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Everything posted by shrader

  1. I figured it was obvious. The kid from Life Goes On?
  2. Buffalo was also coming off a back to back. So if one team thrived under that circumstance and the other faltered, what exactly does it mean?
  3. They must be at a comfortable number because they don't take on even half of Simmonds contract if there was too much of a concern in that department.
  4. Given the second trade, I know look at the Simmonds deal as the team giving him a low price tryout to see if he has anything left for the future.
  5. I don't know a thing about Kahun, but the numbers look intriguing. On top of that, they took two players they didn't want anymore and turned it into a guy who they have control of for a couple years. I'm happy with that much.
  6. Yes. Haula's only in there to provide some level of balance in terms of cap dollars. Carolina's pushing the cap with their moves, so they need to send some money out.
  7. Making up a hypothetical trade offer does not mean that 1) Florida would be interested, or 2) the Sabres weren't talking to them. That trade suggests to me that Florida wanted a more immediate return, guys who were close to ready. They weren't going to want an expiring Larry or Gus. Haula's only in there as a money dump for Carolina. I also don't think Buffalo would be interested in moving a first for Trocheck, protection or not. That deal essentially is summed up as two prospects and a bottom pair d-man for Trocheck. I really don't know what our equivalent would be. I think you can give up on that one. I'd say that Kreuger has made it very clear that he won't be putting Skinner on Eichel's line.
  8. He's a free agent at the end of the year. The Devils are retaining 50% of the salary and we gave up next to nothing, a 2021 pick. I chalk this one up to "why not".
  9. No matter how badly that contract has worked out for us, it was nice to see Okposo have a moment yesterday. You can see the talent in him, but his body gave out on him so early. The other thing I really enjoyed from yesterday's game was Eichel's reaction at the buzzer. The guy is fired up, there's no denying it. I thought he was going to rip Johansson's head off with that hug. Okposo had a very animated interaction with him two. Those are two guys where I won't question their heart.
  10. I didn't watch last night's episode yet, but it's the meth lab under the laundromat, isn't it? If they moved on to something completely different last night, ignore this comment.
  11. The girl from American Pie aged about 40 years.
  12. At this point, the frustration shouldn’t be about any individual game no matter how bad certain ones were. For me, it’s about how they came out of the all star break. With the way Toronto is sinking, that stretch may very well have cost this team the playoffs. Still, at this point I want to see a strong push to the playoffs. It will wind up falling short, but this season needs to end on a positive note. We haven’t seen one of those in a long time. And they can definitely do that while still dumping a few of the expiring contracts at the deadline.
  13. Yeah, it’s definitely more of a recent thing, maybe in the last 2-3 years. It’s only been a delta thing though. I book the best price I can find so I’m bouncing around from airline to airline.
  14. Backes has one year left on his contract. Okposo has 3. Buffalo probably would have had to add two first round picks to this deal. No one's taking Kyle's contract.
  15. I don't feel like there are enough available options to warrant the fees. The extra leg room seats are the biggest scam of all. Once no one pays for them, and it seems like they never do, they just give those things away to those without an assigned seat. That's my scam anytime I'm on delta now. Don't check into the flight ahead of time, get a boarding pass that says "seat assigned at gate", then enjoy the extra leg room without paying for it. That has worked for me every single time.
  16. Some of the isolated audio of Roth is amazingly hilarious. That alone makes him the pick. I know what random music I'm listening to for the second half of my work day.
  17. You retain some level of control after the former and you have no control after the latter. You pretty much nailed it, one you use when you want to reassign the player. The other is for the end of the line and you're completely cutting ties with the player. Baseball has the two different types of waivers too, but with completely different rules. I feel like football has something similar too, but maybe with different language. Don't they have the rule where players with a certain amount of experience are a free agent immediately while others have to first go through waivers?
  18. Of course he's speculating. The whole quote is "they could do this, they could do that... no one really knows what they'll do". They could go off in just about any direction.
  19. Wait, which game are we talking about? I fee like we've seen this at least 5 times this year.
  20. I definitely see where you're going with the Burgess Meredith Penguin vibes. There's another character I'm picturing but I can't think of the name. The best I can think of is if you somehow combined Penguin and Hugo Strange.
  21. I was there around this time last year. I'm due for another trip.
  22. There's another possibility. If the person behind the recliner happens to be leaning forward for some reason, they can get smacked in the face with that chair. It was a perfect storm of randomness, but I've had it happen to me.
  23. And even with all of that, at this moment he'd probably place 2nd in a commissioner popularity poll in North America.
  24. That's not all of the owners. Obviously the Knoxes are missing. And then there's one post-Knox owner missing as well...
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