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Everything posted by bdutton

  1. More accurately we traded those picks and players to move from 21st to 7th. And got value for players that were in decline.
  2. Dallas Cowboys drafted Troy Aikman and started him for most of his rookie season. They went 1-15 that season and Aikman threw 15 picks and only 9td's. In his second season, the Cowboys went 7-9 with him as a starter and he threw 18 picks and only 11TD's. In 1991, despite throwing only 11 TD's and 10 ints and played in 12 games. Despite that he remained the starter and now he's a hall of famer. Giving a top tier QB prospect only 1-1/2 years to develop is a mistake unless he is stinking it up so bat that he's an obvious failure. Although with numbers like Aikmans, you'd think he could be a bust.
  3. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Race_and_crime_in_the_United_States In 2013, number and percentage of murder arrests by race were: Black or African Americans 4,379 = 52.2% White Americans (including Hispanic Americans) 3,799 = 45.3% American Indians or Alaska Natives 98 = 1.06% Asian Americans 101 = 1.2%[46][47] Blacks make up only 13% of the population but commit the majority of homicides. I'd say we have a bigger problem in the Black community. Also, Hispanics are lumped in together with whites which makes no sense but there you have it.
  4. He was charged with a Felony. I believe that would be against the personal conduct policy of the NFL. I expect a minimum 1 game suspension.
  5. WTF... unhinged. Hopefully he was experimenting with some tainted drugs and is not normally that !@#$ed up.
  6. There is a reason why Casserly is no longer a GM. He's an idiot.
  7. No. Not a character guy. McD got rid of the other low character/high skill players so I don't see him signing a guy with the track record of Suh no matter how good he may be.
  8. I am really starting to get bored with this show.
  9. Need to look back farther than that. If you isolate the time frame you want, you can get just about any conclusion you are looking for.
  10. So a 19 yo college freshman sleeps with her professor makes the professor a sex offender. Got it.
  11. She had sex with an adult. Now she's being compared with/identified as a sex offender?
  12. I'm starting to think that people who believe in the failed policies of the left are probably mentally ill.
  13. But how do you enforce a ban. It's a post fact crime. You cannot prevent the sales... only enforcing the crime of selling the gun IF you catch the buyer doing something illegal with the gun. In ALL states, its already illegal to sell to someone you know to be a prohibited person. So how does adding another layer of legal hoops to jump through make us safer?
  14. The problem has NEVER been the gun. The technology (magazine fed, semi auto) has existed for over a century. The issue of mass shootings of unarmed victims has only been a recent phenomenon (since the mid 1970's). Find the root cause and stop wasting time treating the symptoms (gun control).
  15. I didn't know what that was and I consider myself an expert in most firearms (NRA Certified Instructor, NRA/USAS Certified Rifle Coach, NRA Precision Pistol High Master classification). I had to look up what that 80% meant. So there is a 'loophole' (Gun Contro act of 1968) whereas one could legally purchase a partially completed lower and with the help of a few hardware jigs, complete the lower and purchase the remaining parts to build completed firearm that is not registered, no background check. Honest question... is there an epidemic of murders being committed with guns built using this loophole? ETA: I imagine a vast majority of people who are building these guns are doing so because they are paranoid alt right militia types that don't want their guns to be traceable by the government.
  16. If Cousins is so good, why did Washington spend a fortune to bring in FA Alex Smith?????
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