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Everything posted by Heels20X6

  1. I have reason to believe God hates the Bills organization....
  2. Shouldn't you be having a meeting with your amazing sources that let you shake hands with Bills staff? LOSER.
  3. I did the same thing with "Bad Medicine"....is there a support group for us?
  4. I was only in there to get directions on how to get away from there....
  5. How many fathers after a nice heated argument with their 14 year old daughter wouldn't take that deal?
  6. Wow....Willis the retard makes another fine post to the Wall.... It's amazing he has time to do it considering he's got to fellate Brady every time he rings a bell. Super Bowls won by Mannings in the last 3 years - 2 won by Brady in the last 3 years (including a year he had the most stacked team ever) - 0
  7. Cheater learned how to use Wikipedia? Judging by your intelligent troll postings....You weren't even born in 1983.
  8. Dean, you need to get out to a dance club nowadays. This is what passes for dancing. People don't have any rhythm anymore so they just sway their bodies, move their hips to the beat, and keep their feet glued to the ground. It's a deceptive move white guys use trick girls into thinking they can dance!
  9. No, if it was 1950, StuckinCincy could tell us about how men treated women when he was our age.
  10. Again, he wasn't dancing out of happiness. He was just trying to get a laugh from either the fans in front of Andrews or his teammates looking on. I just want to say IF he was in the same frame of mind as me and my friends were back in the day, he was just doing it to make his friends laugh. No harm or disrespect to Erin, her gender, the media, etc. was intended by his actions. He was just being a goof! And like I wonder earlier...if the reporter wasn't female, would anyone be talking about this, or would someone PC look at this as some anti-gay thing....?
  11. Just to throw my two cents in there....from the days of my youth (or "yutes" as those from the Bronx might say), my friends and I would do the exact same thing at the dance club. It is in fact a dance and one that's done strictly for comedic effect. We used to do it to random women because we thought we'd illicit a laugh from our buds when the girl would turn around and you'd drop your arms and look at her sheepishly. Mauluga here did it exactly like we used to even with the "shrugging of the shoulders and walking away part." There was nothing sexual about it. Heck, this same thing used to be done to guys too. It's just for a laugh. Now if Mauluga had done this to Boomer, this would be all over YouTube and we'd all be laughing about it. Not having discussions on gender roles in new media.
  12. It's okay Jay....Willis has proven he's a big fan of Patsies. Since their first Super Bowl win when he got to bust out his Steve Grogan jersey!
  13. Waaaa! Waaaa! Their starters were out! Last I checked Manning started the season on one leg, with an O-line made up of CFL starters and he still sh---kicked the Patriots IN FOXBOROUGH. That and Peyton owns the Patriots now. His only regret last night was that he couldn't play your team of losers in the first round. You seem about as bright as burnt out light bulb so back to Patriot nation with the other inbreds now. Be Gone!
  14. No... the owners with class and dignity would stay away from Bill Belichek the Cheater and hire a class act like Dungy instead. Why don't you go back to your Patriots fan board and talk about the "travesty" of the Patsies not making the playoffs. At least the Colts got in.
  15. Dungy should cheat more like your hero Billy B. Then he'd have more wins and rings. Could be worse though, at least he didn't CHOKE in the Super Bowl when his team was heavily favoured. They lost on a coin flip. Moron.
  16. Do we really want to bring up how many times Chad Pennington has guided a team into the playoffs versus our lot of losers?
  17. The Ignored (Jackson) and the Underused (Lynch). Because our coaching staff is f#cking stupid and abandons the run at the first chance it gets.
  18. The Buffalo Bills: Hey! Remember the 90s...that was pretty awesome huh?
  19. I'm an optimist...but I can't see this team with Limp Dick on the sidelines being better than 3-13.....I can't wait to be at that Indy game with all my friends from Indianapolis rubbing it in my face....
  20. This thread is almost getting to be as good as that EPIC moment in TSW history.
  21. It's always good to see a Hamburger U grad do well for himself. Congrats SKOOBY!
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