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Bad Things

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Everything posted by Bad Things

  1. Rebuild the lines on both sides. That's where our focus needs to be.
  2. Holy cow, these pre-game shows are just about unwatchable. I usually don't get to watch them, so have always thought I was missing out on things. Nope!
  3. It's Monday morning down here in New Zealand, and guess who just called in a "sicky" in order watch the game live on TV? Let's go Buffalo!!!
  4. RIP David. I'm very grateful to have seen CSN open up for the Grateful Dead in Buffalo, in the early 90's. That's one great summer day that I'll never forget. (Well, except for a little bit of it.)
  5. I reckon Shady would say your opinion on him is "Ass Ass". I would tend to agree. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QQHM-R_h8ng LeSean McCoy called Dak Prescott ASS on LIVE TV!! #shorts - YouTube
  6. Not sure about "Queen Cities", but we have a Queenstown just down the road from me!
  7. Good idea! We should also drop turkeys from a helicopter down on them! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BGFtV6-ALoQ WKRP Turkey Drop - YouTube
  8. If he doesn't get this gig, I wonder if he'll go back to neurobiology. Remember all that talk when he first got here? "Wow, he went to school for neurobiology. He must be a genius!" Looks like he picked the wrong career path.
  9. He's a damn good player, but boy does that guy rub me the wrong way. He seems ultra-douchie.
  10. I've always considered myself a spiritual individual and was raised in a Christian family but find it a bit "cringe" how Hamlin's recovery is attributed to Christ/God. What about the other religions that were praying for him? What about the incredible treatment that he received from the medical staff? In my humble opinion, if there was ever a play where "God" may have played a helping hand, it was during the Dane Jackson neck injury earlier in the year. I still, for the life of me, can't believe he was unscathed by that hit.
  11. It'll be on at 7:00 am (Monday morning) my time, and I'll be stuck at work. I'll be using all of my willpower not to sneak a peak at the score, so I can watch the game on delay, when I get home. Let's go Buffalo!
  12. I'm very sorry to hear about your loss. God bless your sister and your family.
  13. The best player on the team, not named Josh Allen. Congratulations Matt!
  14. Mate, you really need to stop worrying about how people feel about you.
  15. I think this whole "McClappy" thing is and has always been pretty f'ing lame. I get it, he claps... so what? Most coaches do. He is the man that turned this sinking ship around since the first day of his arrival. To call him a silly, dismissive name like this shows me a lot more about you than him.
  16. Webb Confirms Its First Exoplanet "Researchers confirmed an exoplanet, a planet that orbits another star, using NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope for the first time. Formally classified as LHS 475 b, the planet is almost exactly the same size as our own, clocking in at 99% of Earth’s diameter."
  17. Woah, that's really sad, unexpected news. RIP Jeff.
  18. We had a new co-worker start in the office a month or two ago, who just moved here from Italia. I took the opportunity this morning to ask her what she thought of the term “Bills Mafia”. In short, she just kept asking me why we would call ourselves that. (I didn’t have an answer.) She just couldn’t get it around her head why a fanbase would call itself that, and said it was bizarre. I tend to agree, but it is what it is.
  19. Huh. Why do you intensely like him? I consider him a legend and one of the all-time best. Just wondering what he does that would annoy you so much.
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