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Offside Number 76

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Everything posted by Offside Number 76

  1. Same here. Which, please, if people are getting high on him, DON'T. Read what ATL said. Read that I agree (and I also watch a ton of SEC).
  2. I like Rome, but I guess he'll be down the dial soon enough if I want to tune him in. I also like Sal. I think what he really does is add so much to the morning show when he's on. The good formula for a sports show appears to be a knowledgeable guy and a sidekick, but the morning show has two sidekicks. And I like them both, but it's a better show when it's Howard/Sal or Jeremy/Sal than when it's Howard/Jeremy.
  3. Not that it's going to happen, but I wouldn't mind that at all. I like Chan's playbook, I just don't like his play calling. If he were left to design and implement the offense, with the HC making the calls during games, I'd be happy with it.
  4. I had so many problems with the 550 app that I went to TuneIn. Cannot recommend it enough. It's great.
  5. It's not offensive, but it significantly detracts from the substance of your post. I focused on that, rather than anything you really had meant to say. And, for what the hell, "Gregg," in my experience, is seldom short for "Gregory." It's a first name in its own right, like "Craig," which is not short for "Craigory."
  6. Why do you put the last letter of his first name in parentheses?
  7. Nix was traveling for the holidays,* and I don't think Gailey skipped anything. *Before you get on him for THAT (there are enough reasons to get on him), think about exactly what he could have been doing to help the team between weeks 16 and 17, which is nothing.
  8. To answer the question in the thread title: It depends on whether the press wants to bother. Anyone can call a press conference. You, me, whoever. Whether they show up? Depends on the profile of the person calling it. Pres. Obama? Sure; they're there. Chan Gailey? Maybe some locals. You (no offense meant) or me? No.
  9. That is a nice gesture. What is the decal on the left?
  10. Players are prohibited from wearing, displaying, or otherwise conveying personal messages either in writing or illustration. Unless there has been a national tragedy and the league can look good by looking the other way.
  11. You know what? I'm kind of glad for this. I always think of the Dolphins as the Bills' biggest rival. And it's nice to see them getting attention.
  12. I just saw it. It was as you described it, except it seemed just a little wobbly.
  13. Saved their asses in more ways than one. He rescued that team from obscurity.
  14. You registered to post this and your other two little sentences of misery? Who sucks again?
  15. I agree with your first paragraph and to your second, I'd say "yes." But why not just let him go? I liked it when the Bills gave Fewell the reins and tested him out. As for Turner, any team that hires him as a head coach is foolish.
  16. It's as though certain plaintiffs' attorneys see players as unwilling participants, etc.
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