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Everything posted by BobbyC81

  1. First thought was I can't believe that the NY State politicians would give so much money for the stadium updating then let the team leave and be stuck with a stadium nobody uses. These are the NY State politicians I'm talking about though.
  2. So was that all the characters that you were allowed to enter or did you just stop?
  3. Wow!! Didn't he just make a statement about Kelly the other day?
  4. The opening kickoff is one of the most anticipated plays with the home crowd going nuts. I'm not in favor of this.
  5. Especially considering the reports that he worked out on his own while with Pats.
  6. Just had this image of a Bills' fan in full gear hanging out at the airport and watching people come out from the gates checking for passengers that look like NFL players and looking at NFL.com on his smartphone to see if he can recognize anyone.
  7. I'm not sure re-signing your own free agents counts against you in relation to comp picks.
  8. That dude is brittle. Hope he didn't get hurt signing the contract.
  9. I was thinking along the same lines. Unless Marrone and company really think they need that big receiver and they consider one the best available player at their pick, they've already invested a lot in that position recently.
  10. 49ers used their 1st round pick last year on safety Eric Reid, who made the Pro Bowl as a rookie. They would need a strong safety if they let Whitner go.
  11. You have season tickets for another NFL team? Blasphemy!! Like Jerry Jones' son-in-law seen on national TV cleaning Jerry's glasses? Can't start much lower than that.
  12. Actually it was indeed a sabotage. IIRC there was a provision in the Braves' lease of War Memorial Auditorium that if the season ticket sales dropped below a certain amount (5,000 I believe) then the team could get out of the lease. As others have mentioned, the team was really good in the 1974/75 and 1975/76 seasons. With McAdoo a pending free agent, he was traded to the NY Knicks midway thru the 1976/77 season for a stiff, John Gianelli, and cash. The Braves became a losing team, attendance (including season tickets) dropped and they were able to get out of their lease.
  13. The sack stats for each QB are interesting. Player Pass Attempts Sacks % of Attempts Notes EJ 306 28 9.2 Also 53 runs Lewis 157 18 11.5 24 runs Tuel 59 2 3.3 Small body of worl but started vs KC I know viewed this way, these stats don't take into account the opponents, the game plan/protections and how many times the QB ran when pressured but they show that EJ may have been slightly better than Lewis in avoiding sacks. Tuel's #'s are hard to compare due to limited playing time but considering he started vs KC, he did pretty good.
  14. He's coming off a career high 10 TD receptions but he's 31 so he may be signed to a reasonable contract. He's 6-1, 200.
  15. I can see it now. Key up the sound byte of Nelson from The Simpsons every time he makes a play. "Ha ha!"
  16. I just watched the "highlight' film of that game the other day. Another questionable play call in that last drive was a run with Thurman with about 30 secs left. It gained like 7 yards but ate up a lot more clock than a sideline pass would've. There didn't seem to be enough urgency in the last minute as they seemed satisfied to get to the 30. I agree that even though the kick was long enough, chances were better if it was a shorter attempt.
  17. Sharing a stall on the crapper can only serve to improve relations between countries.
  18. I took a look at what is considered the gold standard of NFL franchises for the 80's and 90's, the San Francisco Forty-Niners. Only 5 members of those great teams that were with the Niners for the majority of their NFL careers are in the HOF: Walsh, Montana, Steve Young, Jerry Rice and Ronnie Lott. In addition, Fred Dean played for them for 5 yrs in the early 80's, so if we're going to claim James Lofton, Dean should count. They also had 3 HOF'ers who only played for their 1994 Championship team: Deion Sanders and DE Richard Dent played for them for only that 1994 season while Rickey Jackson was there for the '94 & '95 seasons. The Bills' list from their 4 Super Bowl teams may be more impressive considering they didn't maintain that success as long as the Niners, who made the playoffs 18 straight seasons.
  19. Exactamundo. I subjected myself to watching the "highlight" film from that again. The 2 plays that stand out: 1. Bruce Smith sack for safety. With Hostetler having only one hand on the ball and Bruce grabbing that arm, I don't know how he held onto it. 2. Mark Ingram reception on 3rd and very long where he breaks 5 tackles to get the 1st down.
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