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Coach Tuesday

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Everything posted by Coach Tuesday

  1. Preston is having a rough time in coverage today for whatever reason. He gets lost. Shouldn't be happening at this stage of his career.
  2. No but loved how Shady slowed down a bit to set up a block downfield. Ended up getting caught from behind but shows you Shady'a vision.
  3. Why are we the only team that struggles to kick PATs every week?
  4. It's really about old versus young. Seems like the crowd is younger, rowdier, and less respectful than it used to be. Hordes of young people with nothing better to do than get super messed up and act like tough guys at a public sporting event. Bills games have become a pathetic display the past few years and it's not just because the product is bad. IMO Western New York is finally seeing the results of years of underinvestment in jobs and schools. I'll say it: WNY millennials are a sad lot.
  5. Turn on the tv these days and you're likely to see a shouting crazy person. Heck, throw a tennis ball up in the air and there's a very good chance it lands on a crazy person. The world has gone mad. Everyone is broke and everyone is f'ing nuts.
  6. A concern I have is that the Rams play a lot of zone D, which makes Tyrod have to work harder in his reads.
  7. They should explore the option of trading him for sure. And publicly, so that the message makes its way to him. Immense talent but lacks maturity and discipline.
  8. The OC switch gives everyone cover here, if they decide to bring him back.
  9. Whaley tried to keep him. These posts are tiresome...
  10. Well I think he's a complete psychopath too. I think he plays football because he needs an outlet for his psychotic urges. He may not even realize that he plays football.
  11. I think he means mental freak. Steve Smith of defense - he's playing at a high level at that age because he's mentally unstable and wants to hit things...
  12. They have been the past two weeks. Rex's issue has always been sustaining that focus.
  13. I am nervous about this game. The last time the Bills went on the road to face a front this good was last year's Philly game. Donald is a lot like Cox. The Bills need to maintain their focus as they travel out west, something I worry about with Rex at the helm... important statement game, let's see what happens.
  14. Bruce said it: Dareus needs to grow the f- up. It's time to be a man.
  15. And you can see the Pats' receivers initiating contact past five yards on that play, too. They just do not play within the rules and you'll never convince me otherwise.
  16. Confused - that link doesn't discuss the Dolphins at all...
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