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Everything posted by BadDad

  1. o.k. How about a list? Top advisor for top advisor. Personally I don't keep tabs on those things but if you two are going to go at it, let's see some numbers. (Being a "hot pocket eating", lefty my memory is a little fuzzy on the Clinton Admin. arrests, etc.) :
  2. Well I'll drink to that!! But my point was that this guy was made for Fox and I remember his press conferences fro Baghdad every day and thinking to myself, this guy has a Fox career written all over him.
  3. ...before? I just was in a commercial from the Godfather and I hit on Fox News. There was a guy that I could have bet my life would eventually show up on Fox News one year ago. Hey what do you all think about the chances of Scott McCellan getting a gig on Fox when he leaves?
  4. I've been living in South Florida for 22 years and for most of that time I've had to go out to local sports bars to watch the Bills games. As a result I drink whatever the special is. For the past couple of years our local Flannigans has having a great deal on some light beer or some kind of ice beer. If I had my druthers I'd be drinking Genny Cream in that hideous green can, or Utica Club, or even Iron City, every Sunday!!! After all, after the first couple it really doesn't matter!???!!! (Because you're into the second quarter and the beer could be water for all we care because we're to busy screaming at the t.v. screen to pay attention to what we're sloshin down).
  5. First, Bush is the President regardless of how much you guys don't want to remember that. His administration is presiding over this disaster, (amoung others). They are the ones in a position to make a difference and they continually come up shy. Should we simply give them a pass? Maybe we should give the present office holder a break because inherits situations from the previous adiminstraton, or previous administrations. Since I've been voting there has been a net, (to date beginning with Ford), 7 years of Republican control of the executive branch. The Congress has been controlled by the Republicans since Newts' revolt in 94 (?) a minimum of 10 years. At what point do you think these people should take responsibilty for their actions? Second, he forgot that when all else fails, blaim Clinton who hasn't been President for over 5 years (not usre exactly which talking point that is). Disclaimer, this is a serious question and I won't respond to the off the cuff remarks that slam either the question, myself, or some liberal poster or official.
  6. Bingo! He had no presence, (damn I can't spell for caca anymore, where's DC Tom when I finally him?), and he has become the easy guy to take out. Rummy, has had similar misfortunes however he has a "command presence" and he gets by. For all the repubs, right wingers, "libertarians?!?, (this means you Dr. K and ), etc. this not an attempt to equate the Secretary or the department with any incompetence involving the destruction caused by hurricane Katrina. It is merely an observation of responses to "possible" mishandling of situations based upon the personal charisma, presence, etc. of the man in charge.
  7. I figured that something was wrong when you started talking about peace marches, I've never been to one in my life. As for Geraldo, of course I never take anything he says seriously, but then again I rarely take anything I hear from Fox News seriously . I do find it quite telling though that the mouth piece of the administration, (Fox), is having a hard time keeping it's reporters on the ground in check. The Hannity's and O'Reilliy's who sit in New York are towing the line fine, but the guys on the ground in La. and Ms. are having a difficult time because they are seeing the reality of this situation without the rose colored filters.
  8. What the hell are you talking about???? Although I have been to my fair share of demonstrations, exclusively in my youth in Buffalo (30 years ago ) I'm sure that you are confusing me with the same person, (people), that Eryn, BiB, and other sane members of the conservative community here have. Am I upset, yes I am, am I incenced, yes I am, however it's very disheartening to see people like CD, and you attacking in such a Richio manner. It's hard to watch Mr. Bush stumbling for words again, it's hard to watch even Scarborough, Sheppard Smith, Giraldo, all saying when will this admin. get it's act together and attack this problem?
  9. Wow Bill you outdid yourself with that one . Other than your rants about smoking in NYC bars and restaurants, you rarely seem to be able to string together more than a sentence of this kind of insulting blather.
  10. Yah know I was watching Brubaker yesterday and an apt line was spoken, "You've been Wackin it so long your mind has caved in" . Funny I thought of you even before I read your post.
