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Everything posted by Nuncha

  1. McBeane always looking to make the team better...but the price has to be right.
  2. He was very good his first year in Buffalo but that didn't last - he became a statue in the pocket and had zero mobility and began holding the ball too long. Not making the playoffs here with him at QB certainly was a disappointment, (especially when the Steelers beat us with their 3rd team in a must win late season game to make post season)......I blame the curse of number 11 on that.
  3. I really feel like they are seriously limiting Gore's carries because of his age. That's fine but you can't abandon the run because Gore is old. Get Singletary going - he has shown he can make plays when needed.
  4. When your QB gets more planned run plays than your second RB, and your starting RB has 9 carries - you have offensive play calling problems.
  5. Daboll is a horrible coordinator, and if he thinks he's helping his young QB by asking him to run the ball so frequently he is a complete idiot. Gore had 9 carries, Singletary 3. 12 runs from your backs in a bad weather game???????? This team NEEDS a strong running game because of the frequent poor home weather conditions.
  6. O coordinator likes to call frequent QB runs too. Daboll uses it way too frequently and has zero confidence in his running backs.
  7. Actually he said don't post when angry. So if a loss makes you happy feel free to post.
  8. Those are the two I could see us losing. Cleveland's D line will overpower our O line, and the Denver game will be a nail biter.
  9. Tweeted his season is over. Could this be it for him?
  10. Two very bad defensive performances in a row is concerning.
  11. I say they win maybe 3 of the 4, with 2-2 most likely.
  12. Cause or O coordinator would rather have his young QB run the ball. In this game Gore had 9 carries, Allen 8.
  13. We have an identity. It is called STUPIDITY.
  14. I don't know...some of it has to do with the play of the D line which was pretty bad 2 weeks in a row.
  15. Daboll would have been better off calling a punt on 3rd down.
  16. He has no confidence in his running backs - you don't put added pressure on a young QB by making him run the damn football so many times.
  17. I thought they needed to dump him after last season. Doesn't stick with what is working ...its like he's experimenting the entire game. This offense won't be able to get out of its own way as long as he is here. QB run on 3rd and 2 says it all.
  18. Josh Allen is not a running back - he's going to get the guy killed with his college football mentality.
  19. Nothing - Daboll thinks his QB is a running back. Ball is wet, its windy, its raining, and he makes that call? Beyond pathetic.
  20. Daboll NEVER sticks with what is working until it is stopped. WTH is this guy thinking?
  21. I blame Daboll way more than Allen. A QB run on 3rd and 2 was all he could come up with? THIS IS NOT COLLEGE FOOTBALL. He's going to get his QB killed. The fumble on that play was the end of the game.
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