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Everything posted by Tenhigh

  1. Of course they do. They are the single people sitting between all those empty seats.
  2. Lol, couldn't agree more. Every time I fall for it I lmao.
  3. I agree about the moves so far this year, I like them a lot. But I don't think it's as much about the acumen of the medical staff as it is about risk analytics. The post that mentioned how he is front loading those contracts I think is the most applicable part of that argument. Frankly, I liked whaleys Pro Player Personnel scouting staff a lot more than I like beane's so far during his tenure in Buffalo.
  4. In his defense, daffy always ends up saying duck season...
  5. You are referencing a phenomenon that is commonly known as the "rabbit season paradigm".
  6. It is $2 million, why is everyone freaking out?
  7. And they all remember the Berlin wall coming down.:)
  8. Why do I get the feeling that you are already a full B?
  9. Lol, as they were quietly trying to reel in AB. If this isn't enough to teach you to ignore everything out of coachs' and gm's mouths, i don't know what is.
  10. How do you know they havent?
  11. Just maybe say try something once, and then know that you're opinion is out there. Its ok if people don't disagree with you. You even turn people off who agreed with you because you have no regulator and just spam the same thing over and over. Try dialing it back.
  12. It's like people are taking crazy pills, right? We DO deserve to be embarrassed.... It's got bacon AND bleu cheese in it, he gets a pass. Learn the rules, Sparky!
  13. You guys are nuts. This is TOTALLY going to help us lose more non-conference games. Oh, and Captain Andrew Luck can choke on it!
  14. Lol, I was just reading this thread and laughing about how many short "tough guys" there are on this board. Funny how perspective affects how we see things...
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