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Everything posted by loyal2dagame

  1. besides the talk of changing to 3-4 d, at least this guy should have an idea on how to properly build an outdoor football team in the northeast due to his time in the burgh'
  2. gailey not commenting on qb's.......... just come out and say it. the bills qb's are garbage
  3. who is worse to have to listen to? buddy nix, or ralph wilson
  4. tried to read about this "beer die" game on wiki, but the listing didnt really make sense to me. care to explain?
  5. the patsies* run at the top of the league is over-- in the last 2 years gone from an elite team to a good team. miami had a great turn around year 2 seasons ago, but came back down to earth this year. the jests and rob ryan will be exactly like the falcons and mora jr- one year with a good run and done. before i get down on the state of the bills, im looking at our division and still feel that anyone can take it with the right timing.
  6. at this point, i'd be happy for any qb that can get the ball downfield, hit a receiver on a slant in stride and move the chains. i wouldnt care what his name was.
  7. because...... One is the loneliest number that you'll ever do Two can be as bad as one It's the loneliest number since the number one No is the saddest experience you'll ever know Yes, it's the saddest experience you'll ever know `Cause one is the loneliest number that you'll ever do One is the loneliest number, worse than two
  8. it sure is, but i'm pretty sure that famous bills qb wouldn't decide to join this board on christmas day!
  9. you mean you dont like midgets....... i mean little people....... alas, we sure could use fezzik to help stop the run and the dread pirate roberts as linebackers
  10. i heard he's bringing some of the giant swamp rats in to coach the defense you beat me to it this time.......
  11. sixteen weeks a year? wasnt it 21 weeks this year? and i never have a logical answer for my wife to any question she asks, - i just look at her like this----> then she doesnt ask me anything for awhile
  12. now that i think more about it, ralph wilson kinda looks like the magician billy crystal played.
  13. my whole life i have waited for this moment...... HELLO, MY NAME IS INIGO MONTOYA, YOU KILLED MY FATHER, PREPARE TO DIE!
  14. sds, life cant be that bad..... wait, um the bills are hiring chan gailey........mother !@#$er !!!! now i hate my life too
  15. WOW, I HAVE IMPECCABLE TIMING TO START TOPIC LIKE THIS! after tomorrow's presser, i think most bills fans will become drunks........or at least the fans that havent yet in the last 10 years
  16. well, if you are no longer a bills fan....... GET OFF OUR BOARDS TROLL!!!!!!!!
  17. which larger markets that have the 2 million plus people buffalo has in their market and does not have a team yet besides los angeles? the bills are not going anywhere. at least not before jacksonville, and possibly a few others.
  18. FIXED, but yet and still, well said......well said
  19. no offense, but this comment is just short sighted. at one time baseball was the be all and end all in the usa. what is it now? the nfl........ why did it change??...........
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