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Everything posted by loyal2dagame

  1. that's the company line for any new coach. what do we expect him to say? "the team i'm going to looked good but fell apart and sucked the second half of the season."
  2. i saw a wet beaver laying in the grass once while i was camping................
  3. what if the name is irish with an apostrophe or hyphenated? did that ever dawn on you smart guy
  4. i have a friend, that has a friend, who also has a friend that is a source. now, if my friend, that has a friend, who also has a friend that is a source can only get a hold of _________________'s friend of a friend, of a friend,who also has a friend that is a source, we can start to spin rumors, er, um... i mean news on this high profile coaching candidate.
  5. let me shoot you in the back and see how you feel about the situation.
  6. i scored the same, but didnt miss all the same questions
  7. i'd have to disagree. the eric bana hulk totally sucked, while the ed norton hulk was good. not great, but good. and that was like what a 3yr reboot
  8. wwe wanted the rock to host tonight, but he's busy doing PR for the tooth fairy. so, we instead get mike "i broke my back" tyson. who's gonna get ko'd?
  9. so broadway joe wants to kiss suzy, and his daughter wants to kiss the sky? damn the devil's lettuce!
  10. i keep getting that message too...... what gives?
  11. schefter WAS an insider while at nfln. now he's on the same level as mort and clayton.
  12. sure is. if people think ralph wilson is bad, al davis is the devil! he has no clue but always has to be involved in everything.
  13. WWI and WWII are what likely established the USA as a world power, both militarily and financially, so i wouldnt change those. i might however do away with vietnam and all US conflicts in the middle east i'd also prevent slavery in the USA
  14. i thought i was finally done with dummy blow hard joe when he got axed from mnf. how does this guy get back on the air! he's horrible
  15. yes! this police officer would file a report out of the quest for revenge. this police officer would love to be the laughing stock of NOT ONLY THE BUFFALO POLICE, BUT EVERY POLICE DEPARTMENT IN WESTERN NY this police officer would want to air his dirty laundry out in public, possibly ruining his rep and career come on.......
  16. you had me at "piece of flair" oh, and i'm um...... gonna need you to go ahead and come in on saturday.................AND sunday
  17. A source I spoke with this morning told me that Bill Cowher is “nearly a lock” to coach in the NFL again in 2010. It doesn’t automatically equate to Cowher roaming the sidelines in Orchard Park next season. “All my Cowher sources say no way”. The same source said, but also admitted there’s so much conflicting information out there they could be wrong. so Moran's sources have sources, who themselves have sources, that also have sources. please! until a direct named source comes out and makes a comment, and from what i can tell one has(jim kelly as source of logan), the rest of this he said/she said crap needs to stop.
  18. i do believe you've struck oil here. he has the world by the balls and still continues to be a douche.
  19. ahh, but the real question is which style? tiger stripes? digital? team logo?
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