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Everything posted by Mailman

  1. Nope. Antifa ironically is "anti-fascist", yet everything they do is pushing anarchy, disruption and unrest. It's clear to see even if government officials are delusional and ignore them.
  2. Kids are least susceptible to this. Social distancing, masks, and proper hygiene protocols are achievable in a school setting. My son starts college this year and I had wished that he had at least some semblance of normalcy...
  3. Correct. I live in TX and anytime you get off a plane from a place listed in the Governor's executive order (New York, Jersey, Miami, Atlanta, Washington, California, etc) Troopers were waiting at bottom of the jet bridge with self quarantine paperwork. It's been a real pain for essential work travel.
  4. Sure. Just pointing out that people have the right to a different opinion. Its taxing to see people shame those if they do not conform to others thinking. You even posting a comment on the poll results says it all...dude
  5. Because people are allowed to have an opinion dude. Isnt that the purpose of a poll?
  6. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, whether you agree or not.
  7. Typical response. People just want to watch the game, and forego the politics and the demonstrations. Baker Mayfield is simply a d-bag, regardless of what he does anyway.
  8. You get your info from a website where people say this: Libsridiots He didn’t hit his head. It was his bike helmet that made the sound hitting the concrete. A fake blood package was found on him. He’s a Nazi liberal fraud. Really? Ok. Who cares about the site. Look at the videos. As I said before, I'm not condoning the response, not one bit, but let's not be so naive to gloss over every single thing in an effort to vilify all the men and women in uniform. They should have cuffed him for his skimming attempt and arrested him. I rarely post but have been a member for 18 years, and feel strongly about getting the whole story.
  9. It's a right wing conspiracy theory promoted by our "Leader" He actually did attempt to use his cell phone to skim their radio signal, which makes it unworkable. Not condoning the response but there is more to this. https://rairfoundation.com/man-shoved-by-buffalo-riot-police-deletes-social-media-after-exposed-as-cop-hating-radical-agitator/
  10. Shaud Williams is absolutely horrible! Why keep up the facade??
  11. Forgive me for my frankness, but, in my own experience, Union s suck, plain and simple. This is, however, a very skewed perception based on past events that caused me to have a lingering bad taste in my mouth. On the other side, I worked with several union guys that were top notch, and exemplified the term "A fair days work for a fair days pay". Unfortunately, the sh1tless layabouts that ruled the roost overshadowed everything else. This response is not directed personally, just my opinion.
  12. Everyone has their own opinion on this, based on what they have been subject to in their life. For me, unions suck, only because I have had negative exposure to them in my career. My view is skewed, and I don't think it will ever change. I have 10+ years working in warehouses, as a member of front line management. I spent a year in a warehouse that was unionized up north. It was the worst job experience of my life. I had trouble getting very simple things done, because of all the rules and regs I had to follow. I have always been people oriented, and like to empower employees to be the best they can be. The majority of these employees had the attitiude of being owed something by default, and some actually got mad when you found them taking unauthorized breaks, and told them to go back to work. There were some great employees there, that believed in a fair days work for their wage. Unfortunately, they were overshadowed by the other employees who found reward in doing nothing, but getting paid well for it. I left that situation, and have been happy ever since. Again, I wouldn't say that all unions are bad. My experience with them is negative, so that's the outlook I always find myself going back to.....
  13. Uh...that wasn't Reed. #81 is Bobby Shaw, last I checked.....
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