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Everything posted by Heitz

  1. Does this game at least not make us the "worst team ever"? Seriously if not for bad luck, we would have none at all. Still, that was close, we *will* win a game this year and THAT team woulda kicked the crap out of of a UFL team...
  2. Oh no, they've figured out the secret - run the ball...
  3. If it wasn't for bad luck, we would have none...
  4. Let's just hope it happens before the game against us...
  5. These are the same Raiders that everyone thought had made a genius move in trading for Jason Campbell in the offseason - how's that look now? A quote from Schien's latest article: "Jason Campbell - Did you watch this game? Campbell couldn’t complete the forward pass. A quarterback rating of 10 doesn’t even begin to tell the story." Just because you want to make a trade, doesn't necessarily mean you should (not that we could have anyway)...
  6. Moving the chains, but he's going to get crushed eventually...
  7. Well said Bill - I've definitely had this same thought over our past decade losing streak. The people that talk about how awful the Bills are, how much it sucks to be a Bills fan and that make threats to disown the team must have never been to a game or met the right people. Despite all the heartache I could NEVER disown the Bills after all the fun I've had and the great people I've met through my fandom. I've been to countless Bills losses and I almost always have fun at them (almost). There's just something great about the camaraderie of Bills fans, it's a real reflection of the area. It's true even out of town, I always rock Bills gear when I'm away from VT and sure I catch guff sometimes, but I also get a heck of a lot of high-fives! Like you said, somehow, someday...
  8. I would add that the few times I've noticed Byrd on the field it's because of his hesitant play. I've seen multiple plays where Byrd has pulled-up or just plain stopped rather than driving through the offensive player and making a big hit. Not sure if he's hurt, doesn't know the D well enough or what the deal is, but needs to finish plays, IMO.
  9. Yes and Peters has continue to rip it up (and be Andy Ried's "good" left tackle) http://www.philly.com/inquirer/sports/20101011_Eagles_Notes___Eagles__bad_luck_with_injuries_continues.html http://www.mycentraljersey.com/article/20101009/SPORTS0301/10090339/Jason-Peters-remains-enigma-for-Eagles-as-they-prepare-for-49ers I get that we need to keep our "star" players, but the Peters argument has been beat to a pulp and the bottom line is the guy isn't that great. Of course neither is D Bell, but RT seems to be the bigger issue than LT for the Bills right now...
  10. To be fair to Dick, it's hard to think of new cliches to describe the NFL!
  11. fwiw, over the past few weeks I have heard interviews with both The Tuna and Rex Ryan in which both said "It's hard to win in the NFL" - OMG they're Jaurons too!
  12. Let's hope he does well - I have him in one of my leagues too! It'll be interesting to keep a close eye on him all season, that's for sure. Plus I've always liked Seattle as a city, so this can't be all bad...
  13. Haven't heard many opinions now that Freddy is our #1 guy. I assume we've all come to grips with it, right? I for one am happy that he's finally getting his shot - while I liked Marshawn, we certainly don't lose anything when Jackson is in there. Plus he's older, a vocal leader and plays with a ton of heart! I think if I had to rock a jersey from a player on the current team, it'd be Jackson... http://www.buffalobills.com/news/article-3/Faith-in-Jackson-runs-deep/27e81163-5f76-4bf7-aff0-9667f0692704 Loved these quotes: Freddy J (Jackson) is one of my favorite players that I’ve ever played with just in terms of the energy, the enthusiasm and the heart that he plays with,” said Fitzpatrick. (and that's from FITZ, the only other person that plays with heart out there!) “I don’t think anybody believes we’re going to miss a beat having Fred in there,” said Lee Evans. “He did tremendous things for us last year and we all know what type of player he is.” Let's hear it for Freddy - lead us to a win this weekend #22!
  14. *What if* we trade Lee Evans to the Vikings for, that's right - RANDY MOSS! We would show those Pats who's boss, BOO YAAAAAA!!!
  15. Already got 'em... But the *real* bright side is more carries for Freddy and CJ, no one could get in a rhythm with Chan trying to use all three. Honestly I think this will benefit our O (and I think Marshawn will go on to have success too).
  16. A tweet from BloRumblings says it's Andre Anderson #Bills fill Marshawn Lynch's roster spot with former practice squad RB Andre Anderson. http://sbn.to/aMe1IH
  17. Yet Marshawn is averaging less yards per carry (4.4 per carry / 37 carries) than Freddy (5.0 / 20 carries)... Of course, Fitz's average of almost 10 yards per carry blows them both away!
  18. While I'll miss Beast Mode in Buffalo and while I would like to have seen a little more value (though two picks seems like a fair deal depending on that 2012 conditional), this deal had to be made. We don't need three RB's all competing for carries - in the end no one gets into a game flow when they all only get 5 carries a piece. Sure Marshawn / CJ could have been awesome, if we didn't have 1,000 other needs! Goodbye Marshawn, I'll pour a little of my 40 out and waive a crushed blunt in the air in your honor tonight...
  19. If we can get the line settled and some hard hitting LBs, I think everyone will change their mind about the 3-4. The havoc a 3-4 can (potentially) create is a thing of beauty. Haven't we been playing a lot of 4 down linemen this year? Seems like we already are playing a 4-3 and that ain't working either...
  20. Cam Wake is on fire - sure wish we could have brought him in...
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