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Captain Hindsight

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Everything posted by Captain Hindsight

  1. I’m not sure what else Salah can do. They should have dumped Wilson, But now they have to use him. Salah needs to have confidence in him to play well. My guess is Zach has about 2 more games to show improvement or he is getting replaced by Simien
  2. Whats crazy is they could have picked about 3 Bills players. That was an impressive performance
  3. White wanted to go to Miami. He is from there and after getting Rodgers, he knew his best chance to play is behind an oft injured guy in Tua. That said, how you keep Wilson is beyond me. They basically admitted he was a bust last year when they played Chris Strevler over him in a game late in the season. Cut your losses and move on
  4. I'm reminded of the Denver game without a QB. Kendall Hilton was recurited as a QB in college. He completed one screen pass in a NFL game. Nathan Peterman could run circles around most of the general population. Thats how good these guys are
  5. Simien is not the worst option at this point. He’s played alot and is a smart player. This is by no means a fix, but he is better than Wilson or Boyle
  6. I feel bad for Wilson in that regard. He is bad and is playing bad and now he is taking over after the entire fan base was expecting to watch a HOFer this year. Best thing the Jets could do is get him out of the limelight. They can’t now and that sucks for Zach
  7. They deserve some blame. They legit have no other option. Tim Boyle is not a viable option. They have 9 million in cap space. Trotting out Wilson each week led to a near mutiny last year. They should have done anything to get rid of Wilson. He is not redeemable in that locker room. I know they tried to sign Brett Rypian before he was promoted to the roster by the Rams, but they have no one on the PS. If Wilson continues to suck (they play on SNF against the Chiefs this week) how can you not turn to Boyle?
  8. I think what you will see Sunday is a super patient Josh Allen and over 200 yards rushing by the Bills. They win 27-20
  9. I'm impressed by Miami. They are playing much better than I expected. That said, if the Pats* can hold them to 24 missing their top 3 corners, I'm confident McDermott can too.
  10. Bears will hold onto him so they can pair him with a real QB next year
  11. They spent like they were just a few pieces away from true contenders. It was a stunning lack of self evaluation Fields was terrible last year, They had a chance to replace him and opted to run it back with him and DJ Moore? It was almost as bad a decision doubling down on EJ with Watkins. I’m sure Edmunds is struggling
  12. I remember when he retired it was kind of a surprise, but you have to be younger than 36 to become an FBI agent, so he wanted to focus on that rather than continue his career
  13. I work from home so occasionally I have GMFB or Get Up GMFB is ok on mondays when they go through each game. The rest of the week is just filler stories that I rarely watch. I used to love Mike and Mike so I turned on get up. It was unwatchable. Greeny and Rex Ryan talking about the Jets and other loud people talking. I had to turn it off
  14. He shouldn’t. Romo was a very good QB but his accomplishments are relatively limited. He won two playoff games and only played in 6. If he gets in, I think it really devalues the hall even more than it is
  15. Must just be waking up from that late august bender
  16. Coaching made him blind to wide open receivers while the Bucs played the softest high school coverage I’ve ever seen? Just like Jalen Hurts!
  17. And then said they didn’t realize he partied so much. Like dude have you ever seen ESPN?
  18. Moss looked good. I was surprised it was him, but he looks like a solid NFL back right now
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