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Everything posted by billsintaiwan

  1. indeed. the shoutbox, which i might have to avoid during games from now on, was ridiculous. off hand, i remember mattyshu, deeptoevans, jay ball and dayman as being completely negative and chicken little-like. those aren't exact names, but you probably know who i mean. i really don't get it. why watch the game if you are certain the bills will lose? anyone who knows football knows that this team is the best we've had since the music city rip. way different from jauron's 4-1. yes, there are flaws. the D needs to tighten up and fitz was not (despite his stat line) very accurate today. but overall, the team is physical, the offense has a plan, gailey is legit coach, and they believe in themselves. i figured out during the NE game that they believe in themselves a hell of a lot more than most fans do. i was like many, when it got to be 21-0, i was thinking that i'd seen this game before. almost went to bed. but this team always has a shot and they are a pleasure to watch.
  2. that is my point. buffalo fans wouldn't go see bruce matheson and cinci fans don't want to go see the joke of a tam they put out year after year. yes, they made the playoffs once. so did dick jauron.
  3. i remember in the 80's when there 30k at rich stadium before kelly. people have X amount of money. new shoes or a bengals game? nice dinner or a bengals game? groceries or a bengals game? case of beer or a bengals game? i know my answer.
  4. it couldn't happen to a better bunch of fans...what a bunch of whinging ninnies. on espn today they were all moaning aout the yankees tanking it DURING the rain delay. they wanted the yanks to do the heavy lifting. it couldn't happen to a better bunch of fans...what a bunch of whinging ninnies. on espn today they were all moaning aout the yankees tanking it DURING the rain delay. they wanted the yanks to do the heavy lifting.
  5. This might be Reed's year. Don't see many locks from the new group. Maybe Parcells as coach.
  6. tony gonzales didn't catch a long td pass for tampa bay and stevie johnson isn't small, but the main thrust of the article is good. nice to see gailey getting some recognition.
  7. when did we beat the dolphins in he 38-35 shootout? '83? it's that feeling for me. not quite with it in 1980. i think jerry butler made his final catch, a diving td from fergy, in that game. or i'm mixing memories. anyway, it is one of those old time feelings. emerging from the dark forest.
  8. lee evans is peerless. interpret that how you will. now stomp some patriots arse!
  9. i was watching some coaches film on nfl gamepass and i was actually surprised how open some of our guys are. for instance, v. KC on johnson's 27 yard catch, chandler was wide open cross the middle about ten yards down. fitz just decided to go for it and let johnson win the ball. fitz seems to trust johnson to win the one on one every time and throws into some pretty decent coverage.
  10. he was awful outside of his first 8 games. hard to watch. painful. rob johnson-esque. it was harder to watch than rob johnson because those first 8 games were such a tease.
  11. most bills fans would call 911 on and/or shoot at most bills players who showed up on their doorstep
  12. This right on. i always knew kelly was going to come up with something, or in the case of the comeback, reich. watched that game at casa di pizza and most people were swearing and talking about next year, but i really believed they'd win. completely irrational. now i really believe they'll lose. not totally irrational, but it can be. i bet twenty bucks on the chiefs game with my buddy and he was surrendering at halftime. i kept telling him he wasn't out of it. last week was nice. do that a few more times and maybe the doom will wash away from my mind.
  13. wow, this is right up there in the 'stupid topic' category.
  14. me sitting in my living room at one in the morning. wife and child sleeping peacefully until probably three minutes into the game. beer, corn chips, and wild game pate. and anything else i can snag from the 7-11 downstairs during commercials. neighbors have been trained to not be alarmed by howls in the night. let's get this season started right!
  15. i remember that game because i went to watch it at a strip club in fort erie and ended up half nekkid on stage with performer named 'strawberry fields'. she tore the buttons off my shirt and pants. i was wearing long johns. pretty sure she was high as a kite since the joint turned on all the lights and took her off the stage, not me. combo that with good food, giant tv, legal beer (i was 19), and a bills romp and you have yourself one hell of a day.
  16. he played nose like an offensive guard. battled his guy, seemed oblivious to ball carrier. has a better shot as o-lineman in my opinion.
  17. tim vogler, now there was a quality backup. always played well when he had a shot. yearn for the days of hull, ritcher, devlin (for a bit), wolford, ballard, etc...
  18. will grant - might have the record most holds in a game when he came back and played with the replacements. willie totten was qb.
  19. i'm happy with dareus, but gabbert will be a top ten nfl quarterback. not this year and maybe not next year, but he has the stuff. strong, accurate, and tough. one of us will be wrong and i doubt it's me. saying "he sucks" shows little football sense.
  20. i don't quite get how the bills were supposed to address the shite D and OL in the same draft. they allegedly went after clabo and didn't get him. which OLineman did we miss? the green bay kid who went late in the 1st round? can't fix this mess in one or two drafts. nix is doing fine.
  21. this should have all been in-house. fred jackson is wrong in this situation. his position on the depth chart should be between him and the coaches. and the K isn't great, but it was quite a windfall for him a few years ago. either party can ask to renegotiate a K (i know everyone knows this), so i'm not down on him for that.
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