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Offside Number 76

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Everything posted by Offside Number 76

  1. This is killing my ability to procrastinate and I may have to start a Sabres thread here.
  2. Uh oh. I hope this is not a repeat of the Great Crash of 2007 or whenever it was.
  3. As a sometime poster here, but very frequent poster on Sabrespace, all I can say is that I hope the mobile version of Xenforo is better than IPB if you are considering the switch. I've also always liked the look and feel of your boards, so hopefully that doesn't change. --11.
  4. That list is ridiculous. Houston? New England? But yes, Michigan is a prestigious job.
  5. Good for him. And I'm glad the future of the team isn't at risk so that he could speak up.
  6. The proper thing would have been to either bat it back onto the field or throw it back onto the field. Sorry, the away team doesn't get to celebrate with its fans in my house.
  7. Any team that drafted him would still be playing him. He's a QB and it is simply too early to write him off. Or to call him the next all-star.
  8. I put AP in an entirely different category than Ray Rice. Peterson grew up thinking this was an appropriate way to discipline a child. It's what he knows; this is what was taught to him as a child. He needs therapy (to deal with the abuse he received), counseling (to become a better parent), and compassion. Not this nonsense. I doubt Ray Rice grew up thinking it was appropriate to knock a woman out.
  9. I just came in to compliment you on your excellent taste in screen names.
  10. Who cares why? The Bills own Miami again and it feels just right.
  11. A PR firm--much less, the premier PR firm in the area (Eric Mower & Assocs.)--that can't keep its own name out of the paper? It wouldn't have looked good had it kept him. It was borderline irresponsible of the News to name the employer. It guaranteed his termination.
  12. Yep. That's what will sober him up, literally and figuratively. Once the News published the name of his employer, it had no choice but to terminate him.
  13. Which has nothing to do with broadcasting a video of her beating over the Internet.
  14. That's awfully judgmental. And it was completely wrong of TMZ to release the video without her consent. She's the victim. She should have a say. Now she's a victim again.
  15. Why was the "Ray Rice Cut" thread, in which the board owner was participating, closed and not even merged here? There was some good discussion in that thread.
  16. He'll play as soon as Tony Dungy works with him and declares him to be a changed man.
  17. How do you know whether he's a TV? And is it really any of our business if he is?
  18. Oh, I don't think for a second that he'll actually make it.
  19. Except he was offsides. A LOT. And was penalized. A LOT. If there's a Bill who deserves in and who is not in, it's Hull.
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