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Coach Tuesday

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Everything posted by Coach Tuesday

  1. Surprised no one's talking about the offensive line. They were straight MAULING yesterday. I counted at least a half-dozen pancakes by Kujo, Miller, Richie and Mills - and I'm sure there were more that I didn't see. The line and Felton were executing crisply and perfectly against a stout front, it was beautiful to behold.
  2. The Bills' defenders finally worked hard in studyhall and it showed.
  3. Seems to me the defense actually put the work in the film room this past week. Seemed to know the AZ route trees very well.
  4. Yup. Most of the league knew this but the Bills' doctors had no issues with it. But 26CB won't let me call them a clown show so...
  5. This thread is like Watkins' career. It started off with promise but has gone seriously off the rails and is an utter disappointment right now.
  6. I agree Yolo. He's done - he doesn't have the fire anymore. He likes being a celebrity and a jokester and he'll make a lot of money as half of The Rex and Rob Pregame Show on Fox next season.
  7. I keep saying it - under the modern CBA, there is no practice time. You need EITHER simple systems OR veteran players who know the system inside and out, and effectively act as coaches on the field (like Brady and Manning). The Bills have NEITHER.
  8. If you don't like it (and you shouldn't) - complain to his bosses at TBN. We deserve better than that troll.
  9. Todd Haley is not the reason the Steelers' offense has become so good. The Steelers are benefitting from an amazing scouting department that has found WR gems in the later rounds of the draft, coupled with Ben's maturity into a heady pocket passer with the ability to read defenses pre- and post-snap. Todd Haley is one of the biggest douchebags the NFL has ever seen. If he becomes Head Coach of the Bills, I'm out.
  10. He would've traded a 2nd for Nassib, I'm not even kidding.
  11. Honestly this isn't the worst development if true. It would mean an orderly transition not a rebuilding, and we'd get to evaluate the potential new coach on the job. Maybe it's actually best case scenario...
  12. Rex is exhausted from coaching. He wants to be on TV with his brother cracking jokes, shoveling food into their pie holes, and generally being less accountable.
  13. He's a poor writer, stylistically. And he has an age-old axe to grind with OBD. The relationship between OBD and most of the media (local or national) seems to be getting more toxic by the week. We as fans deserve better than all of this. Bad team, crappy coverage of it.
  14. Oh man. The Bills are either going to get stomped, or lose in heartbreaking fashion on the last play, after some obscure and controversial penalty is called that has never before been cited in the NFL rulebook.
  15. Big Cat always sides with the coach. He's a management-over-labor guy.
  16. I don't know man - I'm not paid to run a defense and I'm no expert on how to do it. One approach is to use the a-gaps to create chaos right in front of the QB's face - let him have to move left or right and re-set before throwing. You can leave your corners off a bit and get the safeties out of the box. You might give up the easy 6-8 yard throw but then you rely on your backend defenders to make the tackle short of the sticks. It certainly wasn't working to leave the corners in straight man and to give Fitz time to survey and throw downfield. Rex has never had a problem manufacturing pressure against a passing game looking for shots downfield, as opposed to the Patriots' 2.5-seconds-or-less release.
  17. That's what I saw as well. Fitz played out of his mind and he's willing to throw it up and let his receivers make plays. That said, to my mind the issue was the passrush - I don't care about sacks, but Fitz wasn't forced to move and reset as much as he should've been given his deficiencies when he has to do that kind of thing. That's where the adjustments were needed.
  18. Yes I think Roman directed it and yes it is because of Taylor's deficiencies.
  19. I'm sure that's the Pegula's plan and preference. But if and when Rex's handpicked new OC flops, and his brother flops, and they win less than 5 games, they won't have a choice.
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