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Everything posted by BadDad

  1. Me too, AKC is a long time contributer and I respect his opinions and insite on most topics, but I sure hope he and R. Rich, (who I also respect), are off base on this kid.
  2. My God man let it go! The rediculous judgemental attitude of people on this board drove me to stop posting for a number of years. The man says he didn"t see the woman, he went home parked in his driveway, the cops came and towed his car, he called his lawyer, it took a few weeks to get the facts straightened out, the D.A. had no evidence that he "fled the scene of a hit and run" ergo the citation that he received. He's a 22(3?) year old kid and he made a mistake that, according to him and all eye witnessses he didn't even realize he made. The judge has ruled, the D.A. is satisfied, why the h... can't you guys back off?
  3. I agree, a year ago he was the second coming, now he's the next whipping boy. It's sad.
  4. Great storry Senator, I also ran into Andre, almost literally, back in 20002 or 2003 (can't remember), at UB when they had the Bills vs. the NFL Allstars flag football game. Long storry but thanks to Dan Marino and Jeff Delenbach my kids who have gorwn up Bills fans in South Florida got to meet and get pictures of some of the greatest Bills from the super bowl years. Mary Delenbach and I saw the kids all go in the locker room with the players and we waited for them to come out. After about half an hour we decided to go in after them and that's when, as I opened an interior door, there was Andres who was still in fantastic shape. I also took a peek into one of the training rooms and there was Jim sitting on a training table with a huge ice pack on his knee, drinking a beer. Somebody mentioned "the Fridge" earlier and he was there as well. The "allstars had on red jersey's and the Bills Blue. The Fridge had to cut open the sides of his XXX large jersey just to get it on. Say hi to my old buddy the Dean, it's good to hear that he's still enjoying his drunches!!! Ask him if he's seen Ruben lately or if he's gotten probed, he should know what I mean.
  5. Thanks for the heads up, my oldest and I will be checking out "Rough Mix" asap. By the way my brother, who still lives in Rachacha, was at the Jazz Festival last week and he turned us on to Devin Allman, Duanne's son. Plays like Duane and sings better than Gregg.
  6. RIP Tim and go Bills!! I wish I could come up with something more profound but the shock has left me sp...........
  7. What happened to BiB? I haven't seen him posting but then again I haven't been posting for a long time either so I assumed he took a break. I also remember him getting pretty frustrated over on the Politics board so i assumed he may have taken a break. Did something happen to him?
  8. Not to mention, Wilfork, Howard the house Ballard, etc.
  9. Check it out. "I saw a seagull hangin out by a lake. I said... dude don't worry, I won't say sh..!" " I bought a parrot and the parrot talked but it did not say I'm hungry...so it died."
  10. Bingo!!!! Except I think that Dubya has always sucked. He didn't need to be torn down. In general your point is right on.
  11. For those who have knowledge of OLine play. Is it not easier to run block than to pass block? If so is it not logical to run the ball with an inferior or patchwork or inexperienced line? Please take your pick of which of the above describes our present, (and for the last 10 years), OLine and explain to me why we don't run the ball a minimum of 60% of the time in every single game? The lame excuse of "we get down early" doesn't cut it and has been proven to be a fallacay. Yes we get down early sometimes, but not by a lot. It seems that it doesn't mater who the Coach is, we get down by 10 points in the first quarter on the road against the Lions, or 3 points at home or whatever the panick stes in and we begin to put the game on the QB's back regardless of who it is. We have had some decent running backs since Thurman and I simply can't understand why these Coaches, who refuse to address the OLine in the offseason or draft, continue to expect Flutie/Johnson, Drew, JP with their big arms or excapability to somehow save the day against a jailbreak on every predictable play. Every offensive co-ordinator that come through OBD in the past 10 years has expressed a commitment, before the season begins, to the running game? I'm beginning to think that there is a reason why thy're the pros' and I'm just a fan because the broken record continues regardless of the QB, the RB, the Coach or the OC and I, Mr. fan, don't know why we don't run the ball.
  12. My kids turned me on to Mitch a few years ago and he was one of the funniest guys I have ever seen or heard. " I used to do drugs.....well I still do drugs, but I used to do drugs.....too." " I had an ant farm, man those guys didn't grow nothin! Cmon, grow some carrots!! If I pull your legs off you look like snowmen." " I heard a story about a woman who was born without arms. Her hands were literally attached to her shoulders and that was sad, but then they said Lola does not know the meaning of the word can't. That to me was ina way kinda worse ya know, because not only does she not have arms but she doesn't understand simple contractions. It's very easy Lola you just take two words, you put em together, then you take out the middle letters. Then you put in a comma....and you raise it up."
  13. One thing I would like to add, if they would have simply gone with a QB sneak on 3rd they stood a much better chance of picking up the first. It was "inches" which then turned into a yard, which then turned into 6 yards. No problem going for it all on 2nd and inches, but then on 3rd and inches you have make certain that you get it. Even if he didn't make it on 3rd and inches he would have been 4th and inches, not 4th and a yard. Getting cute in these games against quality teams is getting us killed in games this season. If the idea was to make teams wonder or get them thinking, it's done, no need for more of the silliness this year. Play sound fundamental football,, don't give up on the run and see where we are at the end of the season.
  14. Amen to that. I was thinking the same thing throughout the game. Although I am concerned because they gave up on the run way to early, at least they left him in to take his lumps and hopefully learn. I'm with Todd, I think he will.
  15. Hank Golberg had Willis on this afternoon and was asking him the same question. Willis said that when he first came to Buffalo there was that atmosphere but this year it's just everybody fighting for the same thing, a playoff spot. Difficult to know for sure if he was simply being smart and not giving anything for the Dolphins bulletinboard, or if the rivalry really has cooled somewhat and it's just another game that they need to win.
  16. Bingo, just give to them. Still, reason to be hopeful as JSP says.
  17. Starting with Willis' 4th and 1 run we got no breaks. Living in S. FL. I rarely get a straight answer but is the rule where the ball is when the knee goes down, or is it where the knee goes down? I always thought it was where the ball is when the knee goes down and if so then that was the beginning of our problems. From that point on a game that was real competetive went in the opposite direction. Call it sour grapes if you will but even the announcers were questioning some of the calls. Having said the above, they are the reigning AFC champs and have won Super Bowls while we have sat on our a.... As a result if the game got close they were going to get the breaks, it's not like they haven't before.... All in all I feel good, (but cheated), and some of it may be our inability to close the deal but going into this game I felt like we were going to get killed. I came out feeling like we got robbed. One thing I can say is that Miami is not feeling so comfortable about next week as they were a week ago.
  18. Agreed as long as it's once and only once. Everything else I want to see big!!! I don't care which side of the ball, or which side of the trench you will, but BIG!!!! Go Bill!!! Run the damned ball!!!
  19. What happened to Hincapie? Also is fancy pants Lance going to head up the team this year or has he decided to hang up his bike?
  20. Thanks for the tip Gavin, I'll check her book out. My wife and I have many Iranian friends and aquaintances from our days at UB, some of whom disappeared after the revolution.
  21. The operative words are human wave attacks. They would mass thousands at the front and then just charge the Iraqi's. Saddam couldn't hold them off with conventional weapons so he used chemical weapons. He started the war and then had to resort to chemical weapons to hold off the Iranians. Saddams Iraq being a secular State and the Ayatolla led Iran being the religious State, this was the first time I heard the words and phrases, Jihad, 72 Virgins, etc.
  22. As I understand it, this trial is only in the dicovery stage. It will go for a very long time.
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