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Everything posted by Heitz

  1. No reason to block Matthews on that play...
  2. We have more first downs than the Pack in the second quarter? Amazing...
  3. Interesting read for sure, yet no comments? Funny...
  4. Classic ending by the Jets O, they're as bad as us..
  5. What a catch by Heap - flacco throws a nice ball... Sanchez was hobbled, wonder if we'll see him again tonight?
  6. Good times despite cloudy weather - if you post on TBD and you're in the hood, stop by!
  7. 100% chance of Miller High Life is in the forecast... Please, can Sunday just get here already?!?
  8. It still seems crazy to me - the other tix in that section were $250. Okaaaaay... I'm already to the point of not being able to sleep at night, I can only imagine Sat night!
  9. Donte commented about this on his Twitter - let's hope it's corkboard material for the team. Seriously, worst team *ever*?? That's just a stupid thing to say, no way were the worst them this year, let alone ever... If all we did was hand the ball off to CJ, Freddy and Marshawn every play, every game we would STILL win games! Unreal...
  10. 'Stache For Life Baby! Does mine count - it's attached to a beard? I should add, I can't wait to see the entire city of Buffalo sporting 'Staches when the Bills are leading the AFCE late in the season!!
  11. Holy crap - Saints 22 passes, 3 runs. Wacky. SMOKE SCREEN!
  12. Thank you, thank you. I'll be performing on Sunday at Hammer's lot - first show starts at 9, second around 4. Someone bring me paper and a sharpie and we'll put together a sketch of this (sketchy) stadium. I would add, doesn't "Rainbow Stadium" seem pretty all-inclusive? Yeah, I thought so...
  13. It's the gray version of a Jersey Shore blowout. I still miss The Coach and his daily rants - "Well GreeEEEeegg..."
  14. Holy crap @ that guy standing on the edge of the falls! Since no one thinks we can build the stadium in NF, NY I have a NEW idea - we'll build the *ultimate* Rainbow Bridge, complete with a stadium in the middle. Half US, half Canada, all suspended awesomness. Let's get the US Army Corps of Engineers and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police on this STAT! I do love that Bills fans are so passionate that we argue over hypothetical stadiums. Let's Freaking Go Buffalo!!
  15. The hot peps are roasted - and pretty darn good too! Come on Sunday...
  16. Can wear: Anything Red White and Blue Cannot wear: Anything Teal, Orange and White (why one would *want* to wear those colors in the first place is a whole different question...) For the record, I'll be in the classic #34!
  17. I'm sure both will play, but let's hope neither will be 100%. I read somewhere that Incognito said Long will pay for sure and that he's a tough bastard... Guess we'll know in a couple days! Crowder is going to need to do more than jog to catch CJ!!
  18. So this is strange, I googled "NY Jets Ticket Prices" and clicked news only to see the first story: Buffalo Bills face weak secondary ticket sales, possible 0-16 season http://www.ticketnews.com/news/Buffalo-Bills-are-staring-at-weak-secondary-ticket-sales-and-losing-season091008740 Unfreaking real - the Jets don't sell out their *regular* seats and we get dissed because of the secondary market!? And as someone who bought tickets last night I can assure them that tickets on the secondary market are more like $100+ (though I got lucky and found some for $80 - 50 yard line, lower bowl, 26 rows up, Dolphins side; pure luck baby!). Man oh man, I hope that Spiller and company run all over the Dolphins; lots of CJ + a Bills win = some measure of respect. Theoretically.
  19. Man, is it Sunday yet? I'm going to do some roasted hot peppers and, um, something else to be determined at a later time
  20. Bummer 'bout the troubles, ups and downs my friend. We'll down a High Life or two in your honor! Go Bills let's squish the fish!!
  21. Duuuude, my ticket hook-up didn't come through. BUT in a sign from above I just got two tickets for less than $100 in section 112, row 26 from the Bills Ticket Exchange. Lower bowl, mid-way up, for less than $100 per? Doesn't even make sense... Sure it's the Fins side, but that's just fine - I think any Miami fans around will enjoy my Thurman jersey
  22. You're not? Can I borrow your DeLorean - I swear I won't come back and bet on professional sports... Don't we have to wait a couple years (or at least for the season to start) to see who turns what mess into what?
  23. fwiw, in the ESPN The Magazine NFL preview issue they did a survey section (of 65 top players) and one of the questions was "Last coach you'd want to play for?". The top vote getters were: - Eric Mangini 34.8% - Tom Coughlin 10.9% - Mike Shanahan 10.9% Of the last two "Neither seems like a fun guy to be around" says one veteran. Not fully sure what that means, but who knows if the players would be buying into the system and showing the attitude that they are with a different coach...
  24. Not to mention there have been a few articles that said we've been playing a very base D - no real blitzes, not the full package, etc. Let's hope it works on Sunday!
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