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Everything posted by Greybeard

  1. Average!!! They expected him to be BETTER than Rothensburger (sp?).
  2. What is the difference in this and Ralph giving away a couple thousand tickets and the game then being televised. I don't see one.
  3. With the Bill playing the Falcons at home, that means they are on ABC, and with CNY being Giant country, the Bills would have lost out on TV coverage if there was a conflict.
  4. Holcomb's three passes last week. If he didn't look different in preseason I would be really worried about it. Especially with JP's penchant for head first dives.
  5. It is rather interesting to see what others see and in fact what you see yourself when you go back and look at a play. I had looked at the endzone view so many times, I had forgotten there was a side view. From the side view it becomes apparent that McGahee would see two blitzers coming at him and would in fact have to make a quick decision on who to take. He was in fact between the closest blitzer and the QB. Also note that the blitzer had to rush to the inside to avoid WM as if he cut the other way, he would be slowing down and be in the way of the guy behind him. Also from the side view, it is when JP sees the 2nd blitzer that he pulls down the ball and begins to run. It is this second guy who makes the play work. I believe even if WM flattened his guy, the play outcome would have been the same. This was one very well designed and executed play. At the snap the entire defensive line moves to their right, the offensive lines left. This moves the OL to their left, which opens up the area for the blitzers to run into.
  6. Thank God it was a night game. With the magnifying glass Bledsoe is under he would probably burn up if the sun was out.
  7. I am absolutely amazed at what some people can see on a television. You must have a new version that allows you to see through a helmet and a skull.
  8. Ugliness is in the eye of the beholder.
  9. After watching Holcomb pass, I think they have to change it to the WNFL for him to start.
  10. I've seen the Bills make too many subs look good over the years. I wouldn't count this a win until it is in the books.
  11. I tried to watch the 1st down play. The running back that is deep goes to cut block the pass rusher. The line blocks the view so you cannot see exactly what is happening. Looks like he rolls on the rushers feet but not enough to stop him from jumping. I believe it is McGahee but I never did see his number clearly.
  12. I just edited out all the commercials in my copy. The second half was brutal. Must have been a commercial every 3 minutes. What the networks must love is a high scoring game. They can really pack them commercials in between the score, the point after and the kickoff.
  13. I thought the TB offensive plan was very NE like. A lot of short passes to receivers that always seemed wide open. NE would probably throw the ball downfield more. but then again, TB really did not have to. This is somewhat of what I would have seen the Bills try for the last 3 years but they can't seem to call plays like this or maybe they do and they just don't execute. Anyway, the main reason for mentioning this is we obviously play NE twice. Looks like some defense adjustments are in order.
  14. I went back and looked at the play in question. JP clearly points to one of the DB's before the snap, I am assuming he yells to someone to pick him up. WM goes to take him but the guy dodges inside and only gets chipped. If this was the only guy blitzing , the play still may have worked but another DB from further outside was also blitzing. There was also a LB blitzing who mearly got chipped but barely to the outside by I think Williams. As they blitzed on the same side JP was rolling to, it didn't leave him with much room. It was the second DB and the LB that made the play. It was either a bad offensive play call or a great defensive play call.
  15. I don't agree with the Fletcher statement. With 6 min left in the 1st quarter, TB was driving until Milloy got the sack. The were running at will at that point. Maybe later in the week others who analyse the game will take a look at the first quarter. Maybe it wasn't quite as bad but it was still there.
  16. SDS must feel like the Bills coaches. He gave someone a job to do and they quickly failed to do it.
  17. The pattern I see is if the Bills are winnng you think the QB is great, otherwize you think they suck. It is still a team game. Kelly was as much a product of his environment as the other QB's. Best talent in the league in two out of the 4 SB, and he didn't win.
  18. Wow, I am surprized you knew Mom's. Your right about it being cold, well room temp, and still tasting great. And I believe you are right about 56th street. If you went out to what I think was Pine Ave, you could check out the Bug of the Month Is the Niagara st area the part of town you were from?
  19. I'm trying to think what building they are in that I would have known but right now I'm not picturing any. On another note there was a pizza place off of Buffalo Ave when you were heading out of town. Past Hooker, just past the firestation. There was a restaurant on the corner. Take a left go about two blocks. The place was called Mom's. Greatest sliced pizza I've ever had. Was square cut into squares. In the 60's it was 10cents a slice. I believe this may have been Buzzi's parents. Buzzi's sauce has a similar taste.
  20. Where on Niagara St is Pizza Oven. I spent my first 9 years near 24th and Niagara.
  21. I have it from a good source that when JP ran over to Reed the conversation went something like this. JP-"You were suppose to turn the other way" Reed-" no, I distictly heard you say at the line of scrimmage, "Excuse me while I kiss this guy", which means I turn the other way. JP- " No, I said "Excuse me while I kiss the SKY". Reed - " Must have been the crowd noise" That's what they were laughing about.
  22. Joe Ferguson used to complain about that. Or more specifically, that everyone in the division had a white helmet with a logo. Said he couldn't tell his receivers from the opposition. Just in case you didn't know.
  23. Looks like a clear case of, if McGahee faulters, you get the blame.
  24. Even Ice would have waited till game 5 to call for JP's head. Seriously, if they are losing and the stadium is full, JP will still be playing. If attendance is down, Holcomb will play.
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