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Everything posted by bdutton

  1. I caught this Sunday. I was really excited since I love Star Trek, All of the work that Seth McFarland has done over the years and Galaxy Quest. I found the show was trying to take itself too seriously. The snarky humor was sometimes good but usually fell flat. The scene where they destroy the Krill ship was clever and funny though. I'm going to give this a few more episodes. I really hope it delivers better. Anyone else watch this and have an opinion to share?
  2. Damned if you do, damned if you don't. WTF... if you have a law and enforce it as congress had intended you are racist? Obama passed an executive order (which was deemed unconstitutional), and he himself said that congress needed to act, and Trump extends the EO so that Congress cna deal with the mess THEY created. But, that just makes Trump a racist.
  3. http://www.foxnews.com/us/2017/09/05/texas-math-teacher-52-accused-sex-in-public-park-with-her-teen-boy-student.html
  4. If only there were a place where one could post their funny pictures or animated gifs without opening a bunch of separate threads... https://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/194881-funny-picture-or-animated-gif/
  5. EDIT: I didn't realize there were so many shops of this play:
  6. At my Uncles house in East Aurora watching it on the big screen, then drinking myself to sleep.
  7. Mark "Kazoo" Kelso. Making the concussion protocol popular before it was cool.
  8. Check out Stargate Atlantis too. Its not as good as SG-1 but its alright.
  9. Skip to 3:24 to see the Prince Solo. Puts everyone on that stage to shame.
  10. No matter how well he plays, TT keeps the starting job but would be replaced mid game if he sucks.
  11. That's about to change with this new product!
  12. Wow... that is awful. I was just down in Zoar visiting my mother in East Otto on Sunday too.
  13. That girl would probably have been alive today if the police had not been given the order to stand down and keep the groups separated. Also, the alt-left protesters did not have a permit to demonstrate unlike the racists who did have one and even had to get a federal court to allow them to protest. As much as I hate white supremacists/racists they had every right to peacefully assemble and protest. Its the left that shares some blame for escalating this into a violent confrontation. Looking at that video that was posted, the guy may have a case that he feared for his life when they started beating on his car. Imagine what will happen if he can convince a jury that was the case!
  14. I totally agree... trading up in the draft to get Watkins was a mistake.
  15. I like the deal. We got a good receiver and good DB for multiple picks and gave up Darby (solid DB) and Watkins (China doll). We have depth at receiver and we are more of a running team anyways. Stocking up picks and getting better depth or trading up (or down) for better talent has worked very well for the Patriots... why not follow that strategy.
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