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Dr. Who

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Everything posted by Dr. Who

  1. I think the folks who derisively dismiss Reich as a nostalgia ploy and then link the idea to Brandon are engaged in lazy cheapshots. Character and intelligence are excellent qualities in a head coach. Marv Levy has them in spades. Reich certainly warrants consideration.
  2. I agree. We are a mediocre team, not a dumpster fire. We are in the middle of available options. Despite media and message boards griping, I think the Pegulas' willingness to spend and basic decency are a plus for us.
  3. You are surprisingly rational and decent for a Pats* fan. This is correct. The answer for qb is not good enough.
  4. Some fly by night outfit in China was selling a shirt with that logo awhile back on Amazon. (NFL probably closed them down, I suppose.) I don't know who came up with it, but it is really nice. Thanks for sharing.
  5. Well, I pointed out to a fella earlier the intended nature of this post. That being said, I actually do like this one.
  6. I love the standing buffalo, but the OP just made the thread up so he could engage in gratuitous sarcasm at OBD's expense.
  7. Unhappy Rodhak pleases me. The fella can't wait to report bad news and puts a snide spin on everything.
  8. This the most positive take one could plausibly make. I tend to agree with it, but it's a minority opinion.
  9. Find a way to get Deshaun Watson, please.
  10. Well, I don't see it either. I used to think I had some knowledge of football -- I've been watching for over 45 years. But then the internet came and folks started talking x and o's; I don't know if they are coaches, played themselves or if it is Madden. I am such a luddite, I have never played Madden. So now I am less confident I know what I am talking about. Watson does look like a great prospect to me. At the beginning of the year, I feared he would be a top two pick and we would have no chance. I still think qb value will be inflated by the time the draft occurs, but I hope Watson is there and I hope we take him.
  11. I like him a lot, Wagon, but the naysayers seem to think he is Taylor 2.0. I'd be enthused if we got him.
  12. Well stated. I am ambivalent on Whaley. On balance, I think he is slightly above average, though evaluation of qbs is a question mark. I wish he placed accuracy more evidently in his top criteria. The innuendo that he is behind the leaks and actively subverts coaches is troubling if true. I do believe he will make choices that he believes are most likely to result in a winning team. Catfights and calculations to maintain power are meaningless when it is crystal clear the team needs to win or he is out.
  13. Brady makes the offense automatically better than the sum of its parts. Patricia has been doing excellent work with a cast that keeps changing. I'm inclined to think he is the real deal. He's near the top of my list, at any rate.
  14. Better take two bullets, just in case there is a Dan Carpenter moment.
  15. Damn, I'm fifty-two. Guess I can only wear jeans one more year. Bummer.
  16. Not sure Kane has the discipline to dial it back. It would be great if he could be more prudent in his aggression.
  17. Selectively petty and sensitive. You can still routinely paint the entire South as bigoted and get away with it. Christians are actually victims of genocide in the Middle East right now, but hardly anyone knows about it or says anything. The possibility that some drunk fans made a poor joke about Muslims, however, provokes outrage.
  18. I think the fans should sing the national anthem whenever the 49ers have the ball. Kaep will have to keep taking a knee.
  19. Well, I think it implicitly draws in the political context. It's asking a lot in an election year for the kind of abstract neutrality that is hypothetically posed. And I rather doubt it would be an issue if Rex had not aligned himself with Trump.
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