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Everything posted by BillsFanForever19

  1. Poona Ford has been a massive disappointment. He did some great things in Seattle and there was a lot of hype about what he could bring us when we brought him in. It was surprising to see him so far down the depth chart following Training Camp. He then spent every game until Daquan went down as a healthy scratch. We were activating Kendall Vickers off the Practice Squad over him. It seemed crazy to me - but last night we found out why.
  2. It's extremely frustrating. The major selling point of Cook when we Drafted him was his Receiving ability. Beane emphasized getting RB's who could be a passing threat out of the backfield. Trading for Hines and Drafting him. Thus far, Dorsey has done f-ck all with screens and getting Cook the ball in space via reception. He utilizes the screen game even less than the average offense. I wonder what Beane's thoughts are on that since he talked up and went out of his way to get RB's specifically to do something Dorsey isn't utilizing even a little bit.
  3. How did the Giants Defense know the throws were going to Diggs?
  4. Okay, so throw to Dawson Knox, screen to Cook/Murray, look at Harty or Sherfield. Something. Like I said, I'm all for feeding Diggs. But every throw is going his direction. It's more than slightly predictable.
  5. I'm all for feeding Diggs. But is Josh even looking at another offensive player tonight?
  6. To be fair, Jerry Jeudy destroyed Jerry Jeudy's trade value. Dude has all the talent in the world, but lacks the effort to maximize it and then has gone nuclear on respected veterans like Steve Smith, Rod Smith, and Philip Lindsay publicly - all the while underperforming on the field.
  7. Yes, because there are teams that gamble solely on talent and are in a much worse position than us at WR. And a 2nd is nothing to balk at. Especially with the amount of FA's we have coming up and the lack of cap space we have. That's about what I was thinking as well and that is prime Draft capital, in my opinion. My guess is, if we were to get into it at all (and I'd be surprised if they were), they'd offer no higher than a 4th. If they can get him at that price, maybe it's worth the risk to them. Anything Day 1 or Day 2 and that's too much for a guy who has legitimate effort and maturity concerns.
  8. https://denversports.com/2108310/mark-schlereth-rips-effort-from-jeudy-and-sutton-would-cut-both/
  9. That's fine that you feel that's how McDermott should operate. But you and I both know he places a tremendous amount of credence to his "process". Of which, effort and maturity play a very big part in. And bringing in a player almost in a probationary sense of "you've got one shot" is all fine and good if you're bringing someone in off the street or paying close to nothing for him. But you also know that's not going to be the case. He's going to cost prime Draft assets. And the likelihood that they'd do that for someone who shows minimal effort and immaturity? Slim to none, even without taking into account all the other things I mentioned making it an already unlikely scenario.
  10. Totally. I remember watching the combine interview and immediately thought - "wow, this guy's not very bright". Other things that have been said about his lack of effort and now tonight's incident with Steve Smith (who is VERY respected by McDermott) scream the type of player this regime would avoid. Making an unlikely situation an even more unlikely situation.
  11. Yes, but are we going to give up high draft assets and get into a bidding war with the Colts and other unreported teams for a guy who would be no greater than WR3 in terms of reps on this roster? Doubtful.
  12. If that was truly his response, it definitely shows a lack of maturity on his part. Which I pretty much assumed after his Combine interview where he showed off his gawdy Star of David necklace he bought and said when asked of it: "My last name's Jeudy. People sometimes call me 'Jew,' ... So, I just got a Jewish star," he explained. "I'm not Jewish, though."
  13. He's on pace to do just that this season. His 320 yards through Week 5 place him 21st amongst all WR's in the league. As a #2 WR, he ranks above a third of the league's #1 WR's. His 4 TD's through 5 games ranks him 4th amongst all WR's in the league. They didn't want to supplant him as the #2 WR before the season started. Yes, I know they did due diligence on Hopkins. But there's a reason why they only made a minimum offer, didn't push harder, and weren't phased by him going elsewhere. There's zero chance with how he's produced through 5 games that they're looking to take reps away from him now when they didn't even do it before. They've always maintained last season was a combination of injuries and growing into an increased role. This season, he's playing at a level above anything he's done so far. You might feel "too little, too late". But the kid's cooking this year. It makes zero sense that they didn't pull the plug before but they'll do it now that he's playing his best ball. And I don't see them trading the assets it will take for a guy who'd they view as the 3rd WR. Not to mention doing so would only make sense if they've decided they're moving on from Gabe after this season and I don't think they want to slam the door in his face now and disrupt how he's performing. There's MUCH bigger issues with this team's roster right now than another WR and Gabe Davis has not only not been a problem through the first 1/3 of the season - he's been a bright spot. Your banging the table to supplant him during the Offseason had *some* merit. Right now, you just look like you have a grudge you won't let go of.
