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Everything posted by Tierlifer

  1. I’ve never thought of it as a Die Hard sequel until now. Meaning ...wow you’re right! I still enjoy the movie and saw it at least 2-3x in the theater at the time and several more when it came out on “video”. But maybe my tastes have changed but when I saw it a few years back for the first time in forever I wasn’t as wowed as I was back then. Still a great movie and a big part of my very early 20’s
  2. I always thought that was a pretty fun and good movie. Although I watched it a few years ago and it doesn’t stand the rest of time to well IMO.
  3. Nice job by this team. Easily coulda packed it in early on but seemed to have sparked them after that 8 down goal line stance.
  4. This is embarrassing. Now I see why they were underdogs.
  5. There’s only about 100 warnings and flashing lights yet it still gets hit a few times a year. Think it happened a few weeks ago in fact.
  6. These things sure have come a long ways since I played them on my old IBM PC Jr https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.com%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F323920413384
  7. Unbelievable is one of Netflix’s best originals in a while. Excellent show.
  8. More like John Macnamara for leaving Buckner in so he could be on the field when they won it all instead of doing the smart thing and removing him for defensive purposes.
  9. Binghamton gets hosed! Poor job by Fox 40 to air the hapless Giants/Lions over 2 teams within 3 hour drive from Binghamton and I DGAF if this is “Giants country”.
  10. Fantasy waiver wire trends for week 8: Clyde Gillam: ⬆️98 % availability in most leagues
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