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Everything posted by dorquemada

  1. I have a question for you guys, I had seen this earlier in the summer and being the guy I am, I waited to pull the trigger. So now, on the DTV page, you have to fill out a form for availability. If you're in a house that can receive DTV, you can't get the streamed version of the sunday ticket. Did any of you deal with that? Is there a back door or a magic word that will let me buy this still? Thanks,
  2. Lets just be glad that at this point CK will *have* time to develop because Seantrel Henderson looked quite comfortable against the Giants 1st string D. If he can keep it together, he may be the steal of this draft.
  3. Your thought is so profound, I believe you should post it at least twice more. Anything less is a travesty.
  4. No, I didn't say bad, I said a weak point. McCarron was getting rid of the ball quicker - he had to. In years past he sat back there all day. I wouldnt mind CK on the Bills, but not too high.
  5. Yeah I don't know, he was pretty inconsistent last year. I'm a huge Alabama fan and watch all their games. OL was a weak point last season, was really kind of disappointed in CK. He took plays off and got a few dumb penalties at critical times. OTOH, sometimes the greatest OL start off that way! House Ballard, I'm looking at you!
  6. April fools' aside, he's the last Bills QB to play in the playoffs. Sure he sucked relative to JK and what we wanted at the time but honestly RJ > whats come since
  7. On the other hand, it may spell disaster for the Bills. Come on, which do you think is more likely?
  8. Bills Offense this year zero yards and a cloud of dust at least it's warm out
  9. Now: God's waiting room Gold bond, broken hips, and dust That's just the Bills bench
  10. Miami week now Pastel colors, men dating Oh yeah and football
  11. Don't worry whoever kicks Hopkins will immediately go onto IR. Just don't let it be a CB,
  12. I said in my post that I thought it unlikely that it was the Bills, but was curious nonetheless. It's not like we have any TEs that are going to light up the league as it stands today, which demonstrates the need, not saying Tebow could fill it.
  13. Ha you're right. It's hard to read on the internet </jauron>
  14. Most years I fall victim to this and grab a bunch of Bills guys. This year I got Spiller and nobody else. I also grabbed Peyton Manning as my QB so I'm riding high today!
  15. Didn't see this posted yet; http://tracking.si.c...t2_a7&eref=sihp Basically, after the Patz cut Tebow, another team showed interest in him, but only if he would consider playing another position. Tebow said no, he'd rather play QB in the Arena League. I wondered if it was the Bills looking for a TE/FB type, seems unlikely, probably more likely it was someone who would see him as a draw for fans, maybe Jacksonville? It's almost too bad, I think he could make a pretty good TE with some decent intangibles. edit for hurr durr
  16. At what point does his agent tell him he has to report? He's a very good player, but what would either sitting out the season, or coming in and looking bad, do to his market value? Sometimes these guys are too clever for their own good. This is especially true if the Bills come out with a strong D and his presence is not missed, in which case I'd let him ride the pine. edit: spelling is hard
  17. You're welcome to come back and apologize when you see I nailed it
  18. Folks - I've been a fan for a long time. I'm pretty sure my advanced age and wisdom regarding such matters is the key to understanding whats going to happen. You can take this to the bank, it's 100% guaranteed accurate. I have my insider sources, and the fix is in Round 1: 3rd best CB in the draft Round 2: high motor pass rushing LB that weighs 218lbs Round 3: 2nd best available RB left on the board Round 4: some that might actually contribute, I dont know, say a LG Round 5: Somebody nobody has heard of that will get a nickname in training camp and a bunch of people here freaking out about him. let's call him the Canadian Mountain or something Round 6: Franchise QB
  19. I'd have done absolutely the same thing in Davis' position.
  20. Frankly, I'm not that concerned with this. Davis would have been a decent addition IF he was fully healed and IF his off-field antics didn't overtake his on field play. I expect that the Bills' offer took those things into account and must not have looked much better than the Redskins. I highly doubt if the Bills were offering him 2x what the 'skins are. If that were the case, Davis would be an unusual player and person to turn it down. I've turned down a job offer that was for more money to avoid having to move. If it were 2x what I was making, I would have jumped, but it was more like 30% more to move from Albany to DC, which wouldn't even cover living expenses down there. Whatever the Delta the Bills were offering might not have been enough to get him to uproot his existence. I view this as shrewd by the Bills, not a sign that DOOOOOOM
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