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Phlegm Alley

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Everything posted by Phlegm Alley

  1. Was shown this the other day and laughed pretty hard. The one where the dog jumps out of the moving car at the dog running along side the road had me thinking that he had to of been mortally wounded.
  2. Modern Drunkard Magazine, Deadspin, Barstool Sports, Philadelphia Speaks, Northern Liberties dot org, FB, CNN, ESPN, Neat-o-rama, Stumble-Upon, Reddit.
  3. It hasn't been confirmed that he was drunk, however, one of his friends with him at the bar that night said he had drank 3 Coronas and 3 "girlie shots" over the span of 5 hours. Another person at the bar who was not his friend said that Dunn was hammered. There was alcohol involved, question is, how much?
  4. Remember watching it last year. Really great stuff and one of those moments when I will always remember where I was when I was told that OJ was riding around in the back of a Bronco on the LA Freeway threatening to blow his head off.
  5. Pooj...I just moved from Manayunk to Northern Liberties. Great area and it is really becoming the place to live in Philadelphia. Having been here for more than 3 years and seeing many parts of the city through my job, I can say without hesitation that it is the ideal place to live for someone with the types of interests that I have (drinking good beer, live music, great food). When you did your tour of NoLibs/Fishtown, was the new Stephen Starr Biergarten one of your stops? I have been there twice in the last two weeks and it is great. Best of all is its a 3 and half minute walk for me. In addition, the Piazza is 3 blocks away and Standard Tap, The Foodery, and a brand new 100,000 square foot shopping center that is currently under construction is all within a few blocks from me. You should hit me up if you are going to be doing some day drinking in the future in the area again. I am always down and can introduce you to some great people for the sake of networking.
  6. Let me guess...the watering hole you speak of is McKenzie's.
  7. I have been watching. The last episode I saw was the one where they spent the day looking for the lady detectives 13 year old son, which was a huge lull in the series for me. I sure hope it ends with something more substantial than what you are eluding to. It is afterall, AMC, which is known for producing some quality programming. Based on this alone, I don't expect it to be a "cookie cutter" type of ending. I think it ends up being someone tied to the mayoral race.
  8. Female teacher bought sex toy for one of her students
  9. I recorded my tune, posted it to my facebook page. Really cool.
  10. Pics of random celebrities in different social situations: Awesome People Hanging Out Together
  11. I think it is assumed he would. I don't think a guy who loves the Bills and is a Buffalo guy himself would buy the team only to move them elsewhere.
  12. He is a Buffalo guy and acknowledges that there isn't a huge growth opportunity for investment and that his sole reason for doing something like this would be because he loves the Bills. What isn't to like about something like this?
  13. Chelsea Handler on E! is one that comes to mind. I don't mind it because there is a little humor in it. Not a big fan of the celebrity gossip type shows though.
  14. Lying face down in random, sometimes public places, is good natured wholesome fun.
  15. Worst movie I have seen recently would be the one with David Spade, Chris Rock, Rob Sneider, and Kevin James who reconnect after their high school b-ball coach passes away. Terrible and unfunny.
  16. He had heart problems and was always fighting obesity. Could be related to his death.
  17. He broke Texas state records for the 110 meter and 300 meter hurdles. As a JR in High School, he was the #1 rated 400 meter hurdler in the country. Unfortunately, he tore his ACL as a sophomore allowing him to be red shirted and may have lost a little speed, but I have seen some videos of him separating in the open field against d-backs. Check out this throw: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JX_mjCc8sYY
  18. I heard people on another board talking about RG3 a few months ago. I watched some video of him and he is an amazing prospect who has started at Baylor since being a true freshman, and will be a redshirt jr. this year. He is an all around amazing athlete who had 67% completion percentage last year and is faster and bigger than Mike Vick at 6'3" 220lbs. I love him as a prospect and, with a good season, could be a top 10 pick. Funny thing is that no one knows who he is. Here is some video and I want people to pay attention to the pass he throws at 2:24. He throws it 55 yards as he is gets hit, and puts it on his receiver's hands in stride, only to have his WR drop it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=myAMiNYTstk
  19. Me asking actress Amanda Bynes on whether or not mullets were going to make a comeback: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SkD3O-s0VCw
  20. This again proves that athletes and Twitter go together like oil and water. For some, it is a good way for fans to get a real time glimpse into these athlete's lives. However for others, they fail to realize that they will be held accountable and it will hit them where it hurts...right in their wallet.
  21. Addition by subtraction. Nuff said.
  22. Just read it on the Buffalo Bills website. I wonder why after the draft?
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