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Offside Number 76

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Everything posted by Offside Number 76

  1. During his presser, he mentioned that he was concerned about being fined if he removed the sweatsuit. Given that coaches are required to wear team gear on the sidelines, rather than suits--a rule that I always have hated--it may be that he is not permitted to wear a suit during the presser. I don't know; it just may be.
  2. They remain a sad, sad program. I can't believe that in nearly 20 years, UB can't pull it together.
  3. This makes sense to me. I took a cortizone shot in the shoulder because of a torn labrum, and the doc said, still, no bench press for me. Why? Because I won't feel my body telling me to stop. I'll bet that happens an awful lot with juicers.
  4. I don't want Manziel and don't think he'll be a success in the NFL, but are we talking about the same guy who threw 45 yards in the air (for only a 12 yard gain) while being chased and completely off-balance?
  5. Someone last year did a beautiful job of shooting down all the "Wilfork wife" posts. Wish I could find it.
  6. Good. That's exactly what would happen to any of us for a first-time small possession charge, too.
  7. It's not a matter of dispute. It's a matter of whether it's necessary to write the piece, which it isn't.
  8. And a pretty damned bad QB will either make or just miss the playoffs, just like every year in north Texas. And I'll go with Spiller/Freddy over McCoy. The rest of it? I'm just hopeful.
  9. They still could have run the no-huddle, rushed up to the line of scrimmage (forcing NE to keep personnel in), and taken the play clock down to :01 on those snaps, which is what should have happened.
  10. Chandler comes to mind. But really, its SJ. It's time. It's been YEARS since the Pittsburg drop. He's a great receiver with nothing to lose, but, well... ...good luck kid
  11. I wish there were an option for "Hey, they're going to at least be interesting," or something like that, but I picked option 2. I don't think playoffs next year is the reality, but I do think so for 2015. This team will be fun to watch, though.
  12. That's what I thought, too. The "news" is that he may be able to start sooner than thought, not later.
  13. What you don't know is that I controlled OP''s movements and made him post this.
  14. I think any league serious about reducing injury would start by expanding game-day rosters, thus allowing for more rotations in and out of the game and less wear and tear. Not necessarily concussions, but other injuries.
  15. The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about. --Oscar Wilde.
  16. I have yet to see a limo where the driving cabin has the deep black tint. And even if there is one, there might be a different law governing livery than normal cars. Fact is, NYS has a law governing tints. I hate this, too, but the man wasn't following the law, and got caught. That does happen.
  17. Wow. This is completely stupid. Driving while drinking a beer is its own crime. Even if you're on the first sip of the first beer. Driving while smoking a joint, pipe, or whatever also is its own crime. It's incredible that this needs to be explained.
  18. That's why I asked the question I asked. Employers are free to have tougher restrictions than those found in the law--substance related or otherwise. Example: you can be fired for going to work in a bathrobe, but you're not violating the law by walking around that way.
  19. Thanks very much. As a matter of practicality, it is, since state and municipal law enforcement are not pursuing it, and the feds aren't going to pull a guy over for having tinted windows. It goes back up to the above-quoted post; the NFL would never know about it absent independent testing, which I now understand takes place. I get your point, but it's a distinction without a difference in a situation like this.
  20. Serious question (and please pardon me if it's addressed somewhere in the previous ~200 posts): Bradham has to deal with the league's personal conduct policy as a result of this. If he played for the Broncos or Seahawks (in states where marijuana is legal), would his possession of a personal-use quantity still be a violation of that policy? In other terms, does the NFL policy prohibit breaking the law, or does it prohibit possession of marijuana?
  21. Not that I want to get into too much of a tangent, but the reason I was a ****ty keeper was because of my kicking game. I could save just about anything, but I couldn't get the ball upfield or to the right players with any distance. Defenders had to take my goal kicks and my punts were horrible. So much for that career option. Anyway, point is, I don't see any reason why one man couldn't do both jobs. I do understand that they are different kicks. And is Danny White that long ago?
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