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Offside Number 76

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Everything posted by Offside Number 76

  1. I don't want him at #1. I don't want him at #9. I don't want him period.
  2. He also has no reason to lie. In fact, if he wants an NFL job, his best play was to stay quiet about it, and not to bring it up.
  3. The "losing touch" extends beyond pricing. The restrictions on what can go in and out of a stadium are ridiculous. -2, and I have to worry about whether my handwarmer is allowed? Is my belt buckle within the size limitations? Oh, I can't bring in a heated seat cushion? The stadium experience isn't wonderful, either, when your ears are assaulted with generic music in between every play, etc. There are lots of reasons to stay away, unfortunately.
  4. Blount is built like Rob Ford just like Calista Flockhart is built like Loni Anderson. Get real. That said, Crossman needs to go.
  5. 5. I'd start Manuel in a heartbeat. 13. You too! See you next year--and at this time next year, we'll be discussing a playoff matchup. Bank on it.
  6. What are these places? What is a "Hamburg?" A "Tully's?" (Somewhat kidding; if I cross Hertel Avenue, I get suburb-scared even though I'm technically still in the city. It's the same feeling most of you get when you cross from the other direction.)
  7. Funny stuff. In seriousness, I am looking for a place that will have it, the Sabres, and all of the other football games on at the same time. Thirsty Buffalo is close but it gets packed with a younger crowd that can get annoying. Pearl Street won't have the other games on. Any ideas, folks?
  8. For those who prefer Murph to network announcers, who stream audio online, or who will be away from TV during the game, WGR 550 is keeping the Sabres game at 5pm (and pregame at 4). Its sister station, WBEN 930, will have the Bills game.
  9. Denver. I want to see a starting QB win with two different teams, and I want an end to the Manning vs. Brady debate.
  10. Exactly. Unless you're at the game (or watching all-22 afterward) and focusing on one man, like the poster above, the only times you will notice a corner is when there's a big play (either favorable or unfavorable).
  11. I'd rather they use college hash marks instead. For all plays.
  12. So funny how everyone has different tastes. I was in the car for most of the game today, and all I could think was how much I couldn't stand Kelso.
  13. They could be showcasing Cousins for a trade, too.
  14. Not to mention two commercials before a video! I think this thread is on the right track. It does look pre-packaged.
  15. Yep. And there never was any ridicule about it. Of course, there wasn't an Internet for most of that time, and Milwaukee isn't in another country, but I think you & I are on the same page here.
  16. They used to play a game out of town once a year, too. Clearly can't support a team. And how old is that stadium?
  17. I didn't nitpick the two fumbles. How about blowing that lead and the momentum (as mentioned in my original post) in a stadium that, from my TV, seemed to be cheering for Buffalo? This loss is not on the stadium.
  18. What, 13 and 84 can hold on better in RWS? The team doesn't give up momentum up 14-0 in RWS? That's on the players, and not the site.
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