  14. If they think he can help and he's a LB - by all means, go for it. Makes a lot more sense than these threads for WR's or Frank Clark. We're good with Pass Catchers right now. Daquan Jones was a big hit, but we still have depth there with Jordan Phillips, Poona Ford, and Tim Settle. The real issue is with LB where we have a Rookie and two guys who are predominantly MLB's and shouldn't be on the field beneath him. Also CB with Tre out, Dane banged up, and Kaiir Elam underperforming.
  15. As another has said, we have to be confirmed to be in it in the first place to have "competition". I hate to break it to you because I know you despise the guy as a player, but Gabe Davis is not playing at a level that the team is concerned and wants to bring someone in to be put above him. He's performing very well this season. If Jeudy were to come here, bet your bottom dollar that between how Gabe is performing and how McDermott brings along new players, he would have him no higher than 3rd in WR reps. Which is why a move for a star WR is unlikely. Even more so than it was in the Offseason when we didn't do any of the things you were amped about doing. If there were a Jerry Jeudy level Cornerback or Linebacker available, maybe we'd do what it takes to make that move.
  16. We don't need a Defensive End. We're stacked there. All of these trade posts are being made for positions where we don't need help when we don't have money to begin with. If a Linebacker or a Cornerback becomes available, those will be the only positions we should try and make something happen with. And it would take a lot of work.
  17. A late pick and they'd have to eat most if not all of whatever's left on his deal. Idk what's been paid for this year already and it would cost us 2.3 million in dead cap after this year to get rid of him or 8.8 to keep him. But he's gone in large part because Minnesota overpaid for him and I don't see us wanting to take even what's left on in our current state. https://www.spotrac.com/nfl/minnesota-vikings/harrison-phillips-25195/
  18. With the way McDermott brings along new players and what it would probably cost, I probably wouldn't bother. Gabe Davis is playing at a high level so Jeudy would be no better than WR3. And he'd cut into Dalton Kincaid's targets and growth as he's (no doubt) being brought along slowly as well. McDermott, for as much good as he brings, is an EXTREMELY conservative coach when it comes to new players coming to the team. Beane would make a move for him and fans would be screaming "why isn't Jeudy getting more playing time?" If moves are going to be made on this team, they should be looking at other positions before Pass Catchers. I don't think that's even remotely a problem right now.
  19. If he can stay healthy, I think he can do a better job at replacing Daquan Jones than Dorian Williams can replace Matt Milano or Dane Jackson can replace Tre White. But history says that's a big if. Fingers crossed though.
  20. I've seen so many people talk up Poona Ford as Jones replacement. That's not happening. He's been a healthy scratch all year. He may be active now, but he'll be behind Jordan Phillips and Tim Settle. Hell, we had Kendall Vickers active on Sunday and not Poona Ford. Like Elam, Ford's not going from the doghouse to the penthouse.
  21. Who is trading for a guy who has 11 games left on his contract and will spend most of that time getting up to speed on a new playbook for a new team? And if there was a team willing to do that, the return would be peanuts. So, like.... why?
  22. Um, well, uh, at least he was still getting gigs through last season. I thought maybe he was out of the league for a year or two. On one hand, absolutely crazy. On the other, McDermott puts an incredible amount of emphasis on guys who know his system. And midseason, he's going to value that over someone learning on the fly. So I guess I shouldn't be as shocked as I am. Especially since there's absolutely no one out there right now and teams trading away good CB's midseason are exceedingly rare. Edit: The more I think about it, the more I think this move is less about Norman on the field and more about a lack of a real veteran presence in the CB room. Norman knows McDermott's D inside and out. I think Norman will be more of a coach to the young guys like Benford and Elam than anything else.
  23. They're both season ending. A torn pec takes about 4 months to heal. A rupture about 6. Either way, that's the whole season and playoffs. Matt Milano and Daquan Jones were the two best performers on our Defense. The ramifications of this on the Defensive side of the ball, is massive. Especially following losing Tre. That's the best player on 3 different levels of our squad. It's so frustrating because I felt injuries were the biggest thing that held us back last year. So I was hoping for better luck this year. 5 games in and it's the same story. There's really no replacing those guys. Jordan Phillips, Dorian Williams, and Dane Jackson can only hope to lessen the drop off. But it's still going to be a drop off, even if they play their best all year.
  24. Of course he won't. Matt Milano is one of the, if not, THE best Linebacker in the NFL. Of course there will be a drop off. The hope is that he can play decently enough that the drop off isn't hero to zero.
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