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Everything posted by loyal2dagame

  1. Goff stepping up to make that throw. Montgomery just doesn't look right in a lions
  2. No way. It'll be like a dolphin 50 burger
  3. Mahomes looking off. Even with that 1st down
  4. The Jeets are something else. They have a self inflated ego and haven't accomplished anything. I can't wait to watch it all burn.
  5. Well the other topics were about wegmans. This one is about Mattel online. Thanks thread police. Just trying to let out of towners know that they can get them if they want them Without being price gouged
  6. ESPN ballwashed the Pats* for years. It's not surprising they're hitching the wagon to the Jeets. If they are really looking for leagues to invest, these idiots should have stayed neutral. Antitrust exemptions and such.
  7. Linky: https://creations.mattel.com/collections/little-people-nfl-collection#?page=1
  8. Good. The Bills should pipe that into practice on a loop instead of music to dance to.
  9. Best thing I've seen the Bills do all game was Morse and Brown running up the tunnel to be with their injured teammate.
  10. He must have added those ladies frames so people stop saying he looks like Bill Burr
  11. Kincaid is going to be the Bills new savior. He is going to change the way defenses play us
  12. Our defense really wants the offense to get extra snaps huh?
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