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Everything posted by shrader

  1. I'm all for following Arttu closer as well, since we in fact know he has a contract with the Sabres. My big question mark with older Olofsson is that at his age he's already at his ceiling. I don't see someone worthy of an NHL two-way contract. Now if it's an AHL only deal, I'm all for it.
  2. While low profile, Victor was a highly regarded prospect compared to him. Remember he's been within the Sabre system for 6 years now. And the brothers have never played pro hockey together, so they weren't scouting the two at the same time. I have a hard time seeing Victor as the kind of guy who would have any leverage to pull they "sign my brother or I leave" game. If it's just a deal with Rochester, then it makes much more sense to me. But anyway, I'm going to continue to be skeptical of this report until I see more than one source. At this point, that probably means that the Sabres have to announce the signing, because it's not really a story anyone is going to bother putting much work into.
  3. If this report is even accurate, this looks like the kind of guy who would be signing an AHL contract. I just wonder how legit it is given that everything falls back to this one Swedish source. You know how things go with these translations sometimes.
  4. Is that who it is? I actually thought it was Claire from Modern Family.
  5. There's way too many around here and they're incredibly territorial. Thanks to covid it's not happening this year, but in past years they would always buzz me every day when I got home from work and get out of my car. They also attack my neighbor's dog all the time. And I suppose this would be an issue with any type of bird that was all over the place, but they're crapping all over everything. They have quickly jumped up into #2 on my list of least favorite birds. They're still a long way behind the canada goose though. There is one good thing when it comes to the birds here in NC. Cardinals are everywhere. My yard needs to draw a few more of them in place of the mockingbirds.
  6. I was considering putting a feeder out in the backyard recently. We have so many damn mockingbirds around here though and I don't want to encourage them at all. Those things are a-holes.
  7. The only thing I know about mandalorians is from this show. Jango routinely took the helmet off, so that would mean he's not one of them anymore, right?
  8. I'll give him one thing, he did far more than his father.
  9. Tracked, yes. But Vader and co. captured and handed him over.
  10. I don't know if I'm in the minority, but I wish they'd leave Boba Fett dead. I'm one of those people who only watched the movies and never read any of the books or watched the cartoons. So to me, he's kind of a goof who didn't really do much and then died a lame death.
  11. Bored isn't the right word for me. I absolutely loathed any scene that involved those two. And since it aired right around the same time, I could never really get into Parks and Rec much because I didn't find a single character likeable. That worked for only one character, Ron Swanson. The rest were a waste, especially Aziz Ansari's character.
  12. Looking through his career, I've seen very little of it. But I can safely say that I was a huge fan of his most lasting work. Frank Costanza was an iconic character on an iconic show and he nailed it in every single scene. I'm pretty sure that is my favorite father/son tv combo. Nothing else comes close for me.
  13. One thing I had forgotten about until I started rewatching from the start. Kim is from Kansas City and would have random Royal items scattered around. She’s definitely strolling into that Cinabun in the last season.
  14. It'll always be Hogan for me. I was right in the age range that his whole act was targeted at and I ate it up as a kid. After that, I'd probably go with Kurt Angle. He wasn't the same once they tried to make him more serious, but the goofy character he played at the start was absolutely amazing. Now that I mention it, I think I'm going to have to go dig up some of his old interactions with Edge and Christian. That stuff was comedy gold. I guess I'd list them as my favorite tag team because I'm quickly realizing that the stuff I enjoyed the most was the characters.
  15. I wonder if they have any vacation saved up if they just wind up using that instead. I'm not very familiar with the rest, but it's amazing how long Shred and Ragan have been doing their show at this point. I've been listening pretty much since day one, on the bus on the way to school, hoping those canadians would moo back.
  16. They had a nice little call back to the start of season 2 in the last couple episodes too. The very first time Jimmy and Kim ran a scheme together, they tricked a stock broker into paying for an entire bottle full of $50 tequila shots. They kept the cork from that bottle, it was a weird looking thing with a tassel on it. That was the last thing Kim went back to her office to grab after she quit. It totally flew over my head until I started season 2 last night.
  17. I could see Saul never actually encountering Lalo again between this last episode and that moment in Breaking Bad. It's probably tough to keep him completely isolated from whatever Lalo is going to do next, but I think Fring and Mike are capable of that much.
  18. But isn't he like 50 years old already? Mando will probably be long dead by the time he hits teenager status.
  19. The episode is bugging me for that very reason. But I'm glad I re-watched the first season this week. I don't think I would have remembered the details of Sandpiper at this point.
  20. St. Louis gave up next to nothing in that trade. Oh wait, you mean that other trade...
  21. The wife and I just finished the first season last night. I had forgotten so many things, but it's very interesting to see certain things knowing where the show has gone since then. The main thing that really sticks out to me is that I had completely forgotten just how much Jimmy loved and admired Chuck. And then there's flash forwards, flashbacks, and flashbacks within flashbacks. How much they're able to show and tie together within this show, it's truly amazing. The flash forward scenes to Omaha have to be building towards a big payoff. I hope it's something other than getting caught.
  22. Maybe Saul knew about the vaccuum repairman because Kim was the first person he sent to him. Of course, it would be very tough to ever show that since Robert Forster is dead.
  23. I just saw the story that Howard Finkel died. I think he may have been a bigger deal than any of those guys out there in the ring.
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