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Everything posted by BadDad

  1. BiB please inform, (I probably should do this on PM). I undestand that the UN never had it under guard since Saddam wouldn't let any foreign troops, let alone UN troops, on his soil. However, the UN inspectors did have their seals on the bunkers, and an inventory that they checked whenever they were allowed in. I think that's what is being touted as "under UN guard". In addition to this my understanding is that the last time that UN inspectors checked the inventory and seals at this facility was not January of 01, but January of 03. Granted that left Saddam two months to move stuff out but it's not the same as years with no inspection. My second question has to do with the your buddy who was one of the initial guys tasked with inspection of sites on the "WMD hit list". Were they, as has been postulated, moving through sites on the hit list searching for WMD's and although there may have been tons (as you yourself have stated) of conventional explosives, there were no WMD's so they moved on the the next target site initially and then came back? Personally, Being an admitted civilian, I don't understand the difference between TNT and DMX or VMX or whatever the stuff was. However, as I understand it this was all conventional munitions.
  2. That's my point and that is why, from before the war, I was against us invading Iraq. That's why I will vote for Mr. Kerry in one week. Mr. Bush has stated that if elected... we will see more of the same and I am tired of it. Do I wish there was another FDR, JFK, WJC in the ranks to blow this administration out? Of course but some times we have to play the hand we're delt and that's Mr. Kerry. Is he my ideal candidate? Of course not but he is a better choice than four more years of the same bs that we have been through. Many here and elsewhere accuse people like myself as being ABB voters, (that was an acronym I saw in another post which stands for "Anybody But Bush"), and to the extent that, for me, Kerry is not the ideal choice that is acurate. However the implication that because Mr. Kerry is not the ideal candidate for many of us somehow drops him down to the level of competence of Mr. Bush is a very big stretch.
  3. Alright that tears it Mickey!!! We were met with flowers, hugs and kisses by the Iraqi people after the invasion, Mr. Cheney said so and me, the President, and Richio believe it!!!! All evidence to the contrary we refuse to listen to. Seriously he has a choice as I see it. He can begin real quick to, at least make the appearance of, disagree with the U.S. and be somewhat critical in an effort to gain some legitimacy among the Iraqi people and the Arab nations that surround him. Or he can become another Karzai who is totally propped up by the U.S., is almost (for his own safety), totally isolated from his own people, has no control outside of Kabul and will eventually be disgarded by the U.S. when it is no longer convenient or necessary to keep him around. Regardless of if we're talking about Diem in Viet Nam, Pinochet in Chile, The Junta in Argentina, the Shah in Iran, or Noriega in Panama ex-CIA types have a history of being given up when we don't need them. Maybe this guy is trying to break the trend by trying to distance himself now so that when we do withdraw our support for him he can still survive.
  4. Ummmm.... that guy from Yale you're refering to actually did get his MBA from Harvard. His undergrad degree was from Yale. Knowing Darin that was the backside intent of his post since he holds both candidates with equal contempt.
  5. That scenario makes the most sence on its face. Alawi is a handpicked guy and the world knows it. He is widely rumored to be an ex-CIA operative or colaberator and by making a few statements that show some independence from the U.S. or displeasure, no matter how contrived, it may help him to survive, (not only politically), in Iraq.
  6. I don't know why it doesn't go straight to the story but if you go to their homepage scroll down to world and click on "more" it's right there for you to see clear as day. Second, that is in todays JP. Third, it mentions the CBS story and the embedded reporter who didn't see anything, but they were looking for WMD's and moved quickly through the sight. By the time they came back the place had been looted. Fourth, a Pentagon source is where that last bit came from. Fifth, why the hell am I even responding to you, I know better!!!
  7. Hold on there a minute Hoss as usual this is not over yet.Jerusalem Post Thingy I think maybe everybody should back off a little and give this time to develope. It is strange that Condi just found out about this a week ago or so.
  8. That's a bunch of horse hockey and you know it. Zogby ids the only one that correctly picked Mr. Bush in 2000.
  9. Likely to win? One of those guys is going to win, and all the bs to the contrary won't change that fact. Pick your poison.
  10. Bingo Mickey, the real reason why Nixon didn't cry foul on Mayor Daily is because the Repubs were doing the exact same thing in the southern part of the State and Daily and the Dems just beat them in the dirty tricks dept. He had as much mud on himself as Kennedy and the Dems did.
  11. Cat's out of the bag in our house. Although some of things that my youngest and I have tried didn't work out so well, we've had some nice surprises. If you turn on the t.v. in our family room, that's my t.v., you'll see one of the following (in order:) - History Channel - ESPN - CNN - MSNBC - FOX NEWS (beleive it or not) - Food Network - Animal Planet I love watching people cook. It's something I wish I could do well but I think I'm finally past the Campbell Soup, toaste, various sandwiches, and fried eggs menu that I lived on as a bachelor.
  12. That statement is all too often forgotten in these discussions of the candidates. Mr. Kerry has a great deal of wealth that comes from his wife. Mr. Bush is in the same league, (give or take a hundred million), because of his family's wealth. Actually I think that Mr. Bush has a larger personal fortune than Mr. Kerry. Whille Mr. Kerry has a couple of million (maybe five), of his own money, Mr. Bush is over 20 million.
  13. Bingo on both RR and Giada!!! I once saw Giadas Mom on the show with her and she's pretty good looking herself. I like Rachels show but I don't think she's very good looking.
  14. I was thinking about you, and your decision to jump on the Yankees bandwagon, the past three nights. I know it would be a big sacrifice but.......
  15. Congrats Steve and I agree with Nick, we got another Jill now it's time to concentrate on another Bill!!!
  16. I agree with Todd, Ice has been around for quite a few years and this happens once in awhile. He has been officially banned at times but he always gets a repreive because he's still one of us, a Bills fan.
  17. I was thinking the same thing Gav when I read the article on TBD.
  18. How many of you guys are part of the ready reserve? Can you still be called up?
  19. Sorry I thought that since you use "Paco" maybe you spoke Spanish, btw according to my kids I am a BadDad hense the name in case you were wondering. What I was asking is in a P & L what is the number that you consider when determining if somebody is rich or not?
  20. Hola Paco, que pasa? Digame, en un P y G, que es el numero fijo de activos que Ud. determina como el numero de una persona rico?
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