  11. O.K. what is the perception of the country and the world for that matter when the President, on the day of the hurricane is playing guitar with some Country singer and on the day after he's out playing golf? As I said it's not what he could do it's the perception that his attitude is let them eat cake. By the way, since he got back to Washington and made a couple of speeches and went down to Mississippi and Louisiana twice all of a sudden things are happening a a much faster and much more efficient pace, but he really has nothing to do with that does he? Bush is good Clinton bad, it's getting so old that even the diehards are having trouble swallowing it this time around.
  12. Nope I'm obviously not, "intelligent enough..." why don't you enlighten us all. Somehow I think that you're a one line wonder incapable of actually developing a coherent argument, but then again I have been wrong, and admit it, before.
  13. Isn't it ironic that Fidel beat our own President to the punch with much more substance, 1,100 Doctors vs. "uh.....well. this is unacceptable.....uhh....9-11.... Am I being facitious? Of course I am but then again it's all a question of perception.
  14. You're right he could have been in the South of F...never mind, he could have been in Spai...never mind... he could have been in Lond...never mind. You rightees never want to look at the big picture unless it's got to do with what's in Clintons zipper. Sorry but you reap what you sew. Between the perceived disrespect for the White House, the preceived disrespect for the office of the President exhibited by Mr. Clintons daliances with Ms. Lewinski and the percieved disrespect and disregard for the office exhibited by the present holder of the office I'll take the b.j. over foolish invasions of other countries, over totally ignoring the protection of millions of American citizens in the Gulf region, etc. He's slow but even Mr. Bush realizes that he has to get out there and show the flag once in a while, after all his father......
  15. Keep drinking the cool-aid and eating the hotpockets, Mr. Bushes has done all that he could have as a matter of fact he was super human, he walked on water today...
  16. Then again Mr. Bush has been a great orator and shown leadership over the past week, hasn't he?!? The Mayor, in more straight forward and common terms called the President out but even Fox News is calling him out because this is a disaster that could have been avoided. The same Administration that can throw billions at other nations, be it for humanitarian aid, nation building (sorry rightees ) or undermining the Govt's of those nations could not get it's act together, with a weeks notice, to save and protect tax paying citizens of it's own country. If it quacks like a duck, and.....
  17. If you had a clue about what I thought of Bledsoe....ah what the hell go bang your cowbell
  18. So we should all move along, nothing to see here? Is that you Rush?
  19. Yeah, I'm sure they decided they should bury him so they conjured up a hurricane, and then they gave his cabinet sleeping pills, then they took their finger out of the hle in the dike, then they died on the roofs of their own houses.......Sorry I forgot that Louisiana and Mississippi and Alabama are all RED States
  20. ...have been spent on the invasion of Afghanistan (which I and everybody supported and supports, so back off) and Iraq which many of us did not support from the outset? In my opinion the hundreds of billions that have been spent on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan coupled with the massive tax cuts, created a situation where the administration had to look for money elsewhere. In fairness every administration since the Reagan administration, (yes Joe et. al., that includes the obligitory slam to Clinton), has cut back funding for the levies in N.O. This administration had to look for even deeper domestic cuts because they decided to give tax cuts in the middle of a war. However, this is simply another manifestation of Mr. Bush' bad luck... every time he goes on vacation he get's caught with some catastrophy!! Then again if his vacation was only two weeks a year, he would have been back at work when the hurricane struck and I'm sure that the the relief effort that we see today would have occured on Tuesday or latest Wednesday. How many lives would have been saved if the Federal Govt. had reacted in time?
  21. You're right, and what about Iraq We've spent almost 300 BILLION on defeating Saddam. As a matter of fact the Louisiana National Guard is still over there with all of their amphibious equipment, protecting them and "rebuilding" their country.
  22. I'm with you Harriet, I've always hoped that Petrino would resurrect his odes and Drew Haddad would be ryned with ..... well you know....
  23. Sorry but I do not remember during the various witch hunts in the eight years of the Clinton admin. constant references to George Bush or even Mr. Reagan in attempts to deflect criticism from Mr. Clinton. However, the right wing machine is in full attack mode today. If it's not the Mayors fault, (after all he called out the admin), it's the Governors fault, or maybe it's the Democratic members of Congress. That's it Ted Kennedy caused this mess, or better yet it's all Hillary's fault.
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