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Everything posted by 4BillsintheBurgh

  1. The more I think about it Astro, the more I want best available offensive player early in this draft. I see you guys have been dropping the OT's down your board, but I'm okay if we go OT then OT then QB or wr or rb. If we pick up a fa player on offense (hopefully qb), then maybe we can sneak some defense up there, but otherwise all offense all the time.
  2. We have invested a lot of draft resources in the defense. If we tear that down, and by tear that down I mean change schemes to a 3-4, we are not going to the playoffs anytime soon. We need to get the offense at a level where it is competitive. We have not had an offense rank in the top 25 for 7 years. We need our OFFENSE to make the next jump, if we sink major draft resources into the defense, we may as well include a Hamster wheel in the Bills logo. I'm not saying we can't move away from the T2 into a different defense, but I think whatever defense we play has to be a 4-3 if we want to see a quick turnaround with this team. FWIW Tomlin is a 4-3 guy, but he plays a 3-4 in Pittsburgh (for now) because that is what he inherited and what the players on the roster dictate. We need a coach who can get the most out of the players we have currently, and use the draft over time to change the scheme.
  3. Actually, I think its much more effective if you have an offense that can score points. That way your lighter defense can run around and make plays instead of getting beat on. If you can't put teams in a position where they have to throw, T2 isn't particularly effective. Just look at the picks we had this year, and that was leading the league in rushing attempts against our defense.
  4. It bothers me because if Buddy and Marty are so tight, and if Marty thought Buddy could rebuild the talent in Buffalo, he would advise Brian that it's a good situation. Maybe Marty doesn't talk to his son about football, but I'm a little concerned that an interview wasn't scheduled.
  5. A successful coach has an idea of what it takes to be successful. Until the team and front office show some movement toward success by have some talent on the roster, I don't think an established coach will get into it. Maybe Nix can get Marty in the front office to help, and maybe his kid will be a good head coach. I hope I'm wrong and Cowher or another successful head coach comes here, but I'm doubting it. I think we're going to be co-ordinator bound, or maybe Trestman. Looking at his resume, I hope they at least ask Trestman for an interview.
  6. That's great news! It will give you some time to find another job, right?
  7. Hey, at least the Bills aren't going to lose the Super Bowl this year!
  8. Just a note here because I've seen this a couple of times in different threads - the Steelers did NOT win a Super bowl in Ben's rookie year. His rookie year was the 15-1 year in which they lost before the super bowl. Another note, Cowher was not starting Ben that rookie year either; when Tommy Madox got hurt ben took the starting job and ran with it.
  9. At this point prior to FA acquisitions, I would be happy with the best offensive player available in the first round of the draft, including a wr. I don't know if we could trade someone for another player, I think it's tough to do that when you get a new FO because teams around the league probably figure you're going to jettison players for nothing. We need to end this misery of the offensive side of the ball. I would like to see their top 4 picks be on the offensive side as well, I don't see any position that couldn't use a player.
  10. Go back and listen to Buddy Nix talk about the type of players he likes - hint: they're not the same ones DJ likes.
  11. Jets win the 8 in the box game Cowboys get the third win over the Eagles Ravens take advantage of a defense that ain't what it used to be Packers can actually play defense in the nfc and their offense ain't too shabby either
  12. To your point I saw this in the recap of the Indy game on nfl.com: http://www.nfl.com/gamecenter/2010010300/2...lts@bills/recap In the note worthy section, I assume they are talking about total yards from scrimmage. I think I would be okay with any impact player on the offensive side of the ball, and/or free agents.
  13. I know that the lateral force applied to his bones broke them and that force was large enough regardless of his training. Period. Basic physics. The only thing that would have helped him is the Bills player who was supposed to be blocking the player who caused the injury would have done his job. What do you define as "over training"? I don't believe teams do very much aereobic training during the season and their overall training is pretty regulated as opposed to during the off season when the players can be on their own. I remember that TO mentioned he could play for more years if he was treated the way Jauron had treated him. Since TO seems to be into training, I think that is also a statement about the level of training going on at OBD.
  14. So if that's wrong, Wood wouldn't have broken his leg if he wasn't on the practice field during during the season? Because that's where the rubber of your theory meets the road.
  15. You need to work with top athletes more to understand what he is talking about. A person that can bench press 225 lbs 20 times can have very different body types from a musculature standpoint. If those perople are the same height but differ in weight by a sizeable percentage, one of them is not a loser.
  16. What about Dungy? Seems to fit, plus he can probably pull some folks from the Colts.
  17. I'd take him in the front office if he doesn't want to coach anymore.
  18. I guess. It was more of they went into Cincinnati and broke Palmer early, then shut them down. If Kimo doesn't take a belly flop on Palmer's knee I think the game ends differently.
  19. I think there may be a decent shot at LeBeau if Cowher coaches again because Mike Tomlin is a 4-3 guy and they took Ziggy Hood last year who is more of a 4-3 DT as well as Hampton not being resigned already. I have a funny feeling the Steelers will be transitioning to a 4-3 sooner rather than later. I'd like to see Russ Grimm as OC instead of Chan though. Keep in mind Donahoe lost the power struggle to Cowher and Mularkey was ready to be run out of town by the fans (FWIW) when he got the job in Buffalo.
  20. If you're going to take someone on the offensive side of the ball, I think Trestman is the man. He at least has made some offenses go in the NFL. Plus he's coaching in Canada so there's a little cross-selling for Toronto.
  21. Well, they did have the three headed front office making the decisions for that draft, and it was pretty piss poor. Funny that the later round linemen from that class were decent. First four rounds not so good. I agreed with their strategy in that draft, but obviously if Whitner and McCargo are not impact players, it all falls apart. I don't know if they were all agreed on the picks or not, but obviously they were wrong. I do have hope for the future because the 2009 draft class seems to be what we needed. I think the addition of Buddy Nix and one other person no longer there may bode well for our future. While Maybin's been a bust so far, the rest of the class is pretty decent and hopefully everyone will be healthy for next season. I may be high, but if we can pull a similar draft off in 2010 we will be on the right path. I am not on the flush everyone bandwagon because good organizations replace people with better people, but I wouldn't be sad if Modrak, Guy and Overdorf were shown the door. My main thing is let a gm come in, evaluate and flush/replace as necessary. It's just a question of getting someone who can do the job, and it's very difficult to pick someone from the outside as opposed to promoting from within. Unfortunately with the possible exception of NIx, it seems our "within" cupboard is pretty bare.
  22. I talked to a Packer fan this weekend and his view was that Brohm just got beat out. He had terrible games during the preseason and didn't earn a spot on the roster. The guy that beat him out was a good player in college and didn't get drafted until the later rounds because of perceived physical shortcomings. Hey I hope the next coach can do something with Brohm, but at this point he is a talent upgrade at the 3rd qb position and that's it. To play him now when he hasn't had time to absorb our offense should only be done in an emergency situation, in my opinion. If he doesn't know the offense well, how can you evaluate him? You can see him throw the ball in practice, and we'll know in the offseason if he's shown enough in practice to warrant coming back for the preseason.
  23. I hesitate to answer, because of course you eat crayons, but at least they aren't named John McCargo. By far the biggest bust in recent history in a position where we needed the most help. If OBD didn't think he could help us, I assume they take a DT instead of Whitner and they probably don't trade up in the bottom of the first to get a safety which gives us another draft pick.
  24. I think they signed him because they thought he was more talented than Hamdan.
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