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Golden Wheels

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Everything posted by Golden Wheels

  1. That's the same tabloid newspaper that employed Jay Marriotti. Enough said.
  2. Before we all throw Wood under the bus, why don't we wait to hear the results of the MRI he'll probably have tomorrow.
  3. Justin Rogers just screwed the pooch on that punt. That's just a lack of concentration. Uh oh...another player down. Brooks this time. Bills will win this game, but lose alot of players to inury. Mularkey should go for an onside kick right now. The Bills look like they don't know there's 10 minutes left in the game.
  4. Stevie Johnson may have had enough of the b-s and is trying to shoot his way out of town with his mouth.
  5. Godspeed Big Hoss. http://www.buffalobills.com/news/article-2/Former-Bills-AFL-TE-Ernie-Warlick-passes/9bc2d687-6e84-4182-8607-c8c96e737663
  6. If you watch it in slow motion like the Zapruder Film, you can see Sanchez's head snap back and to the left....
  7. The Bills used to employ a guy named Conrad Dobler. You think Suh is dirty? You should have seen old Conrad in his prime.
  8. Anyone who complains about the Patriots comes off as a whiny douchebag. Anyone who defends them is accused of being an insufferable douchebag. That's generally the way it's worked around here. You're also not going to beat them when your quarterback runs face first into the @sscrack of one of his blockers.
  9. "Everybody lies." -- Gregory House, M.D. "If you ain't cheatin', you ain't tryin'."--old NASCAR saying
  10. Belichick had his team run up the score against the Colts simply because they could. To turn it into a conspiracy theory is ridiculous.
  11. Oh I dunno. I've seen starters out of a game when their team was up by 34 points with 3:55 left in the game. But I admit that it is common for coaches not to break up the unit he has routinely doing PATs, so as far as that is concerned I stand corrected. But why were Brady and Gronkowski still in the game on the drive before the score? The game was virtually over at that point.
  12. Because of that philosophy, does that mean the PAT unit will have no cohesiveness now since backup-TE Visanthe Shiancoe hasn't gotten live action blocking on the extra points? Of course not. Silly argument. Having your starters in late in a blowout game is greedy and foolish. Period.
  13. By all accounts, Gronkowski is a great teammate and one hell of a football player. But Belichick is to blame for having starters on the field in the 4th quarter when the score was 58-24. The great wheel of karma rolls on.......
  14. I hate Miami. Oh God I hate Miami. I hate Miami.
  15. Apparently Bush doesn't like women who aren't publicity seeking fame wh*res.
  16. When you REALLY want to get someone back, the last thing you do is announce it to the press. You just make sure someone is the victim of an unfortunate play during a game. Just one of those football accidents -- get it? But if you make talk too much, either you're just blowing hot air or not very bright because you'd be the one getting a suspension -- not the douche bag who elbowed a running back in the head while he was down and then celebrated his concussion.
  17. The Bills have never won a game at Gillette Stadium. Ever. Of course we want Sunday to be the first, but even if the Bills play their asses off, the coaches will have to make game plan adjustments at halftime. Who do you think is going to win that battle? Chan or the Hoodie?
  18. You know what's depressing? Having a 21-year-old Bills fan next to me at the bar yesterday and realizing that poor guy has no memory of when the Bills were a very good team. If someone like that wants to throw in the towel on this organization, could you blame them?
  19. Yes, it's a horrible thing about his brother and all, but his homicide happened after Dareus showed up for training camp. There was nothing that should have prevented him from coming into this season in shape like a real professional would.
  20. The play calling and clock management at the end of the game once again left me shaking my head. Not just the failure to run the ball when they needed to run clock, but also not taking a timeout before the 4th down play with 1:50 left. Gailey might have gotten away with it again, if Fitzpatrick was reliable in crunch time.
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