depended on Jon Stewart to find the humor amid the madness. So last night's absurd Republican debate only adds to the sting of Jon's departure from the Daily Show. Sure we want to beg him to do one more show and give his take on Trump vs. the world -- but what we probably ought to do instead is thank him for all the laughs he's given us over the past 16 years. Please sign our card to thank Jon Stewart >> Sign the card: https://action.dccc.org/thank-you-jon Thanks, Back to TRUMP, I found it interesting that he made a comment last night that the Mexican government was smarter than our government. Reaching out to hispanics?
  10. I wonder if the thumb drive contains the eMails about planning Chelsea's wedding and SoS Clinton's Mom's funeral?
  11. Paul was right, but Christie is a bigger blow hard. Seems mentioning September 11 will be a big talking point amongst some Republicans this year. Pataki brought it up several times as well. Hard to argue with that I guess.
  12. Interesting that SoS Clinton decided to turn over emails to congress or whoever as a 10 yard high stack of paper, yet can somehow deliver it to her lawyer on a thumb drive. I wonder why she chose to do it that way?
  13. I'm listening to the debate and George has reminded us that he was governor on 9/11 several times. That's what I was referring to.
  14. I disagree. 2 years ago today we were super excited about EJ. Busts were being prepared.
  15. George Pataki was governor on 9/11 in case anyone forgot.
  16. Michael Vick was the slash guy last year. Brad Smith was the guy before TEbow. He played for the Jets from 2006 until we got him. Rex got there in 2009. Brad ran the football 18 times for 207 yards that year.
  17. In the case of an upset, the upsetter is the best team that day. It's not complicated. If they lost, they got outplayed. It's not complicated.
  18. He tried to get him to the Jets because we had Brad Smith and Tebow didn't work out. We needed Taylor to fill Rex' slash guy roster spot. He always has one and this year is no different.
  19. Kiko is soft and injury riddled. Gosh I hate that guy since we traded him to Philly.
  20. LOL The best team gets the most points. There are no style points in football. How else do you judge best team in a game if not by the one that scores the most points?
  21. Did I say that? The team that wins the SB has the best TEAM, can we agree on that? That said, coach gets the most credit and deservedly so IMHO. Who is taking the most grief for the way SB XLIX ended? The coach that called a pass instead of a run to Beast Mode, or the WR who got outmuscled for the football by a rookie?
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