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Everything posted by vorpma

  1. Great post, could not agree more.
  2. I have been this teams biggest cynic and critic for well over ten years and I still am. I have received more hate mail on this board than most have in a life time. But I think you are wrong and I am very excited about 2015. BTW, I was sitting in the rockpile watching this team in 1966, my father in 1960!
  3. Thank you for the common sense! This is a very good deal for the Bills.
  4. Every morning! Chuck Healy and Wrestling, remember when Hanz Schmidt hit with a forearm, pretty good acting for the time period.
  5. Thank you for posting this, we have all been so misguided. Now I get it.
  6. Back in the 1960's, WKBW TV had Buffalo Bills Highlights on Saturday Afternoon; highlights from the last Bills game and hosted by Rick Azar.
  7. If you are asking what successful teams have employed the strategy of a strong defense, strong running game and a QB not turning the ball over, ask the 1990 Buffalo Bills and SB 25! Second string QB and the old man, Otis Anderson kept the high powered Bills O off the field and controlled the ball 3/4 of the game. I think we can get through 2015, we still need the long term solution to QB.
  8. I attended my first Bills games in 1966, both against KC at the old Rockpile and they got beat both times to include the AFL Playoff to go to the first SB. Remember both Saban eras (63 - 65/72 - 76), the Knox era and the Kelly/Levy era including the late 90's. I know heartache when it comes to this team!! But I am cautiously optimistic we are indeed in a new era and have hope again.
  9. Bobby Layne grabbed face masks in the huddle; his passes often lacked spiral and were end over end but his presence led to a lot of wins. Jim Kelly pissed many a player off during his tenure, but he won.
  10. Really great post and very true. But as Napolean said "I want lucky Generals!"
  11. Ben Gregory was a awesome FB, big and fast, until a 1969 knee injury ended his career, Putting him with OJ in a backfield would have been interesting,. Then in 1971 we had, OJ, Jimmy Braxton (best blocking back in Bills history), JD Hill, Marlin Briscoe, Heaven Moses, and Bobby Chandler as wide receivers and still sucked at offense.
  12. Bills made AFL history twice starting all rookie backfields; 1969 and 1968 with Dan Darraugh, Ben Gregory, and Mini Max Anderson.
  13. I also remember the yellow flags; holding and motion at critical times.
  14. A great guard and All Pro just not sure he warrants HOF consideration.
  15. No dome, Buffalo football is Buffalo weather. The Vikings lost something when they went to a dome, remember the purple people eaters on a cold, muddy field and a gray sky; come on that's football!
  16. NFL Network reports no interview for Marone in Denver; he is running out of teams.
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