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Everything posted by Greybeard

  1. I just can't resist. In the Democrat version of this, the baby is not born.
  2. That is the best laugh I have had in a long time.
  3. You being Canadian I was about to ask if you were getting your sports mixed up. There were a couple of guys in Ontario Prov. that could throw 100 mph from 46 feet in the fastpitch leagues in the 60's and 70's.
  4. My son sent me this link. Looks like a possibility for next year.
  5. I saw a similar article somewhere else this week. Maybe we should invite the Chinese over to hunt them. I hear they are a little bit short on pork this year.
  6. I am happy that is a cow and not a pig. I don't think I could handle the changes if it was a pig.
  7. I loved the show. Back then it seems everyone knew at least one real life Eddie Haskell.
  8. When I played softball, I had a pitcher friend that said Gibson was once asked by a reporter, what he would rather do, pitch a no-hitter or a shutout. Gibson replied "a shutout, you can't lose a shutout."
  9. Has anyone heard anything about this? It sounds like she lied under oath. https://justthenews.com/accountability/russia-and-ukraine-scandals/just-obama-left-office-us-officials-feared-hunter-biden
  10. The fact that you realize you may have been brainwashed is the first step in recovering from being brainwashed. Many do not recognize that they have been brainwashed.
  11. Is that the same as "I am shocked by how much the MSM doesn't tell me."
  12. Since we are down the road a bit and supposedly more knowledgeable, why don't you state your policy that would have led to no one dying.
  13. I wonder what people would think if he took Ivermectin instead, supposedly a slight upgrade to hydroxycloroquine.
  14. I think Bills fans would not want Gase fired. At least not until after the Bills them again.
  15. Does the psychologist help before or after you put the cuffs on them?
  16. Consider how much this means it would be a joke. It would be almost as bad as giving it to someone for doing nothing.
  17. What are you suggesting? 5 lashes, a day in jail? I have an elementary school behind me. Kids are being dropped off or picked up all day long. The school is on a residential street not a main drag. I guess it being residential means no flashing light. I slow down to at least 15 during school hours. There is no way I would want to hit a kid and you can never tell what a kid will do. That includes him holding his parent's hand along side of a road. School limits are about safety.
  18. Don't forget to get your Thursday night pick in and while your at it you can pick the other games because you can always go back and edit them before Sunday afternoon. I was considering making this announcement a separate thread so it would not be missed but I will leave that to Shady if he thinks it is necessary. Also, to the 5 players that did not pick last week, the Pickem game drops your lowest weekly pick total, so conceivably you could be in first place after the second week. There is no need to quit just because you miss a week. In fact I believe a couple of years ago someone placed in the top 10 after missing two weeks.
  19. I would check out the multiple methods on Youtube. I have a 10 year old car and 60 year old oak trees overhanging my driveway. Parts of my roof look like a golf ball. I would be tempted to try the Harbor Freight tool but my car is old enough that I don't think it is worth the effort.
  20. If Buddy Ryan was our DC, he would have punched him for that.
  21. Me too. Sometimes it takes some time for me to get the point.
  22. Thanks, I found this very enjoyable. Last I knew, some water parks still had some rides like some of those mentioned. I didn't think the Wave Pool was that dangerous. I can attest to the Alpine Slide being capable of giving you a good burn.
  23. You did not offend me but your record on picking winners in pretty thin but you do have 3 more winners than the Bills in the big show. I should have provided a statement so you knew what I was referring to.
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