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Everything posted by reddogblitz

  1. If we lose 2 out of the first 3,fans will be rightly questioning the competency of the coaching staff regardless of who the QB is.
  2. "A coach who listens to the fans will soon be sitting with them." -Marv Levy
  3. My nickname for Darby is Toast Island. He either looks great getting 2 picks (Island) of gets burned repeatedly (ToaSt).
  4. My own personal theory which I can't back up by any science of any kind is all the supplements they drink, Protein supplements etc. Go back to the Roger Maris supplements. Cookies and milk.
  5. I'm cool with Cassel if he gets the call. He played very well in the first pre season game. My opinion on Matt is that when in the right situation he can be effective as he was with NE in 2007 and 2010 when the Cheaps made the playoffs. Let's not forget that his final year there the Cheaps were a dumpster/tire fire with Romeo Crennel as the interim HC and the LB shooting himself in the parking lot. The Bills this year is a good situation. We need a QB to put the football in Harvin, Sammy, Woods, McCoy etc. hands. We have plenty of playmakers. We don't need another at QB, we need a point guard. Get the football in the scorers hands.
  6. This is obviously a tainted study since EJ is rated higher than Tryrod. How could ANYONE come to that conclusion? EJ sucks. Everybody knows that.
  7. Taylor Swift might even be worse. Another corporate logo reference. I'm going with Tyrod. Go TYrod!
  8. Interesting that "The project" has thrown more TD passes and led the team to score more points than the 2 non projects combined. And before you say all of Tyrod's were dropped, "the project" has had several dropped as well.
  9. Didn't realize that. Still don't like it. Since Verizon is a Bills sponsor I somehow doubt it will be embraced by the Bills. Go TYrod!!
  10. Can't we come up with nicknames for our players that aren't corporate logos? First "Fred-Ex", and now this? How about Tyrod? That's a cool name.
  11. Or if anyone had been able to block in the Oakland game. With the wonderful "insight" this guy is sharing, makes me wonder if he's ever watched a lick of Bills football.
  12. Who played against the CLEVELAND #2 DEFENSE? You do realize that EJ was also playing with he BUFFALO #3 DEFENSE, right? Since EJ had no blocking or run game and WRs with even worse hands that made up for the difference I would think. It's a wash.
  13. I always thought happy feet meant the QB was prone to take off running. By your definition I'd have to say Peyton Manning has happy feet as well. He's always hopping in the pocket. It did look to me like Tyrod took off few times where he had open WRs. Once he threw the ball away on a roll out when a RB had broken free about 5 - 10 yards upfield but Tyrod didn't see him. I'd say EJ has developed into a nice pocket passer with really nice pocket awareness and patience.
  14. Perhaps the real competition is between EJ and Cassel. Tyrod makes the team as starter if he earns it. If not, he stays as slash guy. We keep either EJ or Cassel. Rex knows what Cassel can do so he's playing EJ to see if he can cut it. Cut the loser so as to only have to keep 2 active QBs freeing up the roster spot for another WR/RB/kicking teams player. I hope we keep all 3. After our decade + QB drought I'd hate to see us dump a guy who can actually play.
  15. Sorry I was talking about Karlos Williams, not Fred.
  16. What exactly did he do that was so "very good" last week? Was it the 2.9 ypc? Was it all the tackles he broke? Was it all the times he found a hole that you couldn't drive a truck through. I've been hearing how great this guy is, but at least last week, he looked mediocre at best. He had 1 10 yard run and then 13 for 30. We've got at least 5 other RBs on the team that could have scored that TD. I don't think he's horrible, but the hype on this guy and then the performance he turned in just don't jive IMHO.
  17. So now it's 3 and that's not enough. How many would it take? I want the best guys THIS YEAR. Screw the future. Besides, the future is now and Fred can still bring it. I'm sure we could find another RB as good as Karlos Williams in the 5th round next year if it comes to that.
  18. I was being sarcastic. I think EJ is good and we could win a lot of games this year with him under center. But the people on here who think he does in fact suck and want to get rid of him are really hard for me to understand. If that's you, have fun with it.
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