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Offside Number 76

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Everything posted by Offside Number 76

  1. 1. Did he infer it or imply it, and if the former, from what? 2. No way is JW a shill, by the way. If you think he is, read up on his bio and explain what possible motive he would have.
  2. He did have one of the best defenses, though, which is why they should have kicked that ball out of bounds.
  3. This will be unpopular, but I still believe that lateral could not be overturned on replay.
  4. The reasons given in Justice Stevens's opinion show one way in which the NFL is different. The other way is that the charities you mentioned are 501©(3) organizations. Subsection 501©(6) goes to lengths to shoehorn professional football leagues--and only football, no other sport--into an exemption intended to protect business associations and chambers of commerce. Why the special treatment? (I wonder whether MLS claims that its sport is "football" to take advantage of this.)
  5. On behalf of 40-something Gen Xers: No. We're too busy fixing what the generation before us broke, and trying to keep something alive for the generation younger. Enjoy your prosperity at our expense.
  6. Let's see where Vegas sets the over-under for wins. THAT's where Vegas has predicted that most people will slot the Bills for number of wins.
  7. Maybe not Nassib, but SOME quarterback, fine. Worked for DC last year. Nassib, Wilson, whomever. Should have happened, for a team that is incredibly weak at the most important position.
  8. I will say this: while I'm not impressed with Kolb as a QB, I was impressed with his attitude during the press conference.
  9. Albany Law is private. It is not a state law school. This should help this side of the argument.
  10. Well, the reason I put a "may" in there is because I am uncertain, but I would guess that it's still right near the top with enrollment, and I believe that it's still got the biggest & most prominent research grants.
  11. As a UB alum, they need to change the school's identity as much as possible. It was until Greiner began dismantling it. And it certainly was (and may well be today) the state's flagship school.
  12. SMART move, and not just from the athletics angle, either.
  13. They started the season with one NHL center and still have one NHL center. That's where it begins and probably where it ends.
  14. I'll try from the Sabres angle: Paul Cyr Shawn Anderson David Cooper
  15. That's Officer Ted Johnson to you. He's George Greene's partner.
  16. I don't know why people are so dismissive of the OP. It's a good point. What's the hook? What is going to draw the casual fan--like me (and I am a casual fan; I'm a Buffalonian but a hockey guy)--into the games? What's going to get the team to sell out games? I bid for the NE game last year in a charity auction, but I think I'd be hard pressed to do it again.
  17. I read the article. I've heard her sing. And I'm a former singer. Perfect pitch? No. Relative pitch? Better than most. Very talented, with the courage that only a child has? Absolutely. I'll root for her to make it bigtime.
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