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Everything posted by BadDad

  1. I'll be happy to say it Joe, Mr. Bush was on vacation again and was slow to respond!! He presided over an administration that cut funding to the Army Corp of engineers steadily to the point that they basically had no funding this past year for maintenance much less reinforcing the levies. Where the hell is he tonight, that camp somebody named after David, or is he in Maine? Kennebunkport should be empty tonight since his Dad is out working on the relief effort with the other last real President.
  2. What about a project to rebuild the wetlands in the delta that have been starved by the dike and levy system? If they could find a way to restore the wetlands and swamps that absorbed the storm surge in the past and couple it with a system of levies, then, possibly, one the worlds great cities could survive and prosper again. As an aside I can't imagine the Dutch even contemplating the abandoning of Amsterdam even though it too is below sea level and protected by a system of dikes.
  3. That's been my take on it and watch the Italians, Dutch, and Brits quitely disengage from Iraq also. Other than symbolic support there really was no coalition this time any way.
  4. Oh yeah the Clinton bashing is so friggin routine. Bush screws up again and it's somehow Clintons fault. You rightees always accuse the left of dinking cool-aid and eating hot pockets however your responses are all so predictable.
  5. I wasn't refering to Terry herself, I was comparing how her family was co-opted by the right. We will never know what Terry's reaction would have been to the circus that was her last days. The same can be said for Casey, but the way in which their families have been exploited is comparable. That was my point.
  6. Moreso than Terry Schaivo was with the right wing machine behind them? Mr. Frist seems to be already realizing that if his Presidential asperations are to be realized, he must separate himself from the right wing cabal that is presently in power. This house of cards is going to fall soon.
  7. Thank you good Dr., perspective, (and history), is vital when considering any of these issues. The political speaches of today most definately will come back and bite those that have uttered them. Evidence the complete turn around position on stem cell research that was orchestrated by Senator Frist.
  8. I assume you aren't replying to me, but in case your are yes several times begining in the mid 60's as an Air Force brat and all that crap that we (military families) endured.
  9. o.k. with the what happened today, London or Paris? Why London? Paris has arguably a much larger Muslim population, it's on the continent, etc. Why London, "the safest city in the world"?
  10. Simple question, why London over Paris? I think it was a security concern. Paris had everything going for it, but security. Same for New York by the way.
  11. Now that's funny (Also liked the lyrics)
  12. Howsabout Statesborough Blue by the Alman Bros. from "Live at the Filmore East" ?
  13. I agree 100% Bill, he's gotten a lot of playing time that he would never have gotten in SD this year. Also, there is no pressure this year so he can learn without that distraction. Third, he won't have to contend with the QB controversy that will start in SD as soon as Breese falters a little. Last, there's all that money if he does fail, which I don't think he will, but don't care if he does.
  14. I go to a Sports Bar every week and watch the game. Years ago, in the 70's, I used to liste to,the games on the radio if I tickets weren't available. Since the early 80's I've been living in Fish country, and have raised my son's to be Bills fans. I used to go to the games but, like DIB, I've given up. Now I go to a Spaorts Bar with the kids, (youngest is 16 now), have some wings, and watch the game.
  15. That would be great, for him (smart investment), and if his bought them up it would be great for the Bills org., Talley being a very distinguished alumn!!!!!
  16. Sorry didn't see this thread before starting mine. fast food has never been my favorite, but I can still remember those Big Mac's, Large Fries, and a Coke for under a buck at the McDonalds in Hornell, circa 1972-1974.
  17. I heard earlier, (in the year), that the Bills would like to move him to Safety. I think it would be a great move since, although he has been picked on, (somewhat effectively), Magee(sp?) has performed adequately in his absense. With Vincent in, as a corner or as a safety, is going to be a plus for us.
  18. ...extra tickets for the game. I live in S. Florida so I'm not affected by the blackout but it's nice to see another "corp." buying up the extra tickets for a change, (usually it's the t.v. station that's broadcasting the game). Go Bills!!!! Run the Ball!!! Set Antw.......uh......Willis free!!!!
  19. ...are so far over the top, from both sides, that it's really not worth debating here any more. I'll be watching my son in the Paintball Wprld cup this weekend and watching the Bills on Sunday. Next week I'll vote and then a few days later I'll come back here to argue who stole this election. Take care all of you and remember to vote, it's the only thing WE really control any more.
  20. No Darin you could be the objective, hater of both parties and simply post a link to the Bush Cousins for Kerry site that's out there to counter this post.
  21. Conflicting reports right now, he is conscious but unable to stand on his own. As for the Castro remarks that old sob will probably outlive the children of his worst enemies here in Miami.
  22. What a crock of caca! That's why VP Cheney has said on numerous occasions all this Fall that he supports Civil Unions and that is a matter for the States to decide individually. However, the President sets the policy and he supports the President. This is a complete move to the center and his base, if they heard it, won't be too pleased. Keep on drinking from Karl Roves cup.
  23. I voted for Jerry Ford against Jimmy Carter and I voted for George Bush Senior against Bill Clinton. What's the big deal?
  24. Relax Debbie, I think that, (at the risk of putting words in his mouth), what Darin was saying was that the sensationalism that surrounded the initial story concerning Jessica Lynch proved to be nothing more than that. It is highly possible that that this is more of the same. Give it a couple of days to settle out and then we'll be more able to analyze what happened and when. Rich jumped all over this almost like his real name is Hannity or something. Many of us ahve posted links and made arguments to the contrary, the point is that right now none of us know what's the truth but a few days should clear it up.
  25. My head is spinning so I don't remember which of Richio's thread I said the same thing in, let's give it a couple of days to work the real story. I tried to post a link to the Jerusalem Post that quoted an unamed Pentagon source. I'm with you let's see how it plays out. As Darin said, at one time Jessica Lynch was a superwoman.
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