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Everything posted by BadDad

  1. Sounds a lot like Dick Cheney and George Bush lately doesn't it Darin.
  2. Only Congress can actually declare war. What Kerry voted on was not a declaration of war, it was a motion to give the President the ability to use force if necessary in Iraq. The force to be used is deliberately vague and could have ranged from strengthening or expanding the no fly zones to actually putting boots on the ground in Iraq. He, and many others, voted affirmatively to give this power to Mr. Bush with the understanding that Mr. Bush would try all diplomatic avenues available to him and would get the backing of the UN Security Council before he invaded, should it come to that.
  3. What Kelly said Bill, we don't agree on much in Politics, but this is much bigger than either politics , (which we don't agree on) or football, which we do. I'll keep Millie in my prayers and you hang in there.
  4. Yep and has been all along. He is the one who radicalized Osama back during the Soviet war in Afghanistan and has influenced him ever since.
  5. But that was when he realized that his Texas residency would jeopardize the Bush ticket in 2000. Before all you cons and repubs, go crazy I know that Cheney is from Wyoming originally, whew... we could have had a constitutional crisis there.
  6. Bad analogy Darin, in your case the new guys got the hazing, in this case the guy ho has been hazing just got a dose of his own medicine.
  7. You guys are slipping, it took 11 posts to shift the topic to Clinton. BTW, Sandy Berger and other Clinton admin. officals tried to warn the incoming Bush people about the threat from Al Qaeda, but they brushed him off. So Mr. Cheney does have some experience in coming in unprepared.
  8. I remember watching him at Miami and because of his stride and his size he doesn't seem to be running as fast as he really is. He's big and strong and fast but he's not a quick hitter with qick movements like TH. They could provide a great one two punch with a change of pace. Go Bills!!!!
  9. Got my shutters up, the bunker is fine. DiB is just a few miles east of me and should be getting around the same. Right now, 4:00pm on Sat., the bands are hitting more closely together and the wind seems stronger. Rain is continuous. The stupid storm is just sitting there and won't come in so we're going to get tons of rain. I was out in the neighborhood 15 minutes ago and there are trees down but I didn't see anything major. They say the worst will be coming over night and in the morning. Don't know about others but here in Weston, (we're in Western Broward county due west of Ft. Lauderdale), we've had no power outages. I have seen on t.v. that quite a few thousand families have lost power in Dade county and Broward, but I don't know where. I hope everybody else is fairing as well as we are. Go Bills!!!
  10. Just got up and logged on and this is the first thread I read!!!! This is a classic TSW post and should be preserved for as long as the wall stands.
  11. Depending on hoe Kerry/Edwards do over the next four years, a repub ticket of McCain and Rudi could mount quite a challenge.
  12. Steve it's good have an optomistic outlook but beleive me you don't want to get caught with your pants down by this thing. Take all the precautions you can, batten down the hatches and drink lightly while this is going on. I'm just south of you and things around here are not crazy but people are taking it seriously. Take care. BD
  13. Calm down Bill, take a deep breath and relax. Now think about it, I am a professed liberal, lefty and have been since before this board was even created and you know it. What on God's green earth would give you the impression that I would even think of supporting Mr. Bush instead of Mr. Kerry? As for Rudi, what, did I touch a nerve by calling him a media whore? o.k. he's a politician that has never seen a microphone or a camera that he could resist getting in front of.
  14. Don't worry Bill has called me worse in the past. Bill is one of those emotional guys who attacks before his brain has a chance to think things through.
  15. Seriously though, Rudi is nothing more than a media whore. I had quite a bit of respect for McCain, until the past couple of months. He has obviously sold out to the Bushes and whether it was a promise of full support in 2008 or the promise that they would bury him in 2008, and he has experience with that, he is looking like a bought man. If it came down to one of them I would probably vote for McCain, but it wouldn't be an easy thing to do. Anyway, I won't have to worry about that because Kerry will be running for reelection. (Hey think I just changed from a dittohead to a lemming )
  16. Ditto. BTW I hope that doesn't make me a dittohead.
  17. Thank you, I must have missed something earlier. BTW, my wife pulled a cruel joke on me a couple of years ago and put me on a Republican mailing list, (forgive her she's not from this country). My mail is right now 70% Republican propaganda. She doesn't think it's so funny anymore because now she has to wade through the junk to get to the bills.
  18. Don't let them chase you away that easily Mike. They repeat over and over again the same BS and talking points day after day on here. Anybody that disagrees with them is jumped on immediately and the personal insults come out ten to one. They accuse you of coming here with the same argument that they've all heard before, and they attack you with the same arguments that they attack everybody else with. Of course they never answer the question.
  19. But not from the Republicans, right Darin? There's no chance they would go to the Supremes again is there?
  20. I agree with you on the FOX thing with Hannity, he's an ass and brings nothing constructive to the event. I have been watching MSNBC and CSPAN, which I watched during the DNC as well. Being a "lefty, lemming, liberal" I don't have the problem with Brokaw that you do. However, I think he's much better when he's with Russert, which he has been quite often. My biggest problem is with Mathews. He's a two bit whore that changes his position whenever he perceives the popular political winds changing. On top of that he won't shut his blathering mouth long enough for anybody else to get a word in edgewise. At least there is more of a balance with Joe Scarborough, et al coming in from the right and from the moderate positions than I get from FOX or CNN.
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