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Everything posted by billsintaiwan

  1. indeed. that was the end of much suffering. other moment etched is jerry butler's last catch. unless i am remembering with rose colored synapses, i think he made a diving td grab against the dolphins and broke his leg when he landed.
  2. how does one do the ladder? is it like the twist?
  3. clearly just trying to block on the interception return! have waited a good decade for one of our horrible d-linemen to do that to brady.
  4. this team has been looking for a replacement for adam lingner for years. the search continues.
  5. he had a chance to make that trade worthwhile for baltimore. really is a shame. not sure if it is the end of the line for him, but to be that close has to hurt.
  6. the bills played playoff caliber football at the wrong time of the year. these playoffs actually make me hopeful for next year. we have some guys, we didn't have any depth. we need a couple more guys on D, some depth, and some better luck with injuries. not that far away.
  7. the bills started brian brohm against the jets last year. give chan half the defensive talent on the jets and see what happens. he can't catch the ball for stvie johnson or knock down a pass to plaxico.
  8. these last three games have almost made me forget the patriots game. in fact it is painful to watch it now. it's like looking at old pictures of some chick you loved who turned into a crack whore.
  9. mensa meeting there. the kid can't throw. it's not going to happen. trent edwards went 4-1.
  10. i know that when i am following the shoutbox, i'm watching the same people who cheered for the lions in the coliseum while they ate gypsies. and the same people who would line the streets shouting "hail to the king!" i don't expect perfect spelling. and it is easy enough to have typos on handheld devices. though, i reckon i'd double-check the title of a new topic. i stared at that 'routing' one for a couple days.
  11. This really is well-done. talk about working for and living the dream. and if freddie ever wants to go into midget tossing, i'm sure he'll be great! see 05:30. seriously, great job. hope to see more, though it'd be hard to top freddie's story.
  12. yes, the jets game was a kick in the balls, the injuries are mounting, and the Doom is looming, but we can put that shite to bed with a win in Dallas. and what the hell is the point of being a fan if you can't be optimistic?
  13. you could really see how tough his yards were. this week is a huge game. tough to come back from that sort of physical beating. at any rate, glad we have a huge game in week 9.
  14. These two bits reek of something false. the first is over-the-top dramatic, the second seems like it is an imagined experience, not the author's. pretty crap actually. "We foam at the mouth when questioned about the propriety of “pop” over “soda,” “wings” over the ever-reviled “buffalo wings,” just to salvage a little dignity in the face of our crippled way of life… Now I imagine those clear-faced children down in a bar with some Irish name on the south side of Buffalo, tipping back Labatts with the old boys, who haven’t been to work since the steel plant closed a few decades back. They complain about the ball and chain and the Bills, but the Bills still manage to keep their loyalty. They eat whatever’s come out of the deep fryer in the back, they barely avoid a DWI on the way home, and when they wake up in the morning there’s frost on the ground and they don’t notice the very deep blue of Lake Erie and the sunbeams shining along that unending horizon."
  15. i'm not sure if all teams' message boards are the same, but the shoutbox on sundays is filled with the most excruciating characters in the world. outside of perhaps the KC game and maybe the redskins game, we have (according to the shoutbox chicken littles) been woefully outclassed and shown to be completely inept at some point during every game. it's blind luck if we win. teams can make mistakes and have bad games without calling for everyone's head. if it were left up to some posters, the whole team would have been, cut, traded, or vaporized by now. any incompletion on 3rd down is grounds for a wholesale change in personnel and coaching, and any loss requires planning for the draft next year. there is plenty to criticize about every team in the nfl. even the almighty packers. but the relentless barrage of hysterical, hair-pulling, cloth-rending frothing that takes place here is bizarre. i'm not a big proponent of pills or shrinks, but some posters ought to consider seeking assistance.
  16. Indeed. Way way too much credit. unless he posts things that i miss. he is a reliable chicken little nihilist on the shoutbox.
  17. there is not a player on the bills who thought the call was wrong. fitz didn't execute. he knows it. gailey is a winner. he went for the kill.
  18. we actually have a game in toronto that matters. we'd better take it to the skins and the bloody canadians better be hollering.
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