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Everything posted by ricojes

  1. He'll retire after this season and be a Patriot for life....
  2. Impressive runnning backs that year as well.... J.Linton 10-33, L.Gordon 7-22, S.Bryson 6-21, S.Morris 2-6
  3. Wow, you really show your immaturity more and more with every post. Bottom line is the Bills do not have a boat load of all-stars, I don't think anyone would dispute that. But there are some potential stars and we shall see this year if they reach that potential. This team does have a good nucleus and are not far from being contenders (at least I hope!!). To say that we are at the bottom of the league in talent is just wrong though. And I believe that is what fired everyone up with your post. Plus you really didn't help yourself by taking jabs at everyone and not responding to legitimate posts. Instead you chose to answer to those that hurt your feelings, again it goes along with the immaturity. I almost stooped to your level and posted a whimsical comeback, but I will not resort to that. It's not worth my time. I will find another thread where the posters take criticism with a grain of salt. Late!!!
  4. You wonder?? Of course the media would be all over it! They love controversy, makes for good headlines. Most fans would be screaming for his head as well. The question is, can JP overcome the criticism and be the QB we need him to be?
  5. JP needs to start and if the Bills are 0-2, we need to see his resolve. Does he bounce back and have a good game against the Jets, even though the fans will calling for his head. Let's see if he is our guy and the only way to do that is to play him throughout the season. If anything we bring Nall in, not KH. KH is a nice safe short throw, don't make the big mistake, 8-8, quarterback. We are not winning the SB this year, so lets evaluate our QB talent and see if we need to make moves this offseason. We are not too far away from being contenders, but the QB questions need to be answered. Changing QB's early in the season is not answer.
  6. Thank God it's over!! It was brutal watching this guy get beat up by just about everyone. I don't remember a more one sided post............TGIFF!!! GO BILLS !!!!
  7. This is a Bills fan website you moron!!! Of course there's going to be home cooking fans, go to any other teams forums and you'll find the same!!! If the outlook it that bleak for you, then don't go to any Bills games, and don't watch any Bills games. I seem to always get stuck next to idiots like you in bars, doom and gloom idiots. Yes it is true we do not have an all star caliber team, but it's not as bad as you make it out to be. And with a few off season moves, this team is not too far away from being contenders. I'll be at the Ralph on September 24th with my rose colored glasses, a bottle of beer, a ton of enthusiasm, and ready to yell my head off and support my team......Go back to Hazzard, you fool......
  8. They won't release him, he was one of the best players last year. But if they do ML should act quick. Before ML took his position with the Bills, he couldn't belive TD let PW go.
  9. I caught the interview on the NFL network this morning. JP seemed to dance around some of the questions, but he does appear to be more confident. He also said the he and Kelly get along well, playing ping pong together and helping each other out. But i think it's pretty clear that he expects to be the starter.
  10. Jessica Alba too thin and Kelly Clarkson really attractive!!! There are some sick puppies on this board.....
  11. I'll compare to the Sabres run this past season. Going into the season I wasn't expecting much and just wanted some improvement and for them to be competetive. Doing as well as they did went well beyond my wildest expectations and anything past them making the playoffs was a bonus. I really would like to see the Bills be competetive and have hope for a SB run in the near future. I would like to see a well coached, competetive, smart football team that is a couple players away from making a serious run. I really want a home playoff game soon!!! They are so much fun, I just miss that. Nothing like a home Bills playoff game, but at this point I'll take any playoff game. GO BILLS!!!!
  12. How many teams made the right pick? We'll find out a couple years down the road. I know Leinart will be holding out for a while. He wants top pick QB money and doesn't care where he was selected.
  13. This should be a great article (for employers!), Thanks...I surf the web way too much at work and was wondering when an article pointing this out would come out and just put and end to it...Could you also write an article on being over paid and under worked? That would be swell...
  14. The old Anna Kournikova hand, looks good and never wins!!!
  15. The day I was born my father ran a bus excursion to the Bills Vs. Miami game. he told me he was so happy that day, well because I was born early in the morning (3am) and he could go to the game w/out feeling guilty! It must have been one great party, even though the Bills lost 29-14. Can you say father of the year!!! Sorry tearing up....must end post...
  16. That's tough, but that's the risk of slow playing without the nuts. I've slow played a flopped straight way to many times and got burnt for it. Truth is if you bet big after the flop, you take the pot. If you were willing to just take the blinds, you should have been willing to take the extra 90 as well.
  17. Bugs would say "Sheboywhat....I must have took a wrong turn in Albuquerque!".
  18. Great advertising for Buffalo! This should really help to turn that decreasing population thing around....
  19. I knew it was only a matter of time before we heard the "defense way ahead of the offense" line. Thanks for the update.
  20. WOW, didn't think there was a squad out there that made the Jills look like bombshells.....but there ya have it!!!!
  21. Agreed way too optimistic... The post above is a more appropriate for this site...
  22. Usually early in camp all we hear is how the offense is struggling because the defense is quicker to gel. And how the defense is always ahead of the curve when it comes to camp. It's refreshing not to hear that this year. I know it's very early, but DB use to use that excuse in every training camp interview. It actually looks like the offense is progressing quickly. Now this could just mean that our defense isn't that good, but still a nice change.
  23. Sound like a pretty cool event. What's the big story with Indy this year? Who will replace Edge? Did they make enough off season moves to finally get to the SB? Is their training camp right in Indianapolis?
  24. Did you go WITH Dungy and Polian? Or, did you go to a luncheon where Dungy and Polian were speaking? Just curious....
  25. I remember the old Fredonia days when Jim Kelly would come out to bars and act like he owned the place. He would be surrounded by his linemen and wouldn't mingle with any fans. As he got toward the end of his career he became a little more social and humble. It's nice to hear JP is well grounded at a young age. I like his personality, he just seems like a Buffalonian. GO BILLS!!!!